Dogged Dogma Dogmatism and Perception Nuance Pt 1
The Gospel of Thomas and Blinking Awake From My Personal Dogmatism's Daimon
Masks and Dogma: Is there a Difference?
In the wonderful way that my friend Tereza Coraggio does, she again sparked some light in my understanding — or at least perceived understanding — of something subtle about being a human alive in the time of convidiana. Well, actually, to be a breathing human in the human times. It is just that for some of us akin to me, perhaps, it takes an extreme event or series of events like the convidiana and its extended consequences to pry our eyes (and ears) open enough to understand that we had been sleeping up until that point. Once the blinking of disbelief and confusion, that almost always accompanies waking from a sleep so deep we didn’t know we were sleeping, begins to happen two questions often arise. At least that is my own experience of waking in stages during the last three years and to discover the true depth of darkness that is the human shadow as was made manifest in the time of convid in exactly the way that Jung suggested it does.
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In a recent comment Tereza repeated her claim that her only dogma is equality between people:
Is my relationship to you and everyone else hierarchical or equal? My one and only dogma is that it's equal. The dogma of every imperial religion is that it's hierarchical. This is the 'radical' spirituality that goes back to the root. From Nov 8, 2023 comment to my essay:
And it was this ‘dogmatic’ re-assertion of dogma that prompted me to question the nature of dogmatism in a general way. I began the writing quest with the hope of discovering what it was that jarred me with this reading of what appears to be a ‘healthy’ dogmatism. And as I write that, in a kind of rhetorical cheekiness, perhaps, I am tempted to say that my only dogma is to be without dogmas. (This reminds of the delightful writings of Taoist-Philosopher-Mathematician Raymond Smullyan, who loved loved loved to play around with logical fallacies, conundrums and their ‘truth-traps,’ (my paraphrase) such as my quip. Smullyan wrote, for example, This Book Needs No Title: A Budget of Living Paradoxes and What Is the Name of This Book? The titles may look silly to belie the extremely high quality of his arguments and anecdotes. (And he also wrote one of the most exquisite and beautiful examinations of Taoism: The Tao Is Silent.)
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As I’ve been working and re-working this essay it became an exploration of the process of waking up, the opposite of dogmatism which now I understand as a means of sleep walking. And in this way the start has taken me in a Montaignesque exploration of unexpected directions and discoveries. And late in this writing The [Gnostic] Gospel of Thomas fell into my lap — okay, off of the library’s shelf from a place there I haven’t visited lately. And so I began my look at the heretical — canonical non-dogmatic? —writing of Thomas. And something in what I read connected some dots and I realised that dogma, embracing dogmatic thinking or practices, is a way to stop seeking. That was the purpose of the canonisation of the acceptable bible, of course. The heretical writings suggested that sovereignty of Self was Jesus’s most important teachings. Here is Thomas’s citation of Jesus’s words that prompted that thought in me tonight:
The Gospel Of Thomas
2) Jesus said, "Let those who seek continue seeking until they find. When they find, they will become troubled. When they become troubled, they will be astonished, and they will rule over the All.”
5) Jesus said, "Recognise what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you. For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest."
(Translation by: Thomas O. Lambdin (Coptic version) B.P Grenfell & A.S. Hunt and Bentley Layton (Greek Fragments). My emphasis. I removed gender bias and I thank Elaine Pagels for her fascinating book, The Gnostic Gospels for these and other great ‘discoveries’ of more of waking up to our unending mis-history and yet another potential psy-op.)
And with this as an introduction, I now explore the expression of dogmatic thinking from the underside of it, from my waking up from my own unseen dogmatisms made aware during convidiana.
Shadow Banned is Anything But Banal
“It is a frightening thought that the human also has a shadow side that consists of much more than inconvenient little weaknesses and foibles, that that shadow is actually a positively demonic dynamism. The individual seldom knows anything of this; to the un-individuated, it is incredible that they can and do ever in any circumstances go beyond that human self persona that they see themselves to be as their totality. When these seemingly harmless human creatures form a mass there emerges a raging monster; and each individual is only one tiny cell in the monster’s body, so that for better or worse that person is compelled to accompany this monster on its bloody rampages and even assist it to the utmost. Having a dark suspicion of these grim possibilities, most humans turn a blind eye to the shadow-side of human nature” (p35 "On the Psychology of the Unconscious" (1912). In CW 7: Two Essays on Analytical Psychology my edit and emphasis).
And with the people I see around me who are waking up I often see them struggling with their wake-up process in a way similar to my experience: confusion, disbelief, perhaps denial and some form of futile albeit hopefully deluding rationalisations to explain away the so-called irrational monster staring at our eyes like zombies. For many even the societal-monster-state wilfully or unconsciously remains unseen except in projection. And its monstrosity is so strong that dreaming is preferable to being open even to the possibility that that monster is not the society or state and that it is, in reality, an attribute of the human self which resides in all of us. And so the many hide the all-inclusive world of themselves under their childhood blankets as if turning away and under can protect the Self from the real monsters lurking hopefully under the bed and in the closet.
The Gospel Of Thomas
70) Jesus said, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you" (Translation by: Thomas O. Lambdin (Coptic version) B.P Grenfell & A.S. Hunt (Greek Fragments) Bentley Layton (Greek Fragments)).
And Thomas’s gospel suggests why it is those monsters lurking under the bed are hopeful! They are the ferry masters who can and will guide us into expansive life — after we choose to see them as they are.
The Ghost of Christmas Past or Just A Cheesily Made Predictive Program?
The questioning goes something like ‘How could I have been asleep to what is now so obvious?’ With a bit more honesty we may even be a little ashamed that we once participated in the castigation and even shaming of those who refused to submit to the false-truth of our projected delusions, either actively or by our inappropriate silence. That is often accompanied with some kind of deep questioning of whether or not what we think to be true now is really true. Questions arise like ‘Can it be as bad as I think it is?’, ‘Maybe I’m wrong?’ Or the denial avowals that appeal to the diminishing hope of ‘It can’t be this bad, can it?’ And even that unanswerable gnawing feeling of, now that I see that so much of what I thought was true or at least close enough to true is absolutely false, how do I know, now, that what I’m seeing isn’t just another layer of dreaming? Perhaps we are in our personal version of a 5D level psy-op dream-game we seem to have found ourselves within.
The sting of these questions is compounded by the challenging discovery that we have entered a new form of human social landscape. Yet another dreamscape? OMG, don’t the dreaming ‘nightmares’ end?
Although with this level of waking we come to see that this dreamscape is one that has always been here — well, for a very long time — and one that perhaps, from time-to-time, we’ve sniffed around or even at its edges before we have unconsciously acted as if by instinct to keep ourselves outside the limits of the no-go tabooed no-persons’ land. And thus we are (or were) able to continue snoozing comfortably inside the social comfort zones we pretend (or pretended) aren’t straightjackets. Although, perhaps a dream image flickers uncomfortably from time-to-time. Or a gut grumble we choose to see as a bit of undigested cheese haunts us, in the way that was well described by Charles Dickens’ unwilling nocturnal somnambulist, Ebenezer Scrooge:
You don’t believe in me,” observed the Ghost. “I don’t,” said Scrooge. “What evidence would you have of my reality beyond that of your senses?” “I don’t know,” said Scrooge. “Why do you doubt your senses?” “Because,” said Scrooge, “a little thing affects them. A slight disorder of the stomach makes them cheats. You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of an underdone potato. There’s more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!” (A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens Project Gutenberg eBook, my emphasis. For a great, maybe best, movie version watch Alistair Sim’s Scrooge. His waking up to the truth - of the scrooge he had become — and then of being able to completely change is truly inspiring. ‘A Christmas Carol’.)
Where Are We, Now, That We Have Euphemistically Or Supposedly ‘Woken Up’?
To the unawakened we are seen as deluded and often threatening, especially if we speak of our state of understanding. For ourselves it looks like we have entered into another dreamscape or nightmare, and wonder, ‘Really?’ This is a really tough question that gets more challenging the more it’s looked at. For example, many years ago while I was deep into my study of dreams via Jung, I woke from a dream once, having become aware within the dream that I had been dreaming. The dream was very uncomfortable and it was the nature of the discomfort that allowed me to awaken to the dream state I was in. It was a huge relief to knowingly awaken! And then, when another form of discomfort quickly made itself manifest, I realised I was still asleep! I was shocked and so woke myself up. Again! Ah, such a great relief it was. Only to be dumbfounded when I realised that I was still dreaming and proceeded to once more wake myself up from the dream. And when I awoke that time I no longer was confident that I was actually awake. That feeling was very strong for a long time after that third ‘awakening’, and has to a certain extent settled into possibility with each breath I take even now that I am still asleep.
So, back to waking up from dogma in the time of the great discomfort of convidiana. Its experience of discomfort is so great that I have seen that most of us stumbling into awakening to it often begin with some form of denial for a while or for as long as we can. ‘Really? Can the breadth of this nightmare-reality really be an awakened truth? Is it really true that our past, our entire social fabric, even our families, have become alien? And more discomforting than that is to realise that that ‘new’ landscape (our Scroogian dreamscape?) is actually filled with aliens who have revealed themselves to us as being totally xenophobic. And for a while we struggle to deny that what we are actually seeing is that it is we who have become the aliens. In the social fabric it is we who threaten the sanctity of the social normies, the dogmatic somnambulists the puthujjana (Pali for someone fettered with psychological and spiritual chains, like Scrooge, to the delusion of existence’s material truths.)
Chocorua to its Neighbour
… VII He was as tall as a tree in the middle of The night. The substance of his body seemed Both substance and non-substance, luminous flesh Or shapely fire: fire from an underworld, Of less degree than flame and lesser shine. VII Upon my top he breathed the pointed dark. He was not man yet he was nothing else. If in the mind, he vanished, taking there The mind's own limits, like a tragic thing Without existence, existing everywhere. IX He breathed in crystal-pointed change the whole Experience of night, as if he breathed A consciousness from solitude, inhaled A freedom out of silver-shaping size, Against the whole experience of day. X The silver-shapeless, gold-encrusted size Of daylight came while he sat thinking. He said, "The moments of enlargement overlook The enlarging of the simplest soldier's cry In what I am, as he falls. Of what I am, XI The cry is part. My solitaria Are the meditations of a central mind. I hear the motions of the spirit and the sound Of what is secret becomes, for me, a voice That is my own voice speaking in my ear. XII There lies the misery, the coldest coil That grips the centre, the actual bite, that life Itself is like a poverty in the space of life, So that the flapping of wind around me here Is something in tatters that I cannot hold.” … (Pg 242-3 from ‘Chocorua to Its Neighbour’ by Wallace Stevens The Palm at the End of the Mind: Selected Poems and a Play.)
How Can You Sleep Through All the Deadly Noise?
That brings up the next question that often seems to arise: ‘How can everyone else I know still be asleep? And not know it?’ We have inconveniently forgotten that in our own asleep state we didn’t know we were as those other sleepers have remained. With time and effort, so long as the courage holds up — and often it doesn’t — we discover that we are late to the ‘being-awake’ game. We discover that truly courageous people like Eleanor McBean spent her life and writing efforts to wake us up about the pernicious nature of all vaccines since their inception. Spanish Flu was basically a lie. We discover the grass roots people who in the 1970s told us about their experiences with death and injury by vaccines, such as Dr. Archie Kalokerinos from Australia. After his discoveries on how to reduce death by vaccine were suppressed, and even denied by the WHO and UNICEF, and forty more years of investigation of their vaccination programs, Dr. Kalokerinos concluded that vaccination was a front for genocide.
With the literal endlessness of the fabrications of truth turning to dust around us the blinking really starts before the final stages of acceptance of having been absolutely totally and completely deluded sinks in. And some don’t accept it, even the near Gods or heroes of truth-seeking such as Noam Chomsky, who has chosen to remain asleep to tyranny during convidiana and has remained asleep to the dreamscapes of 9/11 and JFK. With our seeking what is true we discover that there is a world of people who instantly recognised that tower 7 somehow fell ‘by itself’ into its own footprint — maybe from the sound of the Twin Towers collapsing? And that the CIA directed and controlled the assassination of JFK.
Can I know that anything I think I know is true? This has become literally the exact same state I was in when I was thinking that I was waking from that third dream level so long ago. In my limited scope of the world that I am able to see, I see people really struggling with this. Chomsky’s denial of RFK and 9/11. Peterson’s, Taleb’s and Klein’s and other ‘serious’ intellectuals’ easy acquiescence to tyranny. Chomsky, Peterson, Taleb and Klein are standouts to me because each has articulated tyranny with great perspicuity and walked like happy turkey’s on day 1000 right into it. I write about that in some detail around Chomsky as being an expression that at the core dogma of these people there lives a structural or fundamental belief in the requirement for an authoritarian social hierarchy. So long as it is a ‘good’ one or has a good excuse to be, something like a scamdemic, perhaps. I call this ‘The Chomsky Paradox’ and ‘The Chomsky Effect’ in
Please, Please, Pretty Please, with mRNA on Top, Wake Up For Me! Where’s the Nuance?
For a while the next questions may be ‘Why can’t I wake them up?’ And maybe, in ways similar to Sage Hana and Steve Kirsch, I kind of tilted at the poisoned windmill needles in a perpetual state of disbelief. And for the dream that the search for the secret wake-up ‘red pill’ won’t become simply another Holy Grail Hail Mary myth. Steve Kirsch candidly admitted to having a zero wake-up effectiveness rating in 2022 despite all his rational statistical science, charts, and brouhaha. And his wake-up is, at least publicly, limited to there being a corrupt government structure that is fixable with the right tweaks and vaccines are Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth. On the other hand Sage Hana has openly and courageously taken himself under the darkest wake-up overturned rocks into the likely reality that the powers that be really are killing us useless meat eaters, even if we are vegan or vegetarians.
Nuance is not allowed under tyranny, of course. For me that may have been exemplified by one of the ‘courageous’ captains of the 13th century crusaders who had been directed by the Pope to kill the heretics of southern France for their heresy — Bogomils, Albigensians, Cathars, etc. The Pope didn’t want to see the well manufactured crisis of the good Prester John in the Middle East go to waste and since the crusaders were available, he directed them to lay waste to mostly unarmed Christian heretics. This captain, anecdotally, was asked why he was killing even the children and infants who certainly were not practicing heretical thinking. The captain answered ‘God can keep them straight’ (paraphrased from memory). And this anecdote supports the contention that convidiana was an act of tyranny because nuance was not allowed: regardless of any physical or spiritual distinctions or situations everyone was by dogmatic mandates to be injected, and the reluctant faced increasingly strong-armed force that was described as the opposite in perfect narcissistic gaslighting practices.
I love Hana’s depth, heart and courage of perspicuity and the carefully and passionately detailed mathematical precision of Kirsch. Both have helped reduce the blinking rate of my eyes as incredulity has steadily been replaced with the possible truth of the oft-made public statements for the need for population reduction to save the planet. Who has made such genocidal claims? They have been frequently and publicly made by the WEF, WHO, Gates — and his startling Freudian TED talk slip(?) at ~3:48 that vaccines are a tool for population control — the lies of Climate Change Zeolots and the 2015 (CIA’s) Deagel Report’s astounding depopulation reduction projection for 2025 to name a few prominent population reduction advocates. For an archive of scrubbed report go here.)
And I love Hana and Kirsch both for a youthful immaturity that clings to the hope that the very horrific state we are in isn’t really as bad as it is and wasn’t an actual plan. Kirsch seems to be clinging to faith in that ‘properly’ governed authority structures will keep us safe and Hana uses his pointed, funny and perspicacious bluster in a way that feels to me like a kind of mask to a fading hope that the powers that be really aren’t the malevolent narcissistic philanthropathic monsters of the worst nightmares of yore.
To paraphrase Hana and others, the powers that be have repeatedly told us that less people is an absolutely totally completely necessary requirement to ‘save’ the planet. And we the ‘lesser’ people haven’t been paying attention to their openly stated and published genocidal-like plans because we have been distracted and not looking at the ‘real’ magicians. And even those of us who were less distracted and saw some aspects of it assumed that the genocidal statements were a kind childish silliness that couldn’t or wouldn’t be acted on. (For example, in the late 1990s I saw and wrote of my discovery that ‘economics’ is a religion by its and our overall indifference to the death of the economic undeserving. See ‘Death by Freezing’.) For a current and more detailed look at the infamous and startling Deagel ‘population death’ report, see: “Is Deagel’s 2025 Depopulation Nightmare Unfolding? A Startling Correlation with Shocking Quadruple Vaccinated Mortality Rates Certainly Suggests So….” And the telling has been done in subtle mind-bending ways in all of our ‘public’ distraction media too. See Conspiracy Sarah’s excellent set of essays that look at predictive programming across the generations: ‘Predictive Programming: It's Almost Like They Tell You What They Are Going To Do And Then They Do It.’
There is a joke floating around that it is likely an unwise choice to take medical treatment from anyone in authority advocating population reduction and who have been caught several times secretly adding sterilising agents to vaccines in Africa, Mexico, the Philippines and India.
A Tertium Quid: The Dogmatically Joyfully ‘Awake’ Christian ‘Sleepers’
Through Jeff Childers “☕️ SIGNS ☙ Thursday, November 2, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS: A Quick, Thoughtful Roundup For You Today About The Roman Empire And End Of The World, Plus Other Some Random Items That Caught My Eye.” I learned that there is a peculiar, to me, kind of third group and those are the religious, perhaps mostly Christian-based prophetically-asleep, who see convidiana as the manifestation of (human-made) Biblical prophesied, hence beautiful, end-of-days death before rebirth. And so they are kind of happy that their dogmatic belief in something outside of themselves is actually, apparently, coming to pass. They allow that this transition will be uncomfortable for a while. At the same time there is nothing that makes a ‘realistism’ pessimist happier than when the 0.1% times they are even partially right may happen. This clearly is an example of the ‘comfort’ we humans take in being dogmatically stuck to some kind of false-truth or ‘truth-trap’.
For more on ‘truth-traps’ see
And it becomes exciting when we actually believe that we see examples of the real truth of our dogma being actually made manifest. I am clearly reminded of groups who with esoteric interpretation of the Bible or the Kabbalah or by other methods have made similar predictions throughout history. So-called end-of-days climatologist are a great contemporary example, as this branch of scientism has been more than 100% wrong for sixty years and still dogmatically clings to its predictions as true by the true scientism believers. And to be honest, I really don’t see the difference between this scientism’s delusional excitement about their dogmatically predicted end-of-days and any other religious dogmatic belief in end-of-days predictions. In my last essay I explore the roots of being happy in dogma as related to the successful traumatic splitting that founded the Catholic church. See:
An Uneasy Peace Between the Alien Camps: Awake or Asleep? Now What? What’s the Difference?
Have you noticed that, as the height of the xenophobic anti-injection fervour has calmed down, we now tip-toe though the mine-field of the taboo subject of death-by-injection with very much the same delicacy that was or is done when a ‘respected’ family discovers the horror that their child has broken the unspoken social straight-jackets and entered into an inter-racial or inter-religious or same-gender marriage or the like: it is best not talked about. Voldemorts are alive and well! This is old! For example Edward De Vere (aka Shakespeare) told it masterfully through the death of newlyweds.
For the awake it is a peculiar kind of balance, not unlike the battered spouse who treads carefully with word and action so as not to trigger the other into violent behaviours. Various people have described their failure to wake the truly asleep up with some important few exceptions. And so we live in a perilous time, one in which the powers that be could re-trigger the asleep into active self- and other destructive modes. As I’ve described elsewhere, it is important for the awake to be calm enough, and I mean super calm, Buddha calm, to let the fear in their familial and close sleepers dissipate enough to allow curiosity to re-appear. With curiosity the possibility to see crazy all-cause mortality being made manifest in their lives after going to one funeral after another of young or relatively young healthy people dying suddenly and unexpectedly with no cited cause may wake them up. Conspiracy Sarah has put this well:
Although that is also a kind of dogma that has the effect of blinding us to the reality that delusion knows no bounds, and is always the other person’s problem. From my own past, when I totally did not see my obesity, I am not sure that Sarah is 100% correct. At the same time, and as is powerfully expressed in Sarah’s essay, there is more than enough physical evidence of all types to anyone who has eyes to see: friend and family funerals, insurance payouts sky rocketing, sport and celebrity deaths caught on camera, etc. And yet, to go back to the problem of delusion, Kirsch has been throwing evidence, strong solid ’science’ and ‘mathematically’ sound evidence and, by his own accounts, hasn’t seen many awakenings. There are none so blind as those who wilfully do not see for their blindness is invisible to them, to paraphrase John Heywood (1497-1580).
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What Next?
It’s not ALL doom and gloom! There are positive signs all about us that change is happening and the woke and zombies are being fended off and/or depotentiated.
Continued in Part 2 next week.
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Closing Thought on Dogmatic Thinking by William Blake:
The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind.
This is so good to read. To feel less alone. It resonated so much. There is not only the shock of realising you have spent your life asleep, but that jolt every time you discover you are STILL sleeping. Even seeing the whole horror show 'out there' still did not enable me to see issues closer to home, that were so entrenched in what I used to call 'my life' ha ha. Sometimes I look at those still asleep and I envy them and I ask 'why me'? and other times I am filled with gratitude and I ask 'why me?' It is often deeply uncomfortable and for the first time in my life has left me completely without words, speechless, on many occasions, because what I can see and feel is beyond my ability to describe. It would not shock me at this point even to discover that I come from another planet ha ha ha....
The ground shifts beneath me constantly and I cannot even agree to previously held beliefs of 'this way is up', 'that way is down'. Phew.... what a journey, what a ride!!
What a rich and beautifully expressed post. Not an easy subject to capture - the nature of reality
"And even that unanswerable gnawing feeling of, now that I see that so much of what I thought was true or at least close enough to true is absolutely false, how do I know, now, that what I’m seeing isn’t just another layer of dreaming?"
Familiar with that question, and the seduction of what I call the lure of 'as if world' where even when even when we know, we behave as if we don't. So many subtleties involved. So many opportunities too in all the discomfort and inner reconfigurations that go on.
Thank you. Will re-read.