Continued from 5. I am not a Number! Unless I Stay Silent
When you're lovers in a dangerous time Sometimes you're made to feel as if your love's a crime— But nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight— Got to kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight
(For complete brilliant lyrics, see below.)
Foreshadowing before Entering the Darkness
Foreshadowing is more than an important plot device to make the unbelievable fiction believable. It is maybe the psyop tool of choice by the Mockingbird wizards who are directing government and MSN mouthpieces in its use to ‘safely introduce’ tyranny as a good thing.
That is carefully done before the manufactured bad event happens, of course, in order to assist in the societal ‘realisation’ and acceptance of the next ‘needed’ tyrannical delimitation to personal freedom. And maybe the best foreshadowing device is the negative option billing one, in which the ‘show’s’ MCs announce that such and such will not be done, introduced, enacted, or considered, as sworn on some kind of human rights declaration or even the Bible.
And so when I heard through non-MSN sources that mandates would not be considered I knew in my gut that in time they would be made manifest. From my past attention to the MSN I knew that that is an oft repeated pattern: state the negative in order to prepare the society for its near future enactment or implementation. And then it was done, of course, that which Mockingbird said wouldn’t be, in covidified Yukon and, as I later learned, elsewhere too: lockdowns and mandates.
It was with a kind of blissful yogic spiritual by-pass that I ignored my gut and the foreshadowing as if I wasn’t connected to the world around me. Ironically it was around that time that I had begun to read Michael Stone’s Awake in the World: Teachings from Yoga and Buddhism for Living an Engaged Life. and somehow didn’t connect that what I was reading to become engaged meant to participate in life outside of yoga bliss!
I could have stood up and refused to comply. I could have openly and publicly rebuked the tyranny growing around me, instead of doing a kind of soft shoe shuffle comprised largely of gentle platitudes about how silly ‘it’ all was, as if living in a world of an elaborately manufactured world-wide artificial fear didn’t portend more than a giant pharmaceutical money grab.
Bystander Effect, Milgram and Asch
Synchronicity alert! Shortly after writing that I ‘allowed’ myself to be distracted from my writing – oft times a relatively easy thing to do – and watched today’s post by James Corbett in which he says exactly that!
This is actually an important argument because Corbett provides great news on the power of the individual’s actions to create positive change in the group. The first is the person who can with laughter kick at the darkness which can inspire the even more important first follower, the second person in who also begins to laugh at the darkness until it bleeds daylight. And this talk is a great complement to my essay
There are none so blind as those who will not see. Of course I can easily rationalise that my focused attention on personal growth with my partner was what gave me the courage and ability to act later, to eventually stand up like a crazy nut bar against medical tyranny by leaving my work and, shortly thereafter, leaving Canada too.
Yoga Bliss Becoming a Miss: Do We Tolerate These People?
Before standing up to leave work and country we at work heard the ‘proper’ Mockingbird foreshadowing sequence through MSN and ‘health’ officials. If necessary there was a strong possibility Trudeau’s government would wisely and properly create mandates for federal employees and extend them into those industries that are subject to federal regulations, like telecom. He also said about people like me that “They are extremists who don’t believe in science, they’re often misogynists, also often racists. It’s a small group that muscles in, and we have to make a choice in terms of leaders, in terms of the country. Do we tolerate these people?”
I still ignored this reality and ‘trusted’ my spiritual practice to keep me and Yoshiko ‘safe’ in some way. I ignored those provincial government workers around me, including teachers, that had already been suspended on indefinite leave. I was also oblivious to any form of protest against the tyranny because the MSN wasn’t talking about it and so I didn’t hear about it via my co-workers. On hindsight the silence was deafening, if only I had the ears to hear.
I Have A Number, After All, And of Course My Number Came Up
My number came in the form of an email that advised me of the requirements to be fully injected and boosted by such and such a date or face indefinite suspension starting after January 31st, 2022.
This method was cleverly done because it kept me isolated from anyone else who was reluctant or against injection. Are HR departments infiltrated and/or inculcated in the use of weaponising privacy laws? My injection status was to be made known, and yet kept secret until the axe fell. The suppressed lessons from Milgram and Asch on human behaviour have been well learned by the cabal: the official process of being personally notified, ‘for privacy reasons’, ensured that everyone was isolated. And that is the critical part of the Milgram and Asch tests that have been suppressed, which showed the cabal their need to diminish the opportunity for a coalescence of awareness amongst people who might go against whatever nefarious plan was being enacted, for our own good. Isolation stops someone from becoming a leader and another to be the critically important first follower, against draconian or group think actions.
However, in the end, at least in my little corner of Canada, I am not sure that openness or transparency would have been enough to convince people to not take the injection. The panic and fear was very strong and I faced some pretty strong admonishments that I was being selfish and stupid, etc. And since this was an engineering office, it was comprised mostly of university or technical school graduates who had been well indoctrinated to accept ‘the science.’
Accidental Disclosures
A few months later I would learn by accident that someone whose job was tangentially related to mine, and who sat about fifteen or so metres from me, was fully awake with piss and vinegar against what was happening. Like me, she felt isolated until that discovery of common awareness. We eventually shared our failed religious exemption requests and with that our independent intention to be suspended before being ‘poisoned’ by potentially lethal injection.
Would our having collaborated earlier and giving a co-ordinated vocal opposition have inspired others? I don’t know. I suspect not, actually, as most everyone I knew had voluntarily and even happily been injected because it made them feel safe or avoided travel or social inconveniences.
(Note: my spiritual guru and his Canadian arm of his foundation refused to get involved in helping me. My health care providers were not MDs, being alternative practitioners of various arts, and so were unable to help me with a medical exemption. And, as it so happened, that would have failed anyway, because I was healthy! OMG, can you see the failed logic of that?! Because you are healthy, you need to be injected because it is safe for you to be injected and will keep you safe from the flu. Does that mean that the injection is dangerous to the unhealthy? Yes, likely, with the argument that it was less dangerous than the coronavirus. So not really safe, as advertised.)
Later I was surprised when I walked through the construction crew office and learned, by chance encounter, that a tech I had met at my desk a few weeks earlier – he installed the longer cord I had requested – was packing up because it was his last day. He had chosen early retirement rather than injection. The timing of that encounter was a synchronicity of the highest order because I didn’t often go back there and that synchronicity was further elaborated when he related his own covid synchronicities about the ‘injection.’ He shared how he had bumped into an army officer at a campsite in 2019 who told him that everyone would be forced to take a ‘vaccine’. That was before one had even been announced. The officer said do not take it under any circumstances because it was designed in some way to affect the immune system and would enhance arthritis and cancers.
Finally I was very surprised when the senior logistics clerk, with whom I had been having a difficult work relationship, announced that she too had chosen suspension. In my two years there, we hadn’t met because she had chosen to work from home. That isolation may have contributed to the inability for a combined voice arguing against the injections.
So it came to pass that in an office with a total of 150 or so people in several distinct departments related to engineering, logistics and construction, I am aware of only four who refused to get injected. And of those in my department or with whom I had direct contact, most had chosen to be injected, and were happy to do so, and were not influenced or perturbed by the presence of mandates.
How Bad Could it Be? I’ve Got My Number
At the time of the notice I really thought about what to do. It was clear that the pandemic was fake, and I knew historically that flu vaccines don’t work. Pragmatically I had an onerous alimony payment that included losing half of my thirty-four year pension and significant debt from that long term relationship. One thought was ‘Well, how bad could it be?’
How bad could it be? Yes, that was the question for me at the time. Like just about everyone in the industrial west I had been bamboozled by the decades of promulgated fake vaccine science. Nothing like a fake pandemic with a fake vaccine to begin the process of looking at the (fake) science we were being told to take on faith! OMG, as if being forced to take science on faith was not a warning sign about what was happening.
How bad could it be? Since 2016 I’ve had an active practice of using an intuitive muscle testing technique to check what is right and true for me and my body. In particular I have focussed on food, supplements, vitamins etc. So, I muscle-tested the vaccine. Very definite ‘No.’ I tested a few times and also did an I Ching casting. No, no, no. (And for Yoshiko, her muscle testing also said, ‘No.’)
Now what?
I sent an email to my sister about the – our – situation. It became a series of long emails because she and her husband had moved from Canada mid-2020 to avoid getting stuck in Canada and becoming a victim of Trudeau’s WEF Young Leaders craziness.
Because of their research they understood that the plandemic was a harbinger of future intrusions against living freely in a so-called democracy that had been suspended by the tyranny of an extended health emergency.
From our correspondence, she replied: “The vax's are not vax's, you know that right? They are experimental synthetic mRNAs that adjust your immune system to produce spike proteins which is supposed to make your immune system fight the virus better but in fact are causing vascular problems like blood clots and nerve pain etc. I hope you didn't get vaxed?
“So, I hope you know the ‘pandemic’ is part of a larger plan to restructure the economy per the WEF? And that the vaccine is not a vaccine? J and I kept the [used goods] shop going and after the first couple of weeks, stopped bothering with the protocols. Literally no one got sick or died or knew anyone who got sick or died. Well, there were 9 out of hundreds who knew someone directly and of those, 2 died. We never wore masks, we didn't restrict the number of people in the shop, our regulars never wore masks, etc - no consequences whatsoever. It was like a window into reality. At the library, they wore full hazmat suits and passed books back and forth through 2 doors and plastic sheeting and in single use paper bags. Larping.
“Anyway, you had good instincts to get out of the city when you did. [Our other sister and her daughter]… got fully locked down. In their apartment all the time except a short walk in the afternoon and a shop once a week. They are both taking the vax, when it is their turn… They are larping Pandemic too, like it's a fun game to play. Anyway, I don't expect things to go back to normal. I'm/ we're preparing for an agrarian future.
“The v pxprts may be an issue for travel. We want to stay away from all that, obviously. (BTW, have you submitted? It may be a deal-breaker for us, [and you couldn’t stay with us if you had because of shedding]. Just sayin.)”
WTF? Synthetic mRNA? Spike Proteins?
At that time I was still completely covid injection naïve and totally ignorant. I confirmed with my sister that we hadn’t submitted and suggested that we could be financially able to move and join them in Spain the following year. She sent some pictures of their villa and seven acres of land they would be using to help survive what they saw as the WEF’s shut down, or attempted shut down, of the world. Really? WTF was she talking about?
My sister and her husband are calm and sober people, who have been studying the underbelly of society for a long time. Crazy words? Or sober observation? What was I going to do? And how bad could it be, really?
Lovers in a Dangerous Time by Bruce Cockburn [Verse 1] Don't the hours grow shorter as the days go by You never get to stop and open your eyes One day you're waiting for the sky to fall The next you're dazzled by the beauty of it all [Chorus] When you're lovers in a dangerous time Lovers in a dangerous time [Verse 2] These fragile bodies of touch and taste This vibrant skin—this hair like lace Spirits open to the thrust of grace Never a breath you can afford to waste [Chorus] When you're lovers in a dangerous time Lovers in a dangerous time When you're lovers in a dangerous time Lovers in a dangerous time [Verse 3] When you're lovers in a dangerous time Sometimes you're made to feel as if your love's a crime— But nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight— Got to kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight [Chorus] When you're lovers in a dangerous time When you're lovers in a dangerous time And we're lovers in a dangerous time Lovers in a dangerous time [Outro] Lovers in a dangerous time Lovers in a dangerous time Lovers in a dangerous time
When the Plandemic was started it was sometime around July or August of 2019; I had a sense of this, we were in the Philippines on vacation and I was noticing all the news coming out of China, from the local perspective. Talking about "vaccine research on corona viruses" and people getting sick in certain locations there.
I tend to not forget that a majority of virus outbreaks have come from China, this wasn't a surprise but I put that note on the shelf in the mind. When we got back to the US, I was noticing some people were getting sick with a "flash flu" symptom, for the people who I saw getting this, it only lasted for a very short time. I put that on the shelf too. fast forward to around Nov and Dec of 2019, and there were hints about that virus again. By the time Fox and other lame stream news were reporting it; my gut was telling me that something BIG was going to happen. I put that on shelf....... They were all saying "no there's no need to lock down or shut down everything," then just a bit later....... lock downs started, when there was just "talk" of "vaccines" and "Warp Speed," that's when I knew there WILL definitely be MANDATES; this was approx mid Dec. As all this slow motion train wreak unfolded, my gut was constantly way ahead of it. Looks like you were having a similar experience, Guy. Everyone's is of course unique.
In a way it was like having a sense for the future. I was very vocal in getting my family and friends to not take the poison injections. My kids were kept away from it, if they tried to mandate for school attendance, I was going to take them out and do home school or leave the country.
When you are in close contact with the spirit within; it speaks to you, in silence you just know the truth. What these Parasites have done is committed a crime against the truth, the sixth sense or "gut" tells you what is really going on.
"To be continued." I hope so. Your journey of awareness is fascinating. Keep going!