Thank you for this post Guy. 💕

Doctors wanted to do a liver transplant on me 12 years ago when a coinfection of EBV and CMV attacked my liver. I did research. Putting a new liver into me would just infect the new liver. Antivirals would not help my body to become strong and recover. Medical literature backed up my concerns. People who had EBV/CMV hepatitis had a high level of death after transplant. The problem isnt the liver it's the immune system, the body also requiring more antioxidants to fight infection. Unlike most animals we do not manufacture our own vitamin C. The only successful treatment for EBV in Medical literature Is IV vitamin C... but even with published studies proving this they refuse to give it to people. I said no to a liver transplant and healed myself.

I appreciate your description of Jung and how you felt it applies... and I understand its application in something I've been dealing with. Unfortunately my mind sees babies denied therapy if they are forced into a world that denies their health problems.... the same as children having their sex organs lopped off because they are not being treated for what they are suffering from, same as pharma and the medical system we live in not addressing the true problem and even their treatment of problems they do acknowledge many times are toxic.

Any time health care choices are based on a lie there will be people who suffer. I'm not sure I can make peace with NAV any more than I can make peace with Fauci. Denying people's health conditions to me is a form of mental abuse gaslighting. It doesnt solve corruption to throw out one lie only to embrace another. I'm very conflicted with this. I want to respect peoples right to believe whatever they want but also acknowledge the harm this may cause. To me it feels exactly the same as what I am fighting with all the corrupt leaders right now. How do I make peace with this Guy?

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There is so much here, thank you.

"I want to respect peoples right to believe whatever they want but also acknowledge the harm this may cause. To me it feels exactly the same as what I am fighting with all the corrupt leaders right now. How do I make peace with this Guy?"

I'll respond to that later, this is huge. And, who am I to know how you are to make peace with this? I will respond in some way after I allow some time to digest.

Well, the rest of the comment is pretty huge, too. I'm preparing to lead a 4 day silence yoga and meditation retreat beginning on Thursday, and that is my primary focus.

Thank you for reading.

Your requirement for a liver transplant and your powerful courageous choice is inspiring and awesome. And, oddly enough, now that makes third liver reference in my life in two days. I'm listening to Mercola talking about diet with Georgi Dinkov. It is an amazing and thought provoking discussion that includes how to heal the liver with the 'proper' medicinal use of carbohydrates, glucose in particular. Here's the bitchute link. It is also available as a podcast.


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Thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts and the link. I love anything about healing the liver and maintaining its health.

I look forward to any insights you might share with me regarding my struggle and I hope your 4 day silence meditation yoga retreat is all that you hope for and more. It sounds wonderful. 🙏

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No mea culpa, when You read about BigBizBillions from...'Blood of Low-Income Americans Is the USA's 10th Most Valuable Export'


=Text in image=

Top 20 United States exports

Processed petroleum oils


Crude oil

Automobile parts/accessories



Phone system devices

Electro-medical equipment

Petroleum gases

Computers, optical readers

  ➽   Blood fractions

Medication mixes in dosage

Gold (unwrought)

Diamonds (unmounted/unset)

Computer parts, accessories

Machinery for


Soya beans



Taps, valves, similar appliances

Coal, solid fuels made from coal

supermoney.com /economy-blood-donations/

The Blood of Low-Income Americans Is the USA's 10th Most Valuable Export

Andrew Latham 12/31/2019

Selling blood plasma is big business in the United States. It’s run by large corporations, such as Baxter International and Grigols, that bleed the most impoverished communities (source) to fuel a multibillion-dollar industry.

Many developed countries have banned the commercialization of blood, but in the United States, it’s the 10th most valuable export product. The lax U.S. regulations also allow people to donate up to 104 times a year (twice a week)...Since 2014, U.S. blood exports have risen from 57,619 tons to 83,394 tons, a 144% increase. If you look at export value, blood exports have seen a 156% growth in the last 5 years...The top 10 exporters control 89% of the $180 billion global blood industry

The United States is by no means the only country to export blood. In fact, it is the fourth-largest exporter when you include human and animal blood products for therapeutic purposes — not just plasma. Blood exports are concentrated around a small group of developed countries...

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Wow! Thank you for sharing. Fascinating information.

That is actually astounding.

For some reason that brings forward in my mind the big push in Canada for assisted suicide with young people. I suspect that part of the effort to convince people to be killed is for the body part trade.

Before I read Valera's essay, I hadn't made the association between transhumanism and transplants. And then I saw clearly that transfusions are preconditioning for that - human as machine.

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A good and thought provoking read. Even the comments here are worth considering. I have never given blood either. I do not really have a reason why, nor do I feel guilty about it. Maybe it was the way I was raised. I remember my dad giving blood when one of his sisters was in a hospital and had needed blood in surgery. Dad was giving blood to help replace what the hospital had used for his sister. I have always viewed blood donation as something that might be necessary, and would follow my father's example. As pointed out by "dar" (in the comments) that blood is sold and exported, I have heard the stories of homeless people selling their blood to be able to buy something to eat.

Organ donation is also mentioned here. I will leave here a section from my "Last Requests" I gave to my family many years ago.

"At my death I am not to be an organ donor. Though I do have personal issues with the institution of organ donation my request stems mainly from the fact that I have pretty well worn them out (that is, my organs). Also, should I find myself in need of someone else’s organ to sustain me I must decline. God not seeing fit to have evolved me spares, I feel that there are better people in line ahead of me. I have had a good life and must be content to let nature take its course."

These are issues created by the evolving society we live in, and we are forced to deal with them as each of us sees fit, regardless of cultural pressures. I can only guess, but not know the feelings, fears or processes of torment of those facing such dire situations. I can live only my life, and face the choices I must make.

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Great share, here Carl. Your father sounds practical and grounded.

"I can live only my life, and face the choices I must make."

Yup. And yet so many of the powers above us are invested in telling us and even forcing us to live their lives as they see fit for us.

It seems pretty obvious, both with before and hindsight, that organ transplant as medical practice would create an underground market for body parts. Notice the language *body parts*. Like an auto shop.

Perhaps at its core my hesitancy to participate in blood donation was that for me it crossed some kind of do not cross line between the sacred and the profane.

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Sorry to comment before reading your entire post but a couple of things really interest me about your views and feelings regarding blood transfusions. It's something I've thought about a lot.

I used to be a Jehovah's witness. Their belief of blood being sacred and not taking it in is considered a protection. Non blood alternatives carry less risk and more long term benefits. According to them, I never researched it beyond their publications, surgeons reported much better outcomes in those who did not take in blood.

From my research there are multiple things that trigger the thymus to grow and produce new cells. Depleting the body of blood may be one of them. I need to research this more. Your body would need to make up for the loss of cells. New thymic cells are much better than old proliferating ones. They are better able to fight infections, fight rogue autoimmune and cancer cells and maintain a more youthful balance of cell types and hormones since thymus hormones are on a feedback loop with sex hormones and the pineal gland. Your thymus shrinks as you age leaving you more susceptible to all diseases. This is one more reason I have issues with people who do not have compassion towards the vulnerable. We are all headed towards our own brand of vulnerable... knowing what is wrong with us and how to treat it is only possible if we acknowledge the truth of what ails us, how to mitigate the damage and reverse it.


Edit: the more I think about it, the more it would make sense that stimulating the thymus to grow new cells when it's in a state of good health would be much better than stimulating the thymus with infections since infections increase the risk of autoimmunity amongst other things. I could be wrong.

Also iron in the most bioavailable form is said to displace and flush iron that is accumulated. The body hoards what its depleted in... and selenium chelates iron excess.

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I've not come across iron flushing iron, so something for me to look into and for which I'll do an intuitive muscle testing process.

I've muscle tested selenium in the past, and my body is ambivalent about ingesting it: sometimes yes sometimes no. More research! So great, thank you.

It makes sense to me that not using another's blood would help the body in recovery. In part because of the body awareness of the foreign agent, and secondarily because of the degradation of the actual pranic or etheric nature of the energy. Not only would the energy be foreign and most likely disharmonious, the handling and treating of it would likewise contribute to the 'muddying' of even the substance.

Have you investigated Veda Austin and her 'energy' experiments with water as having conscious awareness? Fascinating.

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Are they the experiments where someone said words to water and the negative words changed the water for the worse, positive words for the better? How praying over water and loving positive energy affects it. If so I loved those experiments. We are 70%? Water which means we affect ourselves and others with the energy, words and possibly the thoughts we project.

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By molecular count, we are 99% water. :-)

Yes, prayer, mantra, music, mind state, physical circumstances of the water, etc.

The early famous one was by the Japanese scientist with snow flakes.

Here are a couple of links you can use to initiate your look:

Masaru Emoto


Introduction to Veda Austin


Veda Austin on Alfa Vedic with Barre Lando


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Thank you! 💞

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re-Fe overload?...pas de problème, Prof Guy...a new hobby is the Rx, so says this ol'mechanic...DIY home or auto repairs are surefire routine &productive bloodletting methods, with the added bonus of massive/cathartic expletive soul shedding, to boot...an easy-peasy way to kill 2 birds with one stone, n'est-ce pas? PS tea bags or black pepper will handily staunch the crimson streams .

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LOL! Been there done that, in my youth.

I learned that cayenne pepper is one of the absolute best remedies for bleeds. My partner and I have used it a couple of times on relatively minor incidents in the kitchen, and it appears to work to great effect.

Hmmmm. Now what is the next step?

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When Australia took unvaccinated people off the organ recipient list I cancelled my organ donor status. A lot of other people did as well. Donor numbers have plummeted and they are 'blaming covid.' So...people are scared to donate organs after death now 'because of covid'?

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