Will listen in a bit. Great question. The problem am having in life is more along the line of "when others want to kill you(r child) for their ideology " seems like everyone has a group of people they will throw under the bus for their ideology.

Excuse me, but where the ever living fuck are people willing to die for their ideology instead they sit behind computer monitors throwing their beliefs onto anyone and everyone around. I'm to the point where, at times, some of the "jabbed" are nicer than people on substack. It's all proof, it doesn't matter what a person believes it's what is inside them, how much respect they show to others, allowing others their beliefs, freedom of choice, so no one has to die. I'm probably going to delete this. Not sure why I am so angsty lol.

I had a 5.5 hour long talk with my mom yesterday and we talked about your issue, with your friend. I have so many thoughts I cannot put into words. She said s/he must miss their friend (you). I said if they are a friend they'd help now and open their home not lecture someone for the choices they make. This is another circumstance where, they would have you die for them. What if you had stayed? Imagine how much worse it would have been. ::shudders::

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and the anger.

it is actually important to notice our anger. it is one of the key signals to us that we have experienced something deep and hard. it is our opportunity to look into our shadows. from that examination, we can decide how to proceed from that new awareness with equanimity. will i actively address the source of anger that came from outside of myself or choose to address that other, bigger/more important source of anger. amazing stuff.

again, all the best with what is changing. everything changes.

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All the best to you Also Guy. 🙏💞💛

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hola, heidi.

please keep. your points are valid. in this case, not included in my essay, is that ideologues like to use words to kill.

as you say, it isn't the 'side'. it is the heart. as i've written elsewhere, most of the mfm and so-called, are rife with the same basic structure of bully stockholm syndrome and so the same language as the big bullies bullying us. exactly the same.

our challenge is to see that within ourselves, which takes a huge amount of courage. then to clear that out, which takes a huge amount of effort.

the goal for those who are doing the work, is to figure out how, in each individual situation, we are able to reduce our own suffering and thereby the suffering of others. serious challenge in deed.

all the best!

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I try to let it go. It's none of my business what others believe. If they are or were a friend and it got in the way of that, maybe it is best to not just grey rock and wade in the deep waters, go where there is peace.

There is no way to know if you had stayed what would have become of you. With all the vaccine shedding, other issues, mandates, hospitals killing people. Plus you wouldn't have lived your dream to start your own retreat. Life is so short, to give up on dreams.


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we'll see where my intuition takes me. in my last essay the i ching seems to be directing me to go into the deep waters and then cross them with the covid thing. hmmmm. we'll see.

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wade those deep waters often. Someone called me a glutton for punishment, once. A friend actually. I had none at the time and wanted her to mentor me. Yes, putting yourself out there or delving deep, both can feel like self inflicted pain, if that makes sense. When you can trust yourself but not others to understand you or be kind.

When you work through it that is wonderful. 🥰

My mom was saying how she is cycling on her issues. I gave her this link and she said it helped 🤣😘💕


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omg! that mediation had me rolling on the floor, a huge smile on my face. loved it!

muchas gracias. 'a new beautiful breath of 'fuck that'! so funny.

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i seem to have come to a place of pretty steady joy, even when i get angry. fascinating stuff. amazing, when i think of where i came from.

so... we'll see how this wading/crossing things works out. i'm kind of past the toe dipping i think. did you listen to my 'my moralist friend and me — the letter'? that was me starting to dive in. curious. i am curious to see where this 'joyfully' goes.

gracias por el link. i'll take gander.

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This is wonderful! 😍🥰

I will listen to them both tonight after I get D and the animals to bed. 🙏

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Sorry, I word things poorly. I hope you are doing well. 🙏 💐

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hola, heidi.

your expression is good, even if you think your words are not. the honesty shines through. please relax. perfectionism is not required.

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I do feel like I mucked up your page with off topic rants. You know I Love you though! I'm grateful for you, that you are here, right now, where you are at. Thank you Guy. 🙏

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hola, heidi:

q: do you prefer audio to the written world?

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It depends. I usually listen to talks, YouTube videos, audible/audio versions of books through the day. I don't have as much time to read or watch things as I do to listen. Other times I prefer to read. ❤️

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