"Our egos will kick against and muddy our bodily awareness, especially for people who have, in this example, elevated the Dalai Lama as a kind of hero." I stopped there to comment on this sentence. What a brilliant observation of the human condition Guy. This paradigm can, IMO be applied to so many events in our lives. As a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I can tell you that this resonates profoundly with me. I'm now going back, with great anticipation, to reading the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey used to opine.

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Hello David.

Thank you for reading and for the astute comment. Yes, you are absolutely correct, that that paradigm applies to our experience of life in most if not all aspects. It is a curious rephrasing and compressing of some of the yogic and Buddhist concepts of how to live with more peace and less suffering.

I have included you in my prayers on your path to healing your trauma. As I've written elsewhere, we are truly a traumatised and traumatising society, with most of us walking around unconsciously in a bully zeitgeist Stockholm syndrome. It is up to each of us to stop that trauma syndrome from perpetuating. Really an amazing process and incredibly challenging.

Great to meet you David, and to be sharing with you this journey into our empowerment and freedom to be appropriately eccentric in all our actions.

All the best.

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This post has *a lot* to unpack, Guy.

I'll start by saying that I trust my body. I first saw that image of the DL a year or two ago, and I immediately felt disgusted, like I needed to barf!

Second, I want to share that my husband is a board-certified music therapist!

Finally, my body has [mostly] kept me away from popular music/videos except when I consciously listen/view for analytical purposes. I have come to comprehend that anything put out by Hollywood or other conglomerates into the limelight is based on Luciferian/Satanic practices, inverting life-affirming messages that they have disguised as "love." One only needs to watch a few music videos to see the abject evil.

Furthermore, it is highly likely that everyone in the limelight (and not just Hollywood, but in politics, corporations/organizations, education, sports, medicine/"healing," et al) is there as a bloodline tool for the wayward wizards, playing a role to advance the agenda of enslaving mankind and replacing The Great Creator. Most of the "women" are trannies. It is for this reason that I no longer regularly use divination such as the I Ching or Tarot: They were developed by bloodline rulers who deceive and subjugate others based on their belief in their superiority.

However, I will occasionally employ a divination tool after alchemizing the tool itself and the entire process. And this is what I do with music as well. It's a kind of purifying-of-consciousness, saying "I know who made this and that it may have been made for mind-control or other evil purposes, but I choose to listen/watch *not for entertainment* but for critical thinking and/or for purposes that fit in with the principles of Natural Law." Perhaps you do something like that yourself when using the I Ching.

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Hello, Sharine!

Wow, this is such a great comment and observation. And has several synchronicity elements that came up during the day.

I have so much that I would like to explore around your comment that I am thinking I would like to create a new essay with my 'reply' rather than reply here. Would that be okay with you?

Thank you. Good night!

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I'd love to read your essay based on our conversation. It sounds great!

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Okay. I'll get started on that. And, as been happening with just about everything I've begun to write, I really don't know where it will go.

Muchas gracias!

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I know the feeling. I just have a general topic and start writing. It's a fun journey, as I often make interesting connections while writing! Best wishes, and enjoy!

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This essay means so much to me. (Read after I emailed you) Thank you for continuing to provide me with clues and ways to understand and move towards the next moment. After a week of containing my eccentric self and becoming ill (my eyelid is swollen with fluid and sore - my body saying, I will make sure you see this!)

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Hola, April. OMG, I really love how you write what you see and how well you see. You had me laughing with your sore eye!

I am so glad this essay had such a positive effect! That is wonderful, because as I was working through it I wondered if anyone would like it. Something about this shadow work and linking it to the possible misopaedia of the Dalai Lama could really turn people off, I thought. And you are welcome.

It will be interesting to see how my body responds. Yesterday I had some really amazing physical symptoms to go along with the writing process. And I slept in until after 1pm! I dont' do that. And I took it easy today, even skipping sadhana today and had a short walk instead. My hip is feeling better, and so ... welll. We'll see.

And I read your letter. I understand perfectly! No problem. I'll respond there more fully.

All the best!

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So strange, Guy. I've had conversations, I think, in six places with you today. And had I read this first, I never would have talked about baptism as drowning the infant. That elicited a rare short reply from you ;-) that was positive and curious. But I feel like we're in a room of distorted mirrors of each other. I talk about an experiment that was maybe life-or-death for first century Judeans. You talk about a possibly intentional NDE with sexual trauma as a woke New Age experiment. And maybe they were the same thing from opposite motives. Curious.

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Great comment, Tereza. Thank you for reading.

Although I suspect that the NDE came from a place of frustration and anger and therefore not purely intentional. And that gave huge HUGE energy in the family to not express emotions. And explains, to a greater degree, the earlier essay in which I describe destroying a car from the release of suppressed anger. And after that, withdrawing into books and further deepening the rift between mind, body and spirit. I have a bit more 'exploration' of that in my upcoming — not sure when — epistle #2 to Terry.

Yes. Amazing the synchronicities around our conversations, are they not? No way to have seen that coming! LoL! And those distorted mirrors of each other are suggestively pointing to the reality of your mind/materium materium/mind question. Or Shakespeare's (Eddy de Vere's) 'All the world's a dream... er, I mean all the word's a stage ... ' Or something like that. LoL! Eddy de Vere was very wise.

The next essay, that I loosely intend to write and not yet started, despite my clear intention to start it today, will be less ... fraught? Dramatic? LOL! Not sure the adjective.

For some reason, my short Shakespeare quip had my mind leap to Prospero's speech by Loreena McKennitt. https://youtu.be/sc5WPpqn13k. And with that, McKennitt's 'Lullaby' by William Blake read so well by Douglas Campbell. https://youtu.be/rWqQ9uwqQxk

I have no idea why those two 'songs' came forward in my mind. They don't seem to have a 'logical' connection. Curious.

Well, time to do another late night I Ching about something very unexpected and much more life affirming. Good night.

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Beautiful, haunting songs. And yes, the NDE from frustration and anger fits with what I've been able to glean from your description. Interesting that she later 'confessed'.

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The confession came out of the blue a few months after my 18th birthday, in the summer, August I think. In November I left the family and she died without us exchanging a single word in any media.

I consider it to be one of the biggest blessings, because it made tangible the source of something dark inside of me.

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