Feb 22Liked by Guy Duperreault

I'll give your advice to the guy pouring cement in my backyard tomorrow. He said that three months ago he stopped drinking and went on a keto diet. He lost 30 lbs but got gout. My ex also has gout, and is a relatively healthy eater. But he doesn't have the raw milk dairy delivering to customers in his driveway, like I did during the lockdown. We were the Unmasked Underground.

Your story with the butter reminded me of The Vegetarian Myth. She talks about falling off the vegan wagon by consuming a whole tub of, was it french onion dip? With a spoon. Her body was so craving fat, animal fat, she couldn't stop. And yes, she talks about how being vegan wrecked her health permanently. And she preaches the gospel of animal fats and why our body needs them.

And my Appalachian Trail partner yesterday does the Weston-Price diet and HER husband has gout. Is there anyone being spared? I'm sticking to my daily cup of cream colored with a bit of coffee ;-)

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Feb 22Liked by Guy Duperreault

Fascinating stuff. Our ongoing experiment with ourselves has had to involve breaking down all the walls that have been created by Pharma, even before it was BIG Pharma 😂. For several thousand years we have been prevented or discouraged from doing these experiments to cure ourselves up until today where there apparently are no cures for anything only management and remission, because there is good money in that!

Robert Sheon, in the book Coping with Arthritis: “among the Egyptians in 1500 BC… Each part of the body was the province of a different “priest,” who could treat only that particular component. Moreover, the treatment had to follow a careful, prescribed-by-law ritual. Any deviation in the administration of the cure meant capital punishment.” This was quoted in an interesting article on SS by Theory of Cure.

Those in power have always wanted us ill because we are more easily conquered. If we learn the truth in managing our bodies then we become powerful.

Keep experimenting Guy! Another great post - well done.

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Thanks, Guy - a pleasure to read as always. Such a rich topic.

" We are not listening to what is healthy in large part because we have been drilled to distrust this disgusting and unreliable thing that walks us around and to rely on experts — preferably, for food and medicine, those from the FDA who are fronting for allopathic-enriching narratives that support the pharmaceutical industry."

Yes, another aspect, another result of a hijacked world. Particularly insidious.

I was fortunate to have a mother who thought the most important thing about food, was blessing it. She was also 'organic' before anyone understood that, bought local when possible, and told us to pay attention to our cravings. Fast food never happened in our house. At the store when I would ask for the things my friends had at their house - junk food - she would read the ingredients and just say, "Oh, that's not food. I don't know what those words even mean, but I wouldn't eat it." She ate mostly vegetables - a vegetarian - but didn't suggest her kids do that. She would always point it back to you - "I don't know what your body needs" or something like that.

My dad was the cook, meat and potatoes for the most part, and she never suggested that wasn't fine too.

She also didn't trust Pharma, knew natural remedies and made the connection between our emotional lives with how we were feeling and eating.

Still, just being in this culture, even with a solid foundation, I've done my share of diet detours and lost that direct-connect to my body for periods of time.

Now I mostly eat as I want, naturally moderate, (which means lots of butter) always bless and assume my body knows what to do with what I consume. Thanks, Mom.

The hijacking of the world has created so many convoluted detours, so many ways to not trust our immediate experience, our bodies and ourselves. Are we reorienting back now? I hope so.

Okay, I'm rambling. And hungry! Toast and eggs on the menu for breakfast. Best.

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