7. To Not Be a Number Means Appropriate Eccentric Action
My Body Lives Now, It Doesn’t Lie and It Knows What is False
Continued from:
From the Beginning:
What to Do?
That turns out to be, actually, the incorrect question because my body had already made the decision: the to do was clearly to reject the injection. From my experience with body-trust and diet in the previous six years, that was a final decision. Our bodies do not lie because they rest in this moment and lies require prevarication about the past or an intended future, neither of which are real because they aren’t in this moment.
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My initial thought-derived hesitancy was because flu vaccines are notoriously ineffective, my partner and I have near to optimal health and don’t get sick. And it was obvious that the media and government were fomenting a panic therefore this was a ’plandemic’ manufactured to some specific non-health related end. (Quietly, too, was acceptance that if this was going to be my time to die well then I guess I would die sooner than later and that would be that. Death is a part of life.)
And that meant that I would reject the mandated tyranny, which was, of course, the true challenge.
Our bodies do not lie
In my previous essay I mentioned that I use and trust an intuitive muscle testing technique. What kind of somatic experiences have I had with that that would have me trust my body to overrule the inane ‘trust the science’ platitude and the decades of brainwashing that vaccines are truly safe and powerful? Not only do our bodies speak true, they are great at detecting lies: later I would learn that vaccines aren’t safe and haven’t ever been because their methods of manufacture have been and are agents of immune system degradation in large part because of the presence in them of foreign animal retrovirus infection that is completely censored out of what turns out to be our pharmaceutical driven vaccine as health-god mythology lie. The mRNA ‘story’ was so over-the-top that the curious, like myself, began pulling at that story’s thread and with it began to unravel 70 or 80 years of pharmaceutical vaccine scam. This vaccine ‘scam’ has been scientifically examined in the pre-covid book
Our bodies do not lie
What is my intuitive body muscle testing, and how did it come to be a key part of my spiritual experience and journey? Its discovery began in January 2015 when, by an extended and elaborate synchronicity I went to a psychic – something I had absolutely no interest in doing at the time – whose primary healing modality was as a theta healer who used the whole body for muscle testing truth in my psyche and experience as part of the healing process she employed.
About six years later I was introduced to the epigenetic advocate, Dr. Bruce Lipton, who with humour and acuity discusses and expands on the importance and place of theta waves in our life experience. His elaboration on DNA, neuroplasticity and healing using theta waves is powerful and uplifting.
My first encounter with muscle testing and theta healing was a remarkable ‘undergrad’ experience into energy and the body. Muscle testing went into grad school for me when I journeyed into a low carbohydrate diet in 2016 to ameliorate the toxic levels of candida overgrowth in my digestive system. At the time of initiating the dietary change I had been suffering from severe exhaustion in the afternoons despite a ‘good’ vegetarian diet and daily yoga: what was going on that I would fall asleep at three every afternoon and feel absolutely exhausted before going to bed and struggle to wake up?
In the course of that dietary practice, which involved a ninety day cleanse part at the beginning and that included the removal of processed sugar, I was utterly transformed from an exhausted and fuzzy-brained state with peculiar non-life threatening health conditions into a place of clarity of thinking and all day energy, revitalised skin and eyes. I didn’t know my thinking was shit before this ‘cleanse’! After the cleanse I went to bed comfortably tired, not with arms feeling like they were going to fall off my body, exhausted. Initially my skin was transformed and shortly thereafter I saw a huge improvement in physical health that was comprised of embodied energy and vitality that had magically removed those annoying non-life threatening dis-eases and that also lifted my emotions. Ultimately, a few years later with being diligent on the diet, the nascent cataract in one of my eyes had ‘magically’ disappeared.
And what eventually became a key part of this diet was my incorporating my body into my life, pun intended. I began to muscle test everything that I ingested. If my body said ‘No,’ even to ‘healthy’ foods like spinach or cabbage, I didn’t put it into my mouth.
That practice was the single most powerfully transformative movement into spiritual integrity and the feeling of wholeness in my life, although I didn’t know that at the time. With my current awareness and knowledge I know that what I had been practicing was one of Gautama Buddha’s most important instructions, which is to practice mindfulness of the body. And it was this practice that was a quantum leap above meditative body scanning or yoga Nidra processes, which I loved to do. What better way to begin body practice than to ask my body with trust if this food or that drink is nutritious to it at this time or not and to act consistently and with love from my body’s answers?
No longer do I rely on another person’s so-called expertise or experience to effectively bully me into their idea of health. Nor was I relying on a kind of head-centric outward facing body scan process to be mindful of the body. I had integrated my body’s truth into my day-to-day life with nutrition, the key to bodily health. And with my body calming down, another great benefit, my bodily intuition and connection to synchronicities around health and nutrition from disparate sources continue to expand with greater nuance and refinement.
Soon I was eating less and stopping eating long before feeling full because my body would sigh with a feeling of joyful pleasure at having its nutritional needs met so accurately. This is an amazing experience. This is to live mindfully in the body and to begin to embody spirit way beyond the yoga Nidra practise I had been doing almost daily in the previous two years.
This somatic experience of transformation into optimal health that had been guided by muscle-testing is an irrevocable and indelible experience, not a belief or idea or edict. So when it came time to inject or reject I mindfully asked my body and it said ’No.’ Without hesitation or second thought I accepted and embraced that that no meant no. Why? My experiential truth is that my body does not lie.
Okay, now what to do?
So my body had made the decision and my respect for my body’s mindfulness and wisdom put me into a collision course with ‘reality’. The financial reality of our fiat currency system of indebtedness and financial obligation. LOL! That is a funny way of saying I have a large alimony payment and inherited debt from my 37 year relationship that had officially ended in 2018.
The official notice of my company’s enforcement of medical tyranny had included a faint hope clause, that of the exemption for religious or medical reasons. I may have had my head buried up my yogic ass for the last few years and even that wasn’t enough for me to have lost my ability to smell that that was corporate bullshit.
Of course my being healthy meant that I wouldn’t be given an exemption! It wasn’t until I wrote that out that I saw how asinine that actually is. And, at the same time, it points to how successful has been the inculcation of the body as weak and naturally unhealthy. Really? How did humans survive until now if everything in nature had the power to kill us? Ludicrous, and yet the people around me were lined up to shoot themselves in the arm with an unknown and untested something that the historically untrustworthy pharmaceutical industry called safe while lining their pockets. Hmmmm.
My request for ‘religious’ exemption was of course denied. Well, my writing it was a problem since I don’t actually have a religion or even believe in religion per se. My injection-rejection co-worker is religious, however, to a very high degree, and her religious request was very strong and was much more religiously viable than my attempt. She was denied as well, of course. Later I learned from someone in Ontario that of the hundreds of religious exemptions her government employer had received non were granted.
So What to Do?
Well, the magic of the Universe, or God, or Life, or Something stepped in with a truly fascinating and amazing synchronicity. My request for exemption had been denied on a mid-October Wednesday a month or so following the series of emails that I had exchanged with my awake sister in anticipation of the rejection when I began to look for a place to live without work. (See previous essay for details.) And on that Friday morning the new, ten day old, computer on my desk refused to start. It went into Microsoft’s sad faced emoticon blue screen of death.
And it blue-screened in a strange way. I had been an IT tech many years before and was familiar with Windows (still DOS command line buried in there) computers and their issues. I hadn’t seen this particular reset sequences before and when I eventually failed to get it to go, I called for real IT help. After the tech failed to get it to go remotely he came to my desk about thirty minutes later. Eventually he muttered ‘Hmmm. That’s interesting, I’ve not seen that before.’ I asked him how long he’d been doing IT work. More than twenty years, he replied. He couldn’t get it to go and eventually said ‘I’ll reformat it and rebuild it from scratch. I’ll get it back to you around 1pm.’ With that he took it to his office on the other side of town.
No Computer.
My job was 100% computer and, like all my co-worker design techs, I was stacked with too much time-sensitive work to get done in time. With just a two or three hour wait for the fixed computer I stayed at work instead of going home. I saw it as an opportunity to do some office cleaning, and dusted the bunnies from behind the monitor, tossed some old files from the previous previous previous design tech and the like. When the minimal ‘analogue’ clean-the-office make-work was completed I picked up my personal smartphone to check email. (My employer refused to supply me with a work smartphone because they wanted to save money and configure our personal phones into dual purpose ones. Even though they provided a good compensation for that I refused because I don’t like the idea of that practice.)
Email was thin and I noticed a YouTube spam-nudge on the face of my mobile. For possibly the 2nd time in my life of smartphones the nudge really did interest me. What had caught my eye this time were the names Mikhaila Peterson and Jordon Peterson and someone else. And that it was about woke.
What really caught my attention was the name ‘Mikhaila Peterson’. Is this Peterson’s daughter? I wondered. She who had cured herself of pernicious arthritis by becoming a 100% red meat eater? And who eventually convinced her skeptical father to do the same and that likewise cured him of life-long chronic health issues? I didn’t know she had a podcast and had not ever seen her before. I knew of her from Peterson’s references to her health and red meat diet.
And ‘woke’ was a little interesting too because of some of Peterson’s criticisms that I had listened to a few years earlier. (My first was in 2016 or so when my awake sister shared with me woke crazy Cathy Newman being eloquently eviscerated by Peterson. It really is a funny and prescient clip foreshadowing the wacky wokeville we have entered. At one point Newman’s cognitive dissonance got so gonged she actually lost her ability to think and speak. Priceless.)
Wakeup Foreshadowed
This is an interesting interview and Brooke eloquently describes her birth into wokeness and then the process of extricating herself from it by growing into adulthood by recovering the ability to see with integrity instead of ideology. Her awakening process began when she took ownership and responsibility for having publicly mocked with the purpose to hurt someone who asked her a question. She became aware that she had flushed with pride or accomplishment at having been successfully cheered on by her tribe for been hurtful to the questioner and felt ashamed. That began her process of un-educating herself which, at the time of this interview, had come to the point where she wanted to publicly apologise to Jordan Peterson for having ‘truthed’ her tribe’s lies about him because of a short out-of-context clip used to indoctrinate her and her tribe. (For more from Brooke, go here.)
It was close to one pm and still no computer so I looked to see what else the interesting Mikhaila might have.
The End of Yoga Bliss: Wakeup Time Arrives
Now it was my turn to begin to wake up. For that I now publicly thank Mikhaila Peterson for her Episode #77 Opposing Views: COVID, with guests Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Jeremy Kamil, 29 April 2021. (Note: this YouTube video is now marked as private and so is unavailable, likely because YouTube has threatened to demonetise her again. Peterson makes reference to that possibility in the intro to the interview and introduced me to the censorship practices that had proliferated.) Here is an alternative link to the audio only.
Mercola was filled with facts and references to various sources. He repeatedly referred to something called VAERS. I watched and then again to take notes so that I could check out his astounding statistics and references. Could what he was saying be true, that tens of thousands of Americans had been reported as being killed by injection? Was that possible? (Note: I was unable to complete watching the opposer, Dr. Kamil, who was one of the most vivid examples of what I would come to see as a covidian zombified bobble head. His language and demeanour was that of someone talking platitudes by rote, disconnected completely unconvincing.)
Were Mercola’s references and numbers legitimate? I looked for VAERS and found the death statistics. Horrific. I asked myself about Europe, surely they have something similar. Mercola hadn’t mentioned it and so without knowing its name, I found EudraVigilance. Same statistics as VAERS. UK? Yup, Yellow Card System with the same statistics. I have been doing reference work pretty much everyday since then, in one way or the other. Now that has expanded beyond the scamdemic to all vaccine safety, lies around small pox, the Spanish Flu and polio. And, recently, even the events around 9/11 as a planned measure to introduce social lockdowns under the guise of protection against an enemy.
I would later learn that Mercola is one of the world’s top two spreaders of misinformation and has had his business and reputation attacked by Pharma minions, including the government and its agencies and their paid fact checkers, as well as the mainstream news and even Hollywood. I was unable to find anything factual that he has misstated either deliberately or by accident since then.
What is true? How to know? I began looking for ‘proper’ medical research and with that I was able to create a real science-based risk versus benefits analysis that I used to appeal the rejection of my request for injection exemption.
Of course, I recognised that that was also a HR false hope fake offer. Instead of being cynical I went through the process with a more and more clear and changing intention. As I continued my research, and the more horrific it was getting, my appeal automatically transformed from being about saving my job to wanting everyone around me to see how bad this is!
How bad is it?
As of this writing and only looking at VAERS and not ‘all cause mortality’ or fertility issues it looks like this:
I was shocked and horrified. My body was actually trembling with the need to tell everyone what was happening. And that is when I began the first step towards not being just a number, not being just another useless (vegetarian) meat eater who would be content with bugs for food and imprisonment in a fifteen minute city and injections every three months to keep me safe from life.
And it was with that that I began to learn something even more distressing than what had begun to look like either a greed-based global iatrocide that was accidentally killing millions and hurting tens of millions more, or what was in fact an active genocide that had been knowingly organised by the somebodies standing behind the WEF and the WHO. And that under their guidance a genocide was being enacted by captured governments and their agencies and actively and aggressively implemented by frightened people blinded with fear and delusional obedience to authority.
And it was with this observation and questioning of the new social order that the second and more difficult awakening began for me. That was when I stopped being even part of a number and started to free-fall into the abyss of social disintegration that tyranny engenders even if it initially appears to have been embraced by the majority because collective group unconsciousness is antithetical to individuated individuality which is perhaps both the foundation and ultimate destination of being born human.
Had the majority of the citizenry of ‘my’ county and of the world become no different in their actions than the Germans in the 1930s who had fallen into obeisance to the Nazi ideal of creating a clean and safe world by isolating and eventually killing the designated unsafe? I am not the only one, and especially not the first one, to see the parallels. Watch “Never Again [another Holocaust] Is Now.”
“I am not a number!”
Is anyone listening?
P.S.: In the end, the computer needed to be replaced and I got a new one on the following Monday. It worked fine until I walked out of the office, free, a few months later, to begin the process of trust-falling into the Universe.
Thanks for sharing your personal experience and journey 🙏
I have noticed (in passing, on occasion having been in doctors offices) is that small children are naturally attune to their bodies; when they see a needle, they will scream and show resistance to vaccines. Like they just know it's not good for them.
The body is always trying to tell us the truth about what is healthy or not. Maybe the first step to rebuild human civilization is to finally reconnect with our bodies and really listen to our children; in some ways, they might be as wise as those of us who have lived here for a long time.
Thanks, I enjoyed that and look forward to the next one.
So true - the body KNOWS. I have a couple methods for testing things, and lately I've tried blessing and sending gratitude to food that tested as a 'no' to see if it becomes a 'yes'. Sometimes it does! I think it has to do with frequency. In any event, adding our conscious intent/blessing can only help. (Not that I always remember to do it.) Best.