Becoming A Refugee in the Time of Covid
Becoming A Refugee in the Time of Covid Podcast
My Moralist Friends and Family and Me — Audio

My Moralist Friends and Family and Me — Audio

I Get Triggered and Want to Morally, Humourlessly, Chastise A Friend’s Naïveté

Following requests I’ve received to create audios of my essays, here is my basic first effort for the last essay. So, my apology for the double send to those who have already read it. Going forward I’ll create the audio and include it before posting my written essays. And I will also post it as just the audio, so double posting.

My intention is to create audios for my past essays going forward. Likely this will take some time. And I will look to getting a better mic once my resources will allow it. (Or perhaps I can borrow one or someone with excess can gift one to me.)



🙏 If this essay gives you some pleasure, and/or an ‘aha’ , extend our human intimacy and become a paid subscriber. 🙏

Or click on the coffee if you would like to buy me a coffee:

🙏 All the best with what is changing. Everything changes. Peace, respect, love and exuberant joy. 🙏

If you want to listen and read, here is the link to the original essay, within which I’ve now put the audio:

And lastly. Recent unexpected pacemaker surgery has cleaned out my bank account. If you would like to help me out and/or read the details go to:

Thank you for listening and for your attention.

All the best with what is changing. Everything changes!

With peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.

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Becoming A Refugee in the Time of Covid
Becoming A Refugee in the Time of Covid Podcast
The events of my life after my partner and I refused to be injected and became covid refugees in the time of the great reset. The 'reset' became the kick that opened us to the Spirit of the Universe and to 'trust-fall' into appropriate eccentric action.
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Guy Duperreault