I equate the "scamdemic" to a forced trip back to the world of the Middle Ages, with the fear of the Inquisition flagellating our backs with the lies of "experts". Our "feudal lords" are still pulling tricks to keeps us in the "dark ages".

When one medical assistant told me a mask would not be required at their facility any longer, my answer was, "So I can take the mask that has been dangling on my rear view mirror down, and put the fuzzy dice back up."

Good work here.

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i'm sorry carl, for my late reply. your comment came in at a busy time and then got lost in the email rush.

lol! yes, that is a good equivalency and my laughter highly inappropriate, i know.

rotfl with the dice comment. what was the assistant's reaction?

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She gave me a cute, little knowing laugh. Southerners are like that. Everyone is a wit.

Oh, and you have been on a roll with the writing. I think I am a few months behind. I have made the mistake of getting lost in this tremendous library called Substack. Nice to hear from you. I understand if you get busy and I do not hear from you. My comments will surely be later than your replies. Take care.

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hola carl. 🙏🙌🙏

thank you for your kind words.

yes, i've been getting lost in this amazing library too! and my writing has been drifting towards one essay every two weeks. hmmmm. i've been finding the exploration of my own journey has been wonderfully augmented and expanded with exploring the journey's of these amazing people that keep showing up in my in-box. really really an amazing time to be alive.

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Thank you for such a thought-provoking article it really brought up a lot of great points during covid 🙏

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hola, heidi.

you are very welcome and so glad that this has got you thinking about this, perhaps creating some deeper awareness and/or possibility of change to how we go forward. thank you for reading.

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Beautiful 🙏🙏🙏

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glad you liked it!

these are really joyful for me to write and for people to read them is a consummation of the writing process: writing and reading are a kind of hierosgamos.

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When I read your pages I get absorbed with them and your personal experience.

People have different styles of writing experiencing life and interacting with other people. The thing is when you share things, even when you have unique experiences and views, I don't feel them as an expression of your judgment of others, insisting you know the truth of how others should live their lives and look down on them.

I really love and appreciate this about you. 💞

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and i read through your original comment. beautifully expressed.

i haven't read your posts yet on diagnosis and i look forward to reading them. the subject definitely caught my eyes and today has become an unexpected day of not reading anything for many hours! I haven't checked to see if they are still up on your stack. Fortunately, i get them in my email and will look at them.

your observation is accurate, imo, about the constriction that is being increasingly enacted by the so-called mfm as their own lack of shadow work is coming forward in their unconsciously mimicking the very people they are criticising! really fascinating to watch as the original disorientation experienced by the mfm-ers has relaxed enough for their shadows to feel comfortable enough to project onto the people within the mfm that they feel threatens their own truths. [headshake.] really amazing times.

thank your reading and for the really honest and powerful expression of what one of the most pressing dynamics we have in this time of apocalypse: seeing that we are the enemy, not them.

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Thank you Guy. 🙏

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you have described well one of the deep undercurrents of our society. well, perhaps two. the one is that people who are living from fear are more prone to exacerbating the tendency that has been expanded for people to classify themselves as 'deserving' and others as 'undeserving'.

when it was clear that being uninjected had put us into an undeserving class that unified the mfm. now that the degree or anti-social pressures of being uninjected, the so-called mfm-ers are continuing to practice that particular shadow: who is deserving and who is undeserving?

imo this is a serious problem and one of the key foundations of why societally we have given the space for the ptb to create the great reset. they wouldn't be doing it if the society hadn't allowed them to be deserving of our transfer to them of our authority to decide our society. and then by default we have become a member of a huge undeserving 'class' within which we will recreate that same classification: deserving/undeserving. my suggestion is that we stop using those words under any circumstances because words are energy and words are spells, and each time we use 'deserve' we are creating the energy space called 'undeserve'.

an equally challenging problem is the successful societal-wide 'brainwashing' of the so-called scientific truth of the 'theory' of evolution. one of the reasons it has been successful, imo, is that it fits in very well with the deserving / undeserving split. if evolution is up the upward movement from a 'lesser' state to a 'better' (more sophisticated, smarter, stronger, -er) state, then that predicates the greater than/lesser thans. it cannot be any other way, which is the foundation of eugenics. and, it turns out, just about everyone has bought into 'evolution' and have thus become closet/unconscious eugenicists. the reason that the ptb are in a position to act on that is because the energy of the society supports it. the best example i've seen of it is the talk with jordan peterson and alex story. every person story met after seeing his son asked him if he would have killed his downs son in utero before birth if he had 'known' before he was born. story realised that that was a eugenicist's question being asked by everyone. here is: https://youtu.be/ZAaY0gbis4s

again: we have met the enemy and the enemy is us; i have met the enemy, and i am it. me and my shadow.

all the best.

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Thank you for inspiring me to write my "opinion piece" today. It is a bit over the top but it's from the heart and hopefully invites people to see things differently. I'm not perfect though and my views are not "The Truth" only my perception of how things seem to be proceeding. Historians say a sign that empires are at their end, trust decays until nothing exists and morals are decimated. I just see it on both sides.

Have a great weekend Guy.


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This touched me deeply. Thank you. 🙏🌹

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hola, heidi.

thank you for your kind words. i do not feel judgmental of others! from the challenges of my own experiences, i know that others will have similar, 'worse', or 'better'. yet, they are all experiences of being alive, that's it. if my writing helps people to see life more kindly that might be the biggest gift or reward for writing. compassion, kindness. really, how hard can that be!? and yet... it does seem like we would like to make that as difficult as possible! [headshake.] life, whatever it is, really does have a wicked sense of humour, making the easy things hard and the harsh things 'easy'. all the best and, again, thank you for your kind words and for reading my words.

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The good news is that your level of awareness helped you to *learn* from your mistake. Most people either never question the masks (or anything, for that matter), or they do ask questions but refuse to accept the answers!

Virology is a case in point. Every FOIA request for governments and agencies to offer photos/videos and provide lab samples of "Covid" (along with any and all viruses) have come back stating that "there is no evidence available." In other words, "We got nothin'." Viruses and most germs — other than bacteria and parasites — simply do not exist. Germ theory is part of the fear campaign to enslave humanity.

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Hello, Sharine:

Yes, I've followed the FOIA trail down that particular rabbit hole and have gone back and forth on the existence or non-existence of viruses. I'm now in a kind of 'no-man's' land, resting with the noncommittal 'viruses don't exist as defined, for sure, and yet there is something.' Now, it is possible that that 'something' is either 100% man-made fakery, or perhaps propaganda fakery.

I watched a fascinating video that shifted me from firm conviction in the non-existence of viruses to my now nuanced (fence-sitting waffling lazy?) position of 'I don't know what is true'. That fence-sitting position has been uncomfortably sharpened — if that makes sense — by my own PS-RAP (psyche-somatic resonance awareness process) that suggests that virology has some elements that are valid and yet isn't the whole story by far. Interestingly enough, that same intuitive body-process completely rejects all elements of terrain theory. Hmmmm.

Anyway, perhaps you saw this really fascinating video by:

JJ Couey Paul Elias Alexander:

"Scooby-dooed and Cloned Covid-19: Via Housatonic"


Or from Couey's home, look for



Another fascinating dig into some of the background of the plandemic comes from John Cullen. Truly fascinating on so many levels. He comes from the 'viruses are real' camp. That's not the point of this video: what is fascinating is how excellenty he explains some of the more strange behaviours around the covid-19 campaign, including the possibility that it was actually slightly prematurely enacted to cover up another 'real' pandemic-like thing. And elements to cover up the threat of a meteorite destroying the earth. I'm not saying I believe or don't believe. I've had so many beliefs scuttled lately, I don't claim I believe too much beyond what I am experiencing in my immediate day-to-day experience. However, it is very very interesting. I've copied my entire note about it and links below:

Hypothetically Speaking: Dr Dave Collum and John Cullen Discuss The Pandemics, Illusions and NEOs

John E Hoover https://www.youtube.com/@IamJohnCullen

Long (worth while)

https://youtu.be/ae4JpBZZu28 4hrs

Short (media removed):

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXPUtgJMmxM 1:49:00


covid as a pandemic to cover an early pandemic related to small pox that started in Australia in the summer of 2019. Fauci's 'team' had resurrected it from dead body in Alaska and it either leaked or was released. What to do? Create a pandemic to hide the reality of the actions of the DoD researching deadly stuff.

Cullen's evidence and arguments are very detailed, self-consistent, logical, and supported by peculiarities of evidence and timing.

And then an interesting twist: a large meteorite hits Nigeria in Mar 2020. It was a part of an asteroid cloud that was heading to earth. JPL tracked it, and yet no one reported it. Nor did anyone report on the meteorite hit, the biggest in 10k years. The asteroid cloud freaked out the leaders, who used covid pandemic as cover to stop planes and set up field hospitals that were hastily put up around the world, and then taken down before the deadly 'pandemic' got started.

Long video and worth while watching.

Now to dig into the mother epistle two. Good night. Thank you for reading and commenting.

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Thanks, Guy. Have a great day!

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You're welcome.

I would love to read your reaction to the JJ Coeuy video, if you feel some curiosity about it. Although, please don't consider that as 'pressure': I've just not had many people comment on his argument and I would love someone else's perspective.

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