Feb 7Liked by Guy Duperreault

Another great essay Guy. Let us shout out stories like these from the rooftops to spread the word. After living in joint pain for most of my adult life and being diagnosed with lupus and fibromyalgia, having my spleen removed, put on bagfuls of tablets. Not one doctor EVER suggested giving up sugar, not one. Without sugar I am 95% pain free and apparently no longer have lupus, fibromyalgia, clinical depression, a weak immune system. Such is the strength of the drug that people will do almost anything else but stop their 'treats'. They say "I am so good most of the time I deserve to spoil myself" and I want to point out that language, 'spoil'. The conditioned addiction has gone on for over a hundred years, with the last half of that being ramped up by a deliberate money making campaign and it has weakened our minds and made us easily controlled. What a shocking fact. My life without processed sugar has a sharper focus, like going from a black and white silent movie to technicolour! Looking forward to Part 3.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7Liked by Guy Duperreault

Just a quick hi Guy. Waaaay to much for me to respond to, can't even get to comments on my own short post. Tokyo just finished its first and probably only snow of the year, and no sooner than it had melted, hay fever hit me hard. Early this year, can hardly keep my rheumy eyes open or nose dry. Will be back soon.

Cheers buddy!

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A pleasure to read, informative as always and I so appreciate your self-honesty. I'm even tempted to give up the small amount of sugar in my diet just to see if I see any benefits. I don't know though - I resist restrictions especially given my moderation - they tend to backlash on me.

Looking forward to next segment.

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Guy, I started writing about my story going plant-based and how it saved my life, but the AI bots started scrambling the words before my very eyes! I couldn't even use command-Z to undo!

It's crazy.

I wish you well, friend.💝

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