What you describe with language changing things also applies to physics and the other sciences.
Quantum theory is a result of mathematics hijacking science and influencing the interpretation of the experimental measurements which are inferrances of phenomena.
Even the big bang theory was shoehorned into math leading to confusion which lead to needing "dark matter" and "dark energy" to fulfill the assumption. These days big bang is being challenged.
Here's Heinz von Foerester calling out what the sciences have done: invent more and more imaginary things:
And I did not subscribe to big bang at any time. It was and is a kind of arbitrary religious copout in my mind.
And thank you for highlighting the 'problems' of our mathematical take / put into life issues to displace/subvert our ability to *see* outside those predefined modeling parameters. I've briefly looked at this quite a long time ago in TDBY (the days before yoga). I will start to look again. Thank you for the link and for sharing your knowledge with me. I really appreciate it. And thank you for reading.
Big bang was unbelievable for me as a child even. Somehow something came from nothing. It didn't make sense to me. Perhaps it did make sense to those who wishfully think, as in religions and theorizing and philosophy.... i think that's why quantum theory gained so much traction. It introduced "spooky" non physical things. Do they exist? The experiments suggest so, but how exactly are they seeing or measuring things? We assume that their eyes are seeing something real, but they could be in a self reinforcing delusion, assisted by math to prove the invisible lol.
It wasn't until middle age that I realized that these people that I thought were geniuses were actually just OCD, lol.
That's why it's so hard for science to dismiss a bad theory. Thomas Kuhn said that the bad theory is kept until there's a better theory that the next generation introduces. Then, the paradigm changes.
I think we are close to that in many fields, not just medicine and physics!
"It wasn't until middle age that I realized that these people that I thought were geniuses were actually just OCD, lol."
What a wonderful way of seeing that! I hadn't thought of that in that way. And I laughed at the truth of it.
This expands a recent idea I've had that I will be fleshing out in the next while. Thank you.
I agree that we are at what the I Ching calls a turning point, a BIG one across our entire encultured indoctrination. Truly a fascinating time to be alive.
I enjoyed this essay thoroughly. To me words are so indicative of the state of the speaker/writer. Despite the dismal state of humanity we are seeing through your words, we can also see your light in the humor and human nonsense/foibles portrayed.
It is great that you have the perspicuity to see the humour in my verbiage! Yes, yes, yes! Life is too serious to be taken too seriously. Seriously. LoL!
And yet, and yet... it seems that *seeing* it as it is, warts and wonders, is important to reduce suffering. That is the evil of not seeing well: we create suffering from our ignorance and/or allow suffering to continue by actively or passively denying its validity outside of our own experience.
Thank you for reading and commenting! Muchas gracias.
I've also been wanting to tell you, Guy, how much I loved your poem, Cotton for Comfort. I read it and then wanted to know what great poet had written it, then reread it was you!
And I'm loving the playlist, which starts quite dancy, just what I was hoping for here in my childhood home deprived of my dance classes.
AND speaking of synchronicities, as we always are, I'm reading a book in which the protagonist is a harp player who uses music to summon the spirits of water, earth, wind and fire. But it costs him in pain and health. The 'hero' is the leader of the clan, a woman who's proposed to him, who is looking to make peace with the warring tribe of the island. Somehow it's all seeming appropriate to the time.
Wow, I'm so glad that that poem resonated with you! :-D And for elevating me into the great poet category. With such encouragement I will likely include them now and then. I'm still writing them, mostly short ones, these days. Time and the beauty of 5-7-5 especially when they transcend the syllabic count and become Haiku. Once in a while! So sweet.
I've updated the playlist and from YouTube separated the music from the talking. You may want to revisit it. I think it is interesting.
Love that synchyronicity! The male/female , harp magic. And, for me, an odd synchronicity extended a bit, because I've been seeing a energy healer here who is truly a magical shaman. She is helping me to release the deep childhood and infant sadness and distress still lingering in my body as really sharp pain in my shoulder and this very strange transient shifting pain in my right hip that will move down towards my ankle. She is seriously magical.
Guy! I am so touched by your description of me, so nicely put. Is it contradictory that your choice of words tickled me throughout? "with the sole purpose of creating cretins who will unthinkingly feed the dragon’s insatiable appetite for more wealth — mis-teaches (deliberately?) physics in the non-sciences and in grade school with the effect of binding the majority of students into Newton’s single vision of dead life and officially blinding them to all references to the fourfold visions..."
I savored my way through this. And I had been saving something I heard yesterday that I thought you would love, JP's interview of Maajid Nawaz: https://jimychanga.substack.com/p/maajid-nawaz. Maajid speaks exactly to your point, I thought, that words written become dead idols devoid of their living context. He believes in the oral tradition, although he says he is no Luddite.
Here is where I think you and I are in agreement: we're both pushing back against systems of authority that deny our inherent authorship of our minds. In your case, represented by a mother who wielded dead platitudes like dull swords to keep you from arguing back. In my case, represented by parents who felt that facts, words, logic and reason were arrogant, and one should be silent and obedient to the Catholic Church. Different manifestations, same agenda.
Without words or a Vulcan mind meld, it would seem that we'd each be isolated. Quoting the Course again, revelation can't be communicated whereas miracles are interpersonal and induce action. So you, in the quiet of your mind, may reach nirvana but it doesn't do a damn thing for anyone else.
You interpret Confucius' use of 'fix' or 'correct' as meaning set by an arbitrary authority. I think the natural authority is the author who coined the word, which is why etymology matters to me. Hence, my pushing back against those who took my term 'tonic masculinity' and gave it a meaning I'd define as its opposite, toxic and superior.
Maajid also does this in his example when he says, 3X, that he's not a Luddite. He means an ignorant, foolish person opposed to beneficial technology. I suspect that, like me, you know the 'correct' history of the Luddites, who were tragically proven right when deadening redundant factory jobs replaced their craft of weaving, making them subservient to the machines and taking away their means of making an independent living.
By changing the meaning of Luddite, the technocrats stole from Maajid and all of us the history that would have confirmed his point. The oligarchs didn't just win in the moment, they won a permanent victory over our minds and imaginations.
For you and I to communicate, what I need to know is how you define a term. And then, I can translate if that doesn't mean the same to me. If I define 'fix' as 'set by an arbitrary authority,' our disagreement evaporates. But my meaning of 'fix' is that it doesn't change depending on to whom it's applied.
This has become especially relevant with the word 'terrorist.' I've challenged several people to define it without using proper nouns. People have accused me of semantics and sophistry but no one's answered the question--because, of course, they can't. There is no way to define terrorist so that it applies to Hamas but not the IDF.
Brutal though it sounds, Confucius is right about 'mutilations and lesser punishments' going awry when words in the law are not fixed, but vary depending on to whom they apply. Palestinians are experiencing the greatest of punishments and every person who mindlessly parrots the word 'terrorist' without a fixed definition is complicit in it.
I thoroughly enjoy our long-form discussions and thank you for bringing attention to this older article. Nina's infamy was so short-lived that it was old news within days, but this was one of my favorite essays for looking at the deeper methods of propaganda. Hope you got some well deserved sleep after your writing marathon!
I love the imagery of my words tickling you from the inside! Wow!
I look forward to attending the link. And you suspected correctly that I know the 'true' history of being a prescient, astute and likely wise Luddite. Sigh. Your observation is correct.
I'm away from the PC and I dislike thumbing words on a handheld PC. I'll respond more fully later.
Thank you for having the heart to share what you are inspired to speak and write. You are helping me more than words can symbolize! 😆
The week has sped by. The 'shaman' energy healer I saw this week — officially, refloxology, reiki and massage — has given me 3 3hour sessions this week, which has along with the travel time, and then recovery time afterwards, really reduced my writing time.
I will extend your comment into my next essay, part 3 of this increasingly extended look at words.
And in the last two weeks I've had the most astounding synchronicities with a 'trusting after narcissistic abuse' summit. 24 speakers in 12 days! And I was amazed at how much there is to learn and at the 100% on point synchronicity with my discussion about words as weapons. OMG! Crazy on point.
All the best, muchas gracias and good night. Diving into part 3 now. :-)
Hola, April. Thank you for reading! I'm surprised that anyone would, they are long and I think challenging. You have given me great heart so thank you.
P.S: You are correct! I have fixed the mis-attribution of 'Creep'. Now it is time for bed. (I have been awake since 8am Saturday writing and it is now 3:45 am Monday.)
P.P.S: I've had a recent healing breakthrough with the help of Annie Boerner and her ideas about what she calls 'Quantum Healing'. I did a meditation inspired by it and it was off the charts! 8 hours later an ease and freedom came into and flowed through my hips and shoulders with a very big drop in pain. So great! Her journey began when her 1 year old son was badly injured by the American vaccine schedule and she did a deep dive into the alternativve medical world . If curious here's her webpage. https://www.annieboerner.com/
Yes, challenging but inspiring at the same time. Thoughts that have been on most of our minds lately as we look around us at the world and wonder how this all happened and yet we realise that it has always been so. So much that I instinctively perceived in my latest shift of consciousness back in June and yet have been unable to articulate properly or fully as it all feels too big for me to put into words and I think that you have tackled so much of it in these two essays which has helped me in my framing also.
Today, life has given me a huge and painful kick as we know it does when such is needed. I feel in shock and bewildered but also aware that this must be. As I process this new stuff I know that life is begging me to meditate and it must be put off no more!
Ahhhhh. I know it well, that capital 'L' life kicked ass feeling! I'm kind of laughing at my remembrances of those few that just knocked me flat before rising to a much better place afterwards. Life is really very wise and very tough. In the end, those kicks really were what were needed, even though until recently that awareness did not, could not, exist at the time.
As to meditation! Let's talk. I'll send you an email in the next day or two. My next few days are busy. I've been gently directed to a energy healer here in Oaxaca in the magical way Life has of doing things. Today was day one and it was incredible. Afterwards she told me that she 'continues the work for as long as the body wants me to go'. I asked her how long did she do it this time. OMG! It was three hours! Three hours! And it felt like 45 minutes. I booked 3 sessions in 3 days and did some preliminary body awareness practices to advise my body what we were going to do and that it was okay for it release all that 'shit' it has been so kindly and amazingly holding for me since infancy. I feel so much better, lighter and energised.
Well, now it is late here and time for me to sleep at a reasonable time.
Thank you for reading and commenting. You are in my prayers! I'll send an email in a day or two. good night.
What you describe with language changing things also applies to physics and the other sciences.
Quantum theory is a result of mathematics hijacking science and influencing the interpretation of the experimental measurements which are inferrances of phenomena.
Even the big bang theory was shoehorned into math leading to confusion which lead to needing "dark matter" and "dark energy" to fulfill the assumption. These days big bang is being challenged.
Here's Heinz von Foerester calling out what the sciences have done: invent more and more imaginary things:
And I did not subscribe to big bang at any time. It was and is a kind of arbitrary religious copout in my mind.
And thank you for highlighting the 'problems' of our mathematical take / put into life issues to displace/subvert our ability to *see* outside those predefined modeling parameters. I've briefly looked at this quite a long time ago in TDBY (the days before yoga). I will start to look again. Thank you for the link and for sharing your knowledge with me. I really appreciate it. And thank you for reading.
All the best.
Big bang was unbelievable for me as a child even. Somehow something came from nothing. It didn't make sense to me. Perhaps it did make sense to those who wishfully think, as in religions and theorizing and philosophy.... i think that's why quantum theory gained so much traction. It introduced "spooky" non physical things. Do they exist? The experiments suggest so, but how exactly are they seeing or measuring things? We assume that their eyes are seeing something real, but they could be in a self reinforcing delusion, assisted by math to prove the invisible lol.
It wasn't until middle age that I realized that these people that I thought were geniuses were actually just OCD, lol.
That's why it's so hard for science to dismiss a bad theory. Thomas Kuhn said that the bad theory is kept until there's a better theory that the next generation introduces. Then, the paradigm changes.
I think we are close to that in many fields, not just medicine and physics!
"It wasn't until middle age that I realized that these people that I thought were geniuses were actually just OCD, lol."
What a wonderful way of seeing that! I hadn't thought of that in that way. And I laughed at the truth of it.
This expands a recent idea I've had that I will be fleshing out in the next while. Thank you.
I agree that we are at what the I Ching calls a turning point, a BIG one across our entire encultured indoctrination. Truly a fascinating time to be alive.
All the best!
I enjoyed this essay thoroughly. To me words are so indicative of the state of the speaker/writer. Despite the dismal state of humanity we are seeing through your words, we can also see your light in the humor and human nonsense/foibles portrayed.
Hola, Marcos.
It is great that you have the perspicuity to see the humour in my verbiage! Yes, yes, yes! Life is too serious to be taken too seriously. Seriously. LoL!
And yet, and yet... it seems that *seeing* it as it is, warts and wonders, is important to reduce suffering. That is the evil of not seeing well: we create suffering from our ignorance and/or allow suffering to continue by actively or passively denying its validity outside of our own experience.
Thank you for reading and commenting! Muchas gracias.
I've also been wanting to tell you, Guy, how much I loved your poem, Cotton for Comfort. I read it and then wanted to know what great poet had written it, then reread it was you!
And I'm loving the playlist, which starts quite dancy, just what I was hoping for here in my childhood home deprived of my dance classes.
AND speaking of synchronicities, as we always are, I'm reading a book in which the protagonist is a harp player who uses music to summon the spirits of water, earth, wind and fire. But it costs him in pain and health. The 'hero' is the leader of the clan, a woman who's proposed to him, who is looking to make peace with the warring tribe of the island. Somehow it's all seeming appropriate to the time.
Hola, Tereza!
Wow, I'm so glad that that poem resonated with you! :-D And for elevating me into the great poet category. With such encouragement I will likely include them now and then. I'm still writing them, mostly short ones, these days. Time and the beauty of 5-7-5 especially when they transcend the syllabic count and become Haiku. Once in a while! So sweet.
I've updated the playlist and from YouTube separated the music from the talking. You may want to revisit it. I think it is interesting.
Love that synchyronicity! The male/female , harp magic. And, for me, an odd synchronicity extended a bit, because I've been seeing a energy healer here who is truly a magical shaman. She is helping me to release the deep childhood and infant sadness and distress still lingering in my body as really sharp pain in my shoulder and this very strange transient shifting pain in my right hip that will move down towards my ankle. She is seriously magical.
Guy! I am so touched by your description of me, so nicely put. Is it contradictory that your choice of words tickled me throughout? "with the sole purpose of creating cretins who will unthinkingly feed the dragon’s insatiable appetite for more wealth — mis-teaches (deliberately?) physics in the non-sciences and in grade school with the effect of binding the majority of students into Newton’s single vision of dead life and officially blinding them to all references to the fourfold visions..."
I savored my way through this. And I had been saving something I heard yesterday that I thought you would love, JP's interview of Maajid Nawaz: https://jimychanga.substack.com/p/maajid-nawaz. Maajid speaks exactly to your point, I thought, that words written become dead idols devoid of their living context. He believes in the oral tradition, although he says he is no Luddite.
Here is where I think you and I are in agreement: we're both pushing back against systems of authority that deny our inherent authorship of our minds. In your case, represented by a mother who wielded dead platitudes like dull swords to keep you from arguing back. In my case, represented by parents who felt that facts, words, logic and reason were arrogant, and one should be silent and obedient to the Catholic Church. Different manifestations, same agenda.
Without words or a Vulcan mind meld, it would seem that we'd each be isolated. Quoting the Course again, revelation can't be communicated whereas miracles are interpersonal and induce action. So you, in the quiet of your mind, may reach nirvana but it doesn't do a damn thing for anyone else.
You interpret Confucius' use of 'fix' or 'correct' as meaning set by an arbitrary authority. I think the natural authority is the author who coined the word, which is why etymology matters to me. Hence, my pushing back against those who took my term 'tonic masculinity' and gave it a meaning I'd define as its opposite, toxic and superior.
Maajid also does this in his example when he says, 3X, that he's not a Luddite. He means an ignorant, foolish person opposed to beneficial technology. I suspect that, like me, you know the 'correct' history of the Luddites, who were tragically proven right when deadening redundant factory jobs replaced their craft of weaving, making them subservient to the machines and taking away their means of making an independent living.
By changing the meaning of Luddite, the technocrats stole from Maajid and all of us the history that would have confirmed his point. The oligarchs didn't just win in the moment, they won a permanent victory over our minds and imaginations.
For you and I to communicate, what I need to know is how you define a term. And then, I can translate if that doesn't mean the same to me. If I define 'fix' as 'set by an arbitrary authority,' our disagreement evaporates. But my meaning of 'fix' is that it doesn't change depending on to whom it's applied.
This has become especially relevant with the word 'terrorist.' I've challenged several people to define it without using proper nouns. People have accused me of semantics and sophistry but no one's answered the question--because, of course, they can't. There is no way to define terrorist so that it applies to Hamas but not the IDF.
Brutal though it sounds, Confucius is right about 'mutilations and lesser punishments' going awry when words in the law are not fixed, but vary depending on to whom they apply. Palestinians are experiencing the greatest of punishments and every person who mindlessly parrots the word 'terrorist' without a fixed definition is complicit in it.
I thoroughly enjoy our long-form discussions and thank you for bringing attention to this older article. Nina's infamy was so short-lived that it was old news within days, but this was one of my favorite essays for looking at the deeper methods of propaganda. Hope you got some well deserved sleep after your writing marathon!
I love the imagery of my words tickling you from the inside! Wow!
I look forward to attending the link. And you suspected correctly that I know the 'true' history of being a prescient, astute and likely wise Luddite. Sigh. Your observation is correct.
I'm away from the PC and I dislike thumbing words on a handheld PC. I'll respond more fully later.
Thank you for having the heart to share what you are inspired to speak and write. You are helping me more than words can symbolize! 😆
Hola, Tereza.
The week has sped by. The 'shaman' energy healer I saw this week — officially, refloxology, reiki and massage — has given me 3 3hour sessions this week, which has along with the travel time, and then recovery time afterwards, really reduced my writing time.
I will extend your comment into my next essay, part 3 of this increasingly extended look at words.
And in the last two weeks I've had the most astounding synchronicities with a 'trusting after narcissistic abuse' summit. 24 speakers in 12 days! And I was amazed at how much there is to learn and at the 100% on point synchronicity with my discussion about words as weapons. OMG! Crazy on point.
All the best, muchas gracias and good night. Diving into part 3 now. :-)
Both essays so excellent! I have no words! Thank you Guy.
P.s. I think the song Creep was Radiohead not Nirvana. I think Nirvana's song was called Negative Creep? I could be wrong?
Hola, April. Thank you for reading! I'm surprised that anyone would, they are long and I think challenging. You have given me great heart so thank you.
P.S: You are correct! I have fixed the mis-attribution of 'Creep'. Now it is time for bed. (I have been awake since 8am Saturday writing and it is now 3:45 am Monday.)
P.P.S: I've had a recent healing breakthrough with the help of Annie Boerner and her ideas about what she calls 'Quantum Healing'. I did a meditation inspired by it and it was off the charts! 8 hours later an ease and freedom came into and flowed through my hips and shoulders with a very big drop in pain. So great! Her journey began when her 1 year old son was badly injured by the American vaccine schedule and she did a deep dive into the alternativve medical world . If curious here's her webpage. https://www.annieboerner.com/
Good night. (And thank you again.)
Yes, challenging but inspiring at the same time. Thoughts that have been on most of our minds lately as we look around us at the world and wonder how this all happened and yet we realise that it has always been so. So much that I instinctively perceived in my latest shift of consciousness back in June and yet have been unable to articulate properly or fully as it all feels too big for me to put into words and I think that you have tackled so much of it in these two essays which has helped me in my framing also.
Today, life has given me a huge and painful kick as we know it does when such is needed. I feel in shock and bewildered but also aware that this must be. As I process this new stuff I know that life is begging me to meditate and it must be put off no more!
Ahhhhh. I know it well, that capital 'L' life kicked ass feeling! I'm kind of laughing at my remembrances of those few that just knocked me flat before rising to a much better place afterwards. Life is really very wise and very tough. In the end, those kicks really were what were needed, even though until recently that awareness did not, could not, exist at the time.
As to meditation! Let's talk. I'll send you an email in the next day or two. My next few days are busy. I've been gently directed to a energy healer here in Oaxaca in the magical way Life has of doing things. Today was day one and it was incredible. Afterwards she told me that she 'continues the work for as long as the body wants me to go'. I asked her how long did she do it this time. OMG! It was three hours! Three hours! And it felt like 45 minutes. I booked 3 sessions in 3 days and did some preliminary body awareness practices to advise my body what we were going to do and that it was okay for it release all that 'shit' it has been so kindly and amazingly holding for me since infancy. I feel so much better, lighter and energised.
Well, now it is late here and time for me to sleep at a reasonable time.
Thank you for reading and commenting. You are in my prayers! I'll send an email in a day or two. good night.