The Evil of Good and the Good of Evil, Introduction
Wizard Bloodlines, Entities, Busting Ghosts and the Hurtful Lies of Lord of the Flies.
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Note that the YouTube version contains the following videos: (Jungian) ‘The Psychology of The Fool; Programming The Nation | Free Full Documentary | Subliminal Messages to the Masses; What is Reiki Healing?
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Innocent Curiosity in the Face of Bloodline Wizards Displacing The Creative Power
How did I find myself being one of those people looking at ‘good and evil’? Something in the blood, perhaps. On the other hand, often it has been people with great heart, such as Dostoyevski with The Brother’s Karamazov, who have wrestled hard with this. We’ll see if I have courage, depth of heart enough to address this ‘minor’ issue in the scheme of a life because it is likely something we at best imperfectly see through our scanners darkly. (‘Scanners darkly’ is likely a paraphrase of “… we see through a glass, darkly…’ from 1 Corinthians 13. It was used by Philip K. Dick for his interesting book, A Scanner Darkly that was made into a uniquely styled animated movie with Keanu Reeves.)
Pragmatically this essay began innocently enough, a week ago with a good, meaning interesting (to me) comment given in response to my last essay. See
Sharine Borslien stated that the ‘wayward’ (evil) of everyone brightly and openly visible in our world of lime-lit celebrity-hood that are paraded before us in the guise of entertainers, politicians, mediciners, educators, businesspeople, news anchors et al are in the bloodline of wizards looking to displace The Great Creator and enslave humanity. I asked Sharine if she was okay if I addressed her comment with this essay, with the caution that I wasn’t sure where it might go. She said that she was fine with that (link to her comment; my paraphrase).
So, Here Goes, Unto the Breach Dear Friends… When The Blast Of War Blows In Our Ears
In particular what tickled my intuition for an essay at the time I read Sharine’s comment was her stated requirement that she (and by implication, perhaps me and we) avoid all popular entertainment as entertainment and to avoid methods of divination, including the I Ching, because they are descendants and agents of the wayward wizards who created them “for mind-control or other evil purposes.” She asked if I practice some kind of ‘alchemizing’ process, perhaps similar to her own, to ward off their evil machinations by acknowledging, and seeing clearly, their nefarious roots and purposes.
I inferred from that that Sharine was expressing her concern that my having used the I Ching and that I included ‘popular’ music videos may have exposed me, and those who read my essays and listen to the music, to ‘mind control and other evils’. Or, perhaps, that my essay itself is actually expressing those unwholesome purposes with the bloodline wizards’ nefarious techniques if I hadn’t protected myself before proceeding with, and/or completing, the essay.
And I have no doubt that this may be possible, even beyond the well-studied and active practices of subliminal messaging and predictive programming.
In the last two-plus years my awareness of energy has been changing with my more active researching pursuits of what might really be our wizards of Oz. My eyes are seeing with less and less obfuscated observations the historicity of enslavement and eugenicidal processes that have been actively in place for maybe at least two centuries and that have been fundamentally whitewashed out of our official histories of civilisation, religion and science. With this increased understanding that the wizards have touched everything, I have expanded my curiosity enough so that I am open and willing to question everything I thought was true. And I mean, everything.
Convidiana Smashes Delusions and I Start Looking With Unboxed Curiosity.
My search has included exploring various energy modalities for healing and science, some that have long histories that totally undermine so-called science-base allopathic medicine and even some of the fundamental principles of our so-called physics. Our time of convidiana has whacked me, and many others, hard enough across our cheekbones to wake us up, without actually knocking us out or splattering our brains across the terra firma, to the reality of Rockefeller medicine and Rockefeller’s role in our (mis)-schooling. As part of this wake-up process, in recent months, I have come to see several claims by people referring to evil spirits and the loss of spirit and/or soul.
This takes me back to January 2015 when, with the direction of a truly incredible synchronicity set, I found myself going to a psychic — something that had ceased to interest me in the early 1980s shortly after I left home. And it took me even further back, to when I was still in the family’s encampment and its Spiritualist church which, on hindsight, was with significant ignorance flirting with and/or around the whole issue of good, evil and neutral spirits. So, spirits and their ailments and curses are not new to me. And I had enough credible experiences with the church and elsewhere to know that it would be irrational to dismiss the irrational as non-existent.
I Meet A Psychic And Am Pleasantly Surprised to Be Introduced to Theta Waves for Healing
The psychic turned out to be multi-disciplined, with weddings being her primary focus, theta-healing next on her list followed by reiki and the practice of removing ghosts from haunted buildings and places.
I’d not heard of theta-healing before her. So before I went to see her, after booking the appointment, I researched ‘theta-healing’ and was pleasantly surprised to learn that many of the principles of theta-healing resonated with what I had learned thirty years earlier from Seth and The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts. And in 2020 I would be introduced to epigeneticist Bruce Lipton and his brilliant, funny and powerful discussion on how children’s brain waves are theta until about the age of six or seven. The theta brain wave state provides the experience or function of unrestricted learning with most of that residing in the unconscious. Lipton argues that much, not all!, of that learning results in less than optimal adult behaviours and the unlearning is possible and efficiently done when we use our pre-sleep theta wave state to, effectively, deprogram the ‘bad’ childhood programming. (See Lipton Theta Waves.)
Reiki I had heard of and had not experienced.
Casper Gets Busted and the Spectre of a Father’s Fifteen Minutes of Fame
Ghostbusting was something I was aware of because of that time served in the Spiritualist church where such things were nonchalant dinner chatter. And in one of the strangest synchronicities, or ‘somethings’, ghostbusting was what gave my late father his fifteen minutes of (localised) fame: a few years after I left home he was featured in a daily city paper for being a ghostbuster, an outgrowth of his practices in the Spiritualist church. (The Province Oct 31, 1986).
Meeting A Trickster, Entities and a Psychic Freak-Out
In our first meeting the psychic-ghostbusting-theta-healer freaked out when I explained to her that in the early 1990s that I had, with the help of my intense study of C.G. Jung, come to the realisation that I had frozen Life, God, Spirit, out of my heart and life because I had disallowed spontaneity into them. At my work-desk in a large warehouse I intoned two unspoken prayers. One: that I was willing to change anything and everything in my life to be free from the fear and anxiety that had crippled me. That included work and marriage. Two: that I would allow the Jungian archetypal ‘trickster’ energy to enter my life and heart in order for me to experience my connection with the energy of All That Is (Sharine’s ‘The Great Creator’) and in this way properly join Life. I felt the sincerity of my intention flicker across my belly and inside my stomach as a sharp pitter-patter flip-flop of fear about what might come!
And, it came immediately. When done I stood up to complete my next work task that became a series of unheard of before dysfunctional set of embarrassing synchronicities. With what happened I knew that my prayer had been successful. Soon after that I began my synchronicity journal, which I continued with diligence until about 2016. From 2010-16 I blogged them. In 2016 synchronicities and life did a quantum shift into aliveness and it was no longer important or really pragmatically possible, to write the synchronicities in order to know their place in finding my path towards optimal health — the integration of mind, body and spirit.
Why the ‘freak-out’ over my decision to actually begin to enter life by welcoming, in an odd way, perhaps, spontaneity and my willingness to change? She was worried, and I mean seriously scared, that the way that I had asked and welcomed the change in my heart had opened a door for some kind of dark or malevolent entity to enter and to attach itself to me. As it happens I was entity-clear! (A few years later my sister described her frightening encounter with a roommates’ malevolent entity, and how she was able to keep herself from being engaged by it. The next morning she was shocked when, after she described her malevolent experience to the roommate, he was happy about it and said ‘That’s great! So you’ve met my entity.’)
Tibetan Buddhist Protection Slogan
And in a rather peculiar synchronicity recently I listened to the yogi-Buddhist scholar and teacher Michael Stone’s Tibetan Buddhist’s Lojong text teaching. It includes specific reference to the need to protect ourselves from…. He and the Lojong text don’t specifically say from what. Simple malevolence or full-on evil? In the teaching Stone doesn’t say the words ‘malevolent’, ‘dark’ or ‘evil’. Instead, inferred from the example he gave, it is from unwholesome or destabilising energy (my paraphrase) that he experiences in the first one or two days of extended retreats. Listen to ‘Training Your Heart (Lojong Teachings #5) 2016.06.12’ ~22:24
The actual Lojong slogan Stone refers to is ‘Slogan 14’. (Note: It is from the Lojong texts that the word ‘slogan’ originated in western vernacular following the Lojong translations done by Pema Chodron.
Seeing confusion as The Four Kayas is unsurpassable shunyata protection.
The Four Kayas are Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya, Nirmanakaya, Svabhavikakaya. Thoughts have no birthplace, thoughts are unceasing, thoughts are not solid, and these three characteristics are interconnected. Shunyata can be described as “complete openness” (my emphasis).
Stone makes the observation that this slogan’s protection intention and process is very rare in the Buddhist scriptures. (More about that later.) And again no reference to what it is from what that protection is being requested or required.
What About Satan? Is Satan (he/she/they/it) the Bloodline Wizard’s Tool?
What about Satan? Another unexpected wake-up as a consequence of the convidiana head-butt is that we are seeing more clearly the expanding extent and expanse of evidence of the widespread presence of horrific satanic practices, especially against children. (See, for example, Anneke Lucas’ description of her experience with Satanic ritual torture, sexual abuse and mind control practices.) And very recently I watched what was quite possibly an actual live performance of a Satanic ritual led by Madonna at the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest. Caution: Before watching the video I suggest that you do some kind of energetic affirmation protection process and perhaps an energetic cleansing process after watching it because it is absolutely creepy.
And that it was ostensibly embraced with glee by the audience was almost as creepy, to me, as people laughing at the young man being tongue-kissed by what looked like, to me, a lust besotted Dalai Lama.
Was that ‘performance’ actually a Satanic ritual? I don’t honesty know of course, not having participated in them and yet my gut reaction is that this was definitely unhealthy or, perhaps more accurately, unwholesome in that it portrayed an energy of purpose that was to break integrity with ourselves in some way. It wasn’t ‘just’ a song.
Lord of the Flies as Bloodline Wizard’s Tool of De-Intregrating to Create Trauma
After I wrote that, I remembered my first awareness of such an integrity-break between my soul or spirit, and my mind or perhaps my mind’s word-centric ideas about my self and my body. I now recognise with my expanded knowledge and experience that I had been split with trauma. (For my discussion on trauma and splitting, ie, de-integration, see “Where Is The Middle Path When I’m Stuck in the Middle With Me? On Appropriate Eccentric Action Inappropriate Eccentric Action and Trauma”.)
That trauma occurred just near the beginnings of puberty, in the summer between grade seven and grade eight. That was the summer of my total withdrawal from life to protect the world from my inexpressible rage. See ‘Dear Terry: Epistle 1 To A Dead Mother: Who Were You? Asks One Version of A Chronic Nose-Picking Son’.
At the school year’s end Mr. Pratt, the grade seven teacher who perhaps (mis)understood my precocious book behaviour as a positive and not as a subtle and pernicious form of addiction, suggested that over the summer I read Lord of the Flies by William Golding.
And with this book in particular I tend to align with Sharine’s concern about an evil agenda running in the background because this book is a clear example, to me, of something evil disguised as beneficial. It turns out that that was to be my second of three exposures to that book and one time exposure to the movie before the end of grade eight. In grade four I had been placed in a grade five class with five other students because of grade four student overflow. We were the ‘smart’ ones who could study mostly on our own so as not burden the teacher. And Mr. Bunting was a true progressive, early ‘woke’ in today’s vocabulary. For music class he played LPs: ‘El Condor Pasa’, a Beetles record, which I don’t remember except that the green apple on the LP label fascinated me. (Here’s Drive My Car’ for fans, which I did not and have not become.) And I remember just one song from Jesus Christ Super Star.
And he read Lord of the Flies out loud to his grade five students and we precocious grade fours were blessed with being able to listen too. (He also read The Hobbit, which kick-started me into an extended foray into fantasy and then sci-fi.)
And Thus With ‘Innocent’ Woke Good Intentions I was Traumatised and, Undoubtedly Others Were Too
With hindsight I am able to say that the scene in which the boys kill Piggy traumatised me. Of course I didn’t know that at the time and even now, after having been consciously aware of how horrific that book has been in my life, I still feel a kind of tremor or shudder in my body as I write this. It brought back the orally created imagery of the imagination of that scene which was seared into me, mind and body, far more deeply than the cinematic imagery of it did when later I watched the movie. I don’t remember why or when I watched it. Although, as I’ve been editing this I think that Bunting also showed the movie to us. I remember nothing of the movie except that scene.
And as I’ve been re-working the brutal gleeful killing of boys at the hands of other boys into my mind came another image, that of two of my friends who, as Jewish boys, were shown the most brutal of the Holocaust images as some kind of lesson about not forgetting. OMG, I thought when I heard each of them tell me this at different times. Each described how that created trauma that they are still dealing with fifty plus years later. (And I wonder if Michael Stone, who was Jewish and raised with a practicing Jewish family, was also exposed to those images for his own good as a boy. Note: Stone suffered from bi-polar. As he got older the severity of depression became worse and worse. He died in 2017 of an accidental fentanyl overdose when he bought some street heroin to ease his mental state.)
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Was LotF Just One Example of Evil Being Done to Children to Help Displace The Great Creator?
Is the practice of brutalising children in these ‘good intentioned’ ways one of the more clever manifestations of the bloodline wizards? Not impossible, because brutalising children extends throughout our school systems and within the families as well. And in The Golden Ass by Apuleius, ~180AD, there is a reference that suggests that it was normal to brutalise children back in Ancient Greece.
To answer the questions, perhaps yes to both, if a manifestation of ’evil’ is to de-integrate people. In Peter Conrad’s review of Golding’s biography, for example, he describes his own reading of LotF as destroying a safe world and, with it, removing God. Unlike me, however, his tone suggests that that was good thing. Read “William Golding: The Man Who Wrote Lord of the Flies by John Carey” reviewed by Peter Conrad 30 Aug 2009 for a brief biographical sketch of its author and the (negative) impact it had on at least one other person besides me.
… my [Peter Conrad’s] innocence came to an end when I opened Lord of the Flies, which warps Ballantyne's tale [The Coral Island] into an allegory about the wickedness of our species and its rightful ejection from the happy garden. The novel, as the critic Lionel Trilling said, marked a mutation in culture: God may have died, but the Devil was flourishing, especially in English public schools.
Golding called himself a monster. His imagination lodged a horde of demons, buzzing like flies inside his haunted head, and his dreams rehearsed his guilt in scenarios that read like sketches for incidents in his novels, which they often were. After dark, his mother became a murderous maniac, hurling knives, shards of shattered mirror or metal pots of scalding tea at little William… (my emphasis).
This does sound a lot like what Sharine has described as the objective of the bloodline wizards: the removal of God and the ascension of the Devil. And it sure sounds like Golding had been a victim of some form of childhood abuse. What was disturbing about reading Golding’s really horrific behaviours and imaginations was the way the writer downplayed them and made no suggestion that what Golding may have been expressing was extreme PTSD associated with pretty horrific abuse rather than the ‘madness’ of a creative genius.
Consciously Promoted Evil or Evil by the Momentum of a Highly Traumatised Zeitgeist?
And like with so much other predictive programming and other disempowering psyops, I wonder if LotF was consciously elevated into the grade school system as a fully realised tool of trauma. Or if that elevation was, similar to what may have been the case with Krishnamurti, the social zeitgeist simply expressing itself. (For my look at Krishnamurti and his trauma and how it expressed itself, see ‘Cutting the Ligaments — Krishnamurti Pt 1 a False Flag Freedom Fighter: “I’m Drowning Here, And You’re Describing The Water!”
‘Being Processed — Krishnamurti Pt2 A Hidden Tale of a Trauma Poster Child: “Reality Is Not Truth”’
“Reality Is Not Truth!” Everyone in the Making of History and News is a Bloodline Wizard
“The real Lord of the Flies: What Happened When Six Boys Were Shipwrecked for 15 Months” by Rutger Bregman; X@rcbregman. 9 May 2020
Mano Totau interview: a survivor’s story of shipwreck and salvation.
Rutger Bregman interview: ‘Our secret superpower is our ability to cooperate.’
So What Do The Asch Conformity, Milgram’s Obedience to Authority Experiments Have In Common with Lord of the Flies?
Each have been used to misrepresent human nature at the most profound and deepest levels. See John Corbett’s excellent dismantling of the ‘official’ and misrepresentations of both the Asch and Milgram experiments. He looks at the so-called ‘by-stander’ effect:
The bystander effect describes a seeming paradox: the more people who are around to help in a given emergency, the less likely that any one individual will actually stop to help. Today James dives into the psychology underlying the bystander effect and explains how we can flip this quirk of human cognition on its head to help change the world for the better.
What Else Do They Have in Common? Language. Words. And, A Subjectively Objectionable Word Trap
I have described, to a certain extent at least, what might be an objective realisation of evil: that which knowingly creates tangible measurable observable suffering in others. Or, my paraphrase of Matthew 7:16 and 20: By their words and by their actions you shall know them to be good or evil.
Jasun Horsley, my brother-in-law, and likely many other people, may disagree with that definition. For example, Jasun and I emailed a short exchange on the topic with his reply to my questions about ‘good’ and ‘evil’ that I sent to him to assist me in wrapping my head around this issue. Slightly edited:
Guy’s Question/Request:
My latest essay has veered sideways again. In part because of [biblical] Job and the question of the objective nature of reality. In part because the nature of objective reality itself: is that bounded by limits, such as 'evil' cannot exist, has to exist? Or, … [as I have been told] from the Course in Miracles, 'There isn't evil, only the absence of good'. And that 'absence of good' might be a weird New Age quibble, that my mind hasn't 'objectively' wrestled with, yet. Might be part of today's essay.
Jasun’s Answer/Questions:
OR by definition [objective reality] exists independently of belief, being what makes it objective!
The question of whether it [objective reality] exists is absurd and the beginning of absurdity; it makes no sense; the question surely is, can it in any way be known or talked about? & if not, what is the purpose of naming it?
I recall Dave [Oshana] saying once to a participant that he didn't believe in absolute [objective?] evil. Whether he would amend it now after several months delving into metaphysical evil, I don't know; but I would agree that evil is a relative term whereas good, perhaps, is not, or at least has a transcendental/eternal aspect, where evil, surely does not (else how could it be evil?)
So then we are led (back) to the question, does metaphysical evil have objective reality? If the source of evil is Satan and Satan is a fallen aspect of God (Lucifer), and only what is eternal is objectively real, that would have to be a no, since nothing changes in eternity, so no fall....
For now I have omitted the subsequent email to look at more thoroughly, later.
I also asked Dave Oshana the question as follows:
I have begun my own exploration of good and evil, a kind of wrestling match that my unconscious, whatever 'objectively' that might be, seems to be directing me towards.
Good and evil: 'objectively' real or not? if yes or no, perhaps a kind of explication of why or why not would be great, too. I would like to get some ideas from people I respect to assist me with this wrestling match.
Dave’s Reply:
It depends how you feel unless you are an objectivist ;-)
Which I found very funny!
LOL! Of course!
However, who isn't an objectivist? If we describe ourselves as a 'subjectivist' have we not objectified subjectivity? RoTFL. Language is so much fun, so limited and expansively funny at the same time.
And that, language, may ultimately be the ‘objective’ trap that keeps us stuck in suffering! I think that Jasun has some element(s) of his argument that is incorrect. I will pursue that in my next ‘objective’ instalment of this subjective exploration of objecting to or objectifying the subjective, or not, experiences of the reality, or not, of good and evil. (If you have managed to get here, and would like to comment on my and/or Dave’s and/or Jasun’s comment, I won’t object!)
Now to End this Weird Introduction to Good and Evil: Sharine Asked Me A Question in Her Comment
… I will occasionally employ a divination tool after alchemizing the tool itself and the entire process. And this is what I do with music as well. It's a kind of purifying-of-consciousness, saying "I know who made this and that it may have been made for mind-control or other evil purposes, but I choose to listen/watch not for entertainment but for critical thinking and/or for purposes that fit in with the principles of Natural Law." Perhaps you do something like that yourself when using the I Ching.
I do not engage in a specific practice of purification beyond a form of prayer when I consult the I Ching. However, my daily sadhana practice is an extended ‘purification’ ritual that spans pretty much the whole day with mindful awareness of breath and connection of my usually bare feet on the ground. Each morning I begin with a set of mindful/spiritual practices that include an extended gratitude mantra/prayer and deference to the will of All That Is, my version of the Niyama ’ishvara-pranidhana’. That is followed by a cleansing process from the Niyamas called sauca, with which I include a few times a week an energy cleanse with rock salt. And I have a salt bowl set out to help clear energy. With cleaning I include the rest of Niyamas: santosa, tapas, svadhiyaya, which are contentment, enthusiasm for life, and self-study or the study of scripture. I usual listen to ‘spiritually’ powerful podcasts of one sort or another. Following that I proceed with usually two hours of concentrated body movement (asana) concomitantly with mindfulness of breath practices. This includes two 5-10 minutes sitting meditations. And, depending on the day and how my body directs me, I have recently been including extended sixty minute quiet or mantra meditations. During the day I frequently bring awareness to various parts of my body: how my feet and toes are moving and feel their connection to the earth/floor; my belly and back, how they are moving with my breath. And with my breath as often as I remember to, I gently focus my awareness on each breath as it moves in and out of the body with the body being the source of the breath movement. At night before sleeping, I sit quietly for several minutes and incorporate a combination of a gratitude mantra and, perhaps most importantly, the Ho’oponopono personal responsibility mantra for 10 to 15 minutes, unless I’m particularly tired. It took me a while to understand that basically much of my day is an alchemising process. So thank you for asking that, because I hadn’t thought of my practice in that way: most of my day is some kind of kriya practice, that of cleansing.
As to music, I consider it to be, generally, a means to help healing in some way. Lots of exceptions! And I see how many of the very popular songs are about disempowering oneself and embracing codependency! And although I am not perfect at what I have chosen with regards to that, in general I use my PS-RAP (psyche-somatic resonance awareness process) to assist me with choosing positive or energising music instead of enervating music.
To part 1
Spotify. YouTube
Note that the YouTube version contains the following videos: (Jungian) ‘The Psychology of The Fool; Programming The Nation | Free Full Documentary | Subliminal Messages to the Masses; What is Reiki Healing?
🙏 If this essay gave you some pleasure, and/or an ‘aha’ benefit, become a paid subscriber.🙏
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Song of the Essay, this time it is a full concert.
And with that, I will close with the music that my PS-RAP process chose today because it has the effect of clearing congested marma points in the nadis which, in Chinese acupuncture, are the acupuncture points and the meridian lines.
Einstein on the Beach by Philip Glass.
Great essay Guy. I felt like I had a sudden flash of all evil realisation 2 years ago, 15th June to be exact! You don't forget that kind of thing. It felt like seeing everything at once. I wanted to crawl into a hole somewhere and die if I'm honest. But then I was overcome by the sense that I needed to be exactly what I wanted to see, what I wanted to believe in, compassion, joy, kindness. I have striven every day since then to embody this. I have failed often but I have changed beyond measure. To see it and to keep going every day trying to be the light to counter it. What more can we do? Only this, it is all we have. If enough of us are doing this then what might be? I had another of those moments on 19th June this year (would have suited my obsessive statistical nature if it had been the same date) but this time it was the opposite type of vision. I tried to explain it to a few people because it felt like THE answer ha ha, but I realised that it was too individual to put into words. My picture will be different from your picture but I knew it was momentous and since then I have been filled with an incredible gratitude. Nothing has changed and everything has changed. Courage. I pray everyday for strength and courage to face whatever is.
Wonderful piece, Guy, and thank you for dedicating it to my question! I appreciate your lengthy description of your daily practices, and I love that you specifically point to *personal responsibility* as most important.
If even half of the world population took responsibility for their health and well-being, the world would be a vastly different — and I mean *better* — realm. But they are beholden to "experts," "officials," and "authorities," denying their God-given senses and propping up the Slave Torture Matrix.
And so, in today's clown-world shit-show, it is vital for us to maintain higher consciousness and to live life fully as our Creator intended! We were never meant to be either slaves or slave masters.💖