"easier for them to stop seeing inconvenient truths"

I see this a lot with someone I love. They say it is just a few bad people, dont take into account entire schools pushing genderbending with curriculum based on lies and sexualization of small children, teaching them to explore things which they do not know the consequences of.

Consequences never seem to enter their minds either. I've said things like, what if Trump wins and he is able to control media and decide what misinformation is? Even if someone believes censorship is being done for a greater good right now, laws that allow censorship eventually backfire. Generations will pass, freedoms taken away one by one supplanted with dystopia, tyranny of gov chosing.

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in a way trump is a distraction. a big one that keeps people from seeing how much control and cenorship the democrats put into place. and they are going to court over it and will undoubtedly lose for having violated openly first amendment stuff. it is pretty open and shut and there is very little chance that trump could make it worse because it was very bad.

at this time, to my surprise, i'm less afraid of trump taking away freedom because there is very little left to take away. the msm is completely compromised and bought to the same extent as the democratic party. (and likely the republicans too!)

in a funny example, i read this about canada from an american democratic arguing against freedom of speech and the problem with democratic elections. in a fringe paper? nope, in canada's largest 'right' wing paper. again, the puppet master are playing both sides, punch and judy. ""Excessive Free Speech" Threatens Our Democracy, The Globe and Mail Explains Free Speech needs rigid regulation" https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/excessive-free-speech-is-a-threat

think of the scene in the movie victor/victoria, when julie andrews' character, dressed as a gay man, says to robert preston's character 'nobody will believe **he's** a prince'. !! exactly. nobody will believe **** he's **** a prince and won't notice that it isn't a *** he.****

fortunately lies like life-force energy and die out eventually. maybe not in our lifetimes though!

again, goodnight. thank you for reading and for your engaging question.

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🙏 I use trump as an example when speaking to dems because he scares the crap out of them. 🤣 I'm not afraid of Trump but they are. I hope to help them reconsider the wisdom of censorship.

I was censored on YouTube for saying what I did. They deleted my comments. They don't want people to think of consequences.

I hope you sleep well. 🙏

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see! you are a wonderful agitator. i love it. and wow, does trump bring up the loconauts.

i had a video i shared deleted from youtube. not had comments deleted yet. i've been careful.

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