This is my telling about what happened and how and why my Japanese partner Yoshiko and I became injection-free refugees from Canada, alive and well in the Time of Covid. [edited 2024.10.13 and added audio.]
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Pre-2021 Yoga bliss.
It begins with blissful ignorance. Blissful because we were doing a focused and diligent daily yoga practice that relaxed and vitalised our bodies, calmed our minds and grounded our emotions. We are moving slowly, steadily towards being centred and, perhaps, with possibly even some kind of integration. That practice was strengthened by a low carb no processed sugar/food diet that has also super-charged our immune systems. And, by official standards, ignorant because we don’t watch, listen to or otherwise attend main stream news or social media news sources. No TV, no radio, no ‘news’ journals, no magazines, no twitter, no Facebook, etc, not in our home or when standing in store lines.
For me that best in life practice began in 2016. And we had no interest in that promulgation of the heaviness and lies that news is, so we didn’t experience any stress by missing it. Instead, that absence created the feeling of lightness, no pressure to fix things, to fear things, to envy things, to regret things, to want things, things, things, things all beyond our control. And that absence helped our mind-body system to relax and heal. We did what we could control, with diligence and care: we ate well, did yoga, meditated, read wisdom from great writers across time and countries, fiction, non-fiction and yogic. We were careful with words and intentions and actions. In other words, we were practicing the Yamas and the Niyamas with care and diligence. Thus the feeling of bliss fell to us frequently. Even with those days of struggle and challenge that living even our lives simply bring. Ahhhhhhhh. La dulce vida, without the processed sugar.
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All the best with what is changing. Everything changes. Peace, respect, love and exuberant joy. 🙏
2020 Everyone, PANIC!!!!!
Of course we were aware of the covid from indirect news sources, such as friends, co-workers, yoga-mates, etc. What I gleaned from their genuinely felt panic was that the panic they felt was an artificial construct. It was clear to me that the media and government announcements were designed deliberately to create panic. And if that was true — and every indicator told me that the fire chief was indeed crying out fire! in the theatre — then the covid was a designed manipulation and not a real pandemic. Why do I write that? Because in the case of a real fire, we are calmly, firmly, emphatically and repeatedly told at every fire drill ‘Don’t panic.’ In the case of a real earthquake, we are calmly, firmly, emphatically and repeatedly told ‘Don’t Panic.’ Etc.
This time we are receiving the equivalent of hysterical screams from our so-called scientific and political leaders underscored by ubiquitous screaming headlines ‘PANIC! WE ARE FACING THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT!!!’ With these actions I knew that this was a manipulation and so refused to either panic or to be injected. Or to take it seriously because our diet and yoga practices had given us incredible health. We didn’t get sick. So….
… and so we didn’t panic. Although at one point Yoshiko did ask me why I didn’t want the injection. I replied with a summary of these reasons, and she completely relaxed about what was going on, too.
Clearly, This Was a Controlled Panic
And since it was clearly a controlled panic, the creators of it were doing it to benefit someone or something at the expense of those being panicked or herded into the directed action: ‘vaccination.’ (‘Vaccination’ is in quotation marks because I was later to learn that the injection is not a vaccination by either historical standards or definitions. More on it being a form of genetic manipulation therapy in later travelogues and essays.) Obvious beneficiaries were the drug companies and the corporate media getting a flood of government panicking propaganda, aka, advertising revenues going through the roof.
A created panic to make the rather untrustworthy pharmaceuticals more rich? A reasonable assessment, at the time. And since flu vaccines have a history of horrible and chronic failure, despite the medical and media pressure to get your annual flu shot, I asked myself ‘Why would this one work?’ And, again, the question of why create a panic? I didn’t pursue answering the question at that time: we were in yoga bliss and, to the extent I even thought about it, it was with the vaguely imagined idea that the insanity would eventually fade away on its own. By itself, the panic I saw as being itself flu-like in its behaviour, a mind virus with its onset, contagion with an eventual peak before fading away into memory.
Ah well. Deluded: that is me in denial of history, which has many instances of this kind of managed behaviour, although, not at the ambitious scale of this global one. And of course, they are not well documented in the ‘official™’ history books and even less so in our ‘official™’ schooling because they are comprised mostly of the stories of the victors and those who managed successfully past mind viruses contagions.
So at the beginning I totally dismissed ‘it’, and without even a thought that the new technology was supposed to impress everybody. Its newness certainly didn’t impress me. Instead some unconscious warning flags were raised at the time. It was some time later that I became conscious that I had unconsciously dismissed the ‘new’ appeal: I wasn’t taken in to take it in because of the research I had done about twenty-five years after the new wonder drug thalidomide had been hailed as the latest wonder drug. And after that, my research revealed that that pattern of new was a continuation of a seventy or more years repetition of some great ‘new’ stuff being sold as drugs that included mercury, radio isotopes and …. Well the pharmaceuticals were being steadily sued and paying out to people damaged by the next best greatest newest thing. The horrific damage done by thalidomide to foetuses did nothing to change the marketing of new as good nor the testing procedures that had failed to stop thalidomide. Nothing had changed.
And so our bliss in ignorance remained untroubled, although it was now salted with bemusement at the sheeplike behaviour of the people around us including, to my surprise, many who don’t normally trust the news, trust governments or trust big pharma. Somehow, this time, this time these mostly self serving groups had become trustworthy during a created panic. Puzzling.
Unemployment Ends! I Find Employment In Yukon! With A Smile, Northward Ho, We Go.
We moved from Vancouver to Whitehorse, a 3034+ kilometer trip, to get work. For me to get work. I had been let go in early 2019 and was hired in March 2020 to begin work in April 2020 in Whitehorse Yukon. We left in late March, a few days after the lockdowns in Canada were enacted. In fact, we were asked to leave a restaurant while perusing their menu because a health official called them and closed them down while we were sitting there. We were the only people in it at the time, so even though the risk was minimal we were asked to leave — after we ordered take out, which was allowed. We walked onto Main Street, the very middle of the 4 lane road with curb side parking on both sides of the street. It was at 2pm on a weekday in Vancouver to what was a movie-like deserted main Vancouver thoroughfare: no cars, no parked cars and no people, not even dogs and their walkers. A few days later, we saw the same in a downtown weekday Vancouver street.
That presaged our winter drive on deserted highways, except for transport trucks, first east and north into Alberta and then west and north into BC then Yukon. We were turned away from two motels on the way and had a BnB reservation sloppily cancelled on us because of the fear of infection. We saw bison and re-heated our own organic vegetarian food that Yoshiko had prepared for us. That she had made those preparations was a great action on her part, and really contributed to the delicious health of the trip. And, a few times, it became our only source of food because of restaurant closures. For example, the cancelled BnB left us stuck, with no open hotels we could find. Nor restaurants. We wound up heating the food in -25C on the back corner of the moving van as darkness was beginning to fall. For a few minutes I didn’t think I was going to be be able to light the tiny propane camping stove because it was cold enough that the gas lighter didn’t work — until I had warmed it in my armpit. After we ate we had a long drive to Whitehorse we were did find a BnB to stay at.
We entered Yukon through a covid health road block, followed by a trailer tire disintegrating and its quick change out — kudos to Hertz for how amazingly well they did that in Watson Lake! — and a couple of other minor adventures. We arrived to a deserted city around 9pm. It was a ghost town, except for intrepid dog walkers out in the colder than -20C temperatures. We had been directed, at the road block and by my new employer, to self-isolate for two weeks. Before that could begin, we stayed two nights in a BnB, emptied the truck in temporary storage, cleaned it and took it to the Hertz representative.
And while the people in the world around us seemed to have mostly lost their heads in media fear and propaganda, our bliss remained undisturbed with the continuation of our daily practice of yoga, breath and diet to keep us calm and centred in mind, body and emotions. In the end the quarantine strengthened our practices and initiated us, kind of accidentally because of the isolation and free time, into a daily mostly kundalini yoga practice, although we didn’t know it was kundalini yoga that we were doing until a few months later.
We had arrived, strangers in a strange town that had become stranger in a strange land walking in a strange direction and hiding behind masks whose pores are hundreds of times larger than the size of viruses.
I appreciate with gratitude that you shared your precious time with me by reading my words.
All the best with what is changing. Everything changes! With peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.
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and/or an ‘aha’ or two, extend our human intimacy and become a paid subscriber. 🙏
Song of the Essay: Jesse Cook — Tempest.