An excellent series Guy. So fascinating to see the journey and everything that I explored myself (as so many of us did) as to what the hell was happening. Our 'safe' western culture went mad and suddenly to be on the side of 'the other' was a life changing experience and a valuable lesson. To be able to get the most from this lesson we have to be able to zoom out from the personal experiences and see the bigger picture to understand why we are here. These essays do that so very well and I feel that you have a book here. I would love to see this put together with chapters interspersed by your yoga journey of compassion and understanding in order to express to people that these experiences are a rare opportunity to understand and to grow and to properly heal ourselves. (I hope you don't mind me suggesting this idea 🙏)

(Unfortunately a lot of the Youtube video links do not show up now and are marked as private so I think they must have been taken down!)

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So glad you found the series helpful. And enjoyable. They were a big internal explosion and exploration. Another writing surprise.

You are the second person to suggest a book! So I don't mind at all. My sister did too. It has been in my mind and may get done when the other writing striving to get out of me clears a bit.

Thank you for the heads-up about the video links. I'll see if I can fix them or get alternatives.

All the best. Peace, respect, love and gratitude. Namaste.

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A belated thankyou for this whole series. I confess to skim reading parts, solely as I found your thoughts wandering along well worn tracks my own have followed for decades. I did not get anywhere near close to being able to articulate my thoughts this cohesively, which is why your efforts have particular value for me. Thanks again.

PS. I found my way here because this comment also resonated:

"Your very sound and 'rational' argument with AMD reminded me exactly of the awake discussions with the asleep that go something like 'Aren't you curious about how .... ?' 'Sorry. Not interested. The story is that I'm safe, and so I am and I am not interested in your bullshit.' Door closed."

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Hello Shane, nice to meet you. Thank you for commenting. I am curious how you came to have your thoughts running along similar tracks, if you don't mind sharing. And if you can add to my understanding.

As to the issue of the awake also being asleep. This has recently become more apparent as the counter-narrators are beginning to separate themselves into camps! LoL! Exactly as the cabal wants and believes is natural. [Headshake.] When we think the other is the enemy, that is the cabal's play, their trump card.

I have met the enemy, and the enemy is me, not Gates or Schwab, etc. Or even the question of who is or is not a psyop player. Fascinating time, the time of taking personal responsibility AND acting responsibly. Can we take personal responsibility for the life we live, the actions we take?

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Likewise, nice to meet you.

How did my thinking develop? The long answer I'm trying to document on substack as some sort of citizen journalist.

The short answer.....

Precovid answer - Interested in understanding things. Became a yoga teacher. Also interested in economics, science, math. Taught those too. Seemed to me that tying all these together was this human perception. I loved reading about biases and how human brains seem to work. Very much enjoy trying to explain things with an evolutionary or even historical lens.

I thought to see a similar flavour in your writing as it explores prison experiments, conscious vs unconscious, nature vs nurture, individual vs pack.

Postcovid answer - I suspect we both hit similar realisations (people really outsource their thinking this much, and would really turn so bad so fast in the face of tyranny? I need to radically reframe my own understandings!), and found similar sources helping explore them: Zuby, Peterson, Desmet, Corragio, philosophers, ancient and modern spiritual generalisations, Dilbert, quotes, Substackers, Telegram Groups, local freedom meetings, etc.

Books which stood out on my journey which you might enjoy:

Sapiens, Behave, Industrial Strength Denial, Spiritual Materialism, Guns, Germs & Steel.

As to your last question, the answer is yes - we can take personal reponsibility for the life and actions we choose. I argue that this is easier for some, including you and I, that is why we found it easier to challenge lies. Harder for others, who found it easier to shut off, distract, ignore, etc.

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