What a brave post, Guy. You are intent on facing your childhood trauma. When you first stated your certainty that you'd been molested, I felt some reserve. And then when you told the details of the times you DID remember, that reserve dissipated. I'm sure you're right.
I remember Kinsey as a revered name in psychology. I had no idea of his real nature and lack of ethics. It's all making more sense now. Maybe this is Conspiracy Theorist Level 17. Thank you for enlightening me.
Hola, Tereza. Yes, I am intent on clearing the trauma out of my body. I also initially felt some reserve about the possibility of this kind of abuse. As I've been expanding the trust of my body's awareness of true, that our bodies are the sacred expression of the soul, that it is the soul and is living in this moment and that moment can only hold the truth. It is the mind that holds and juggles what is false and suckers the body.
So yes to Conspiracy Theorist Level 17. It would be interesting to see how backed and supported his work the dissemination of this kind of ideology that infiltrated the universities and the minds of people like my parents and their parents liberal 'ideology'. My BinL had a similar experience through his family with its connection to Jimmy Saville. It might be an interesting search to see who was the backers of supporting this kind of 'stuff'. And of course there was the revealing that THE CHILD PSYCHOLOGIST of the 20th century, Bruno Bettelheim, was also a misopaed. Hmmmm.
Thank you for reading and the comment. Good night. (I've been particularly busy and have been avoiding your posts because I would find them engaging and then I wouldn't be able to complete what I'm doing! I hope to be able to jump in soon.)
"I remember Kinsey as a revered name in psychology."
I as well.
"I had no idea..." Neither had I. In fact I must've written that a few thousand times to Guy.
What also floors me is the idea that the fraud pervert, Freud actually retracted his goofy "Oedipus" theory but he got concelled for it and now I know why psychotherapy has been half buried (deservedly so) for some time now.
Yes. Bruno Bettleheim was literally the god of Freudian child psychology and was a misopaed. And his psychology is pretty horrific too. The book on Freud's dissembling about the sexual abuse and death of children in the Paris morgue is worth reading. Yup: all lies.
"Instead, I am trying to point out that bad scientists - and probably there are more bad scientists at Harvard and elsewhere - know that they have a Damocles sword over their heads. They can be canceled over their academic misdeeds due to any political controversy.
I hope that this scandal, as bad as it is, will reduce the amount of plagiarism and bad science - but I am also concerned that no one cares about science being done properly until a political battle involves one of such compromised scientistific figures, such as Dr. Gay.
Tough question for me to answer. Actually I'm oddly ambivalent about 'plagiarism' and have come to think that mostly it has become (always was?) a threatening tool to keep people in line at the expense of freedom of thought. And a means of legalising idea theft.
The need to clamp down on idea theft is coming from a very peculiar sense of arrogant entitlement that the 'special' few will reap the benefits of their ideas. It actually is part and parcel of the hegemony of privilege. IMO. As an example of that is the theft by universities of graduate students' ideas. How is that not a form of sanctioned idea theft to the benefit of the hegemon? And so there we have that lovely smell of hypocrisy and mendacity coming together to suggest that the idea and/or 'rules' around plagiarism are yet another red herring — I seem to like the smell metaphors today. Or a false flag in academics to virtue signal 'purity'. Which would be totally unnecessary if they were in fact behaving with integrity.
What's your opinion, Geoff?
(And how is the Spanish coming along? Mine is going great and although I wasn't fluent by Jan 1, I am now having pretty sophisticated conversations even with a limited set of verbs and vocabulary. It is fantastic.)
Guy, I know you're super busy so I wanna let you know that I really apprciate your taking the time to add to my info and learning. I agree that most things are not what they're presented as being and in fact, have been used as tools to keep people in line.
"The hegemony of privilege" is a brilliant way to put it and there's no doubt here that the "privileged" intend to keep it that way.
"As an example of that is the theft by universities of graduate students' ideas. " Interesting that you mention that. A young friend of mine put a lot of effort into a study at Mayo and when it came time for him to publish a paper was locked out of the lab, access to the data denied, and threatened with deportation (since his visa was near expiration). Fortunately he'd made a lot of connections in the community and we all raised (bleep) and when some of the officers of the dump got wind of it, they of course didn't want the negativ publicity, so he finally got the data in the nick of time and he's working on his paper now.
My Spanish is at a halt for now, but my wife and I made it through 6 lessons and found it the best language course we've ever taken. It's already helped since I was able to communicate in Spanish with a couple of random "folks on the street" (Mex restaraunt, Mex grocery store andat a meat shop), due to my new found boldness. It's fun as well. In fact, I've been translatiing the phrases into Tagalog and Greek too. I owe you for all that!
"Bruno Bettleheim was literally the god of Freudian child psychology and was a misopaed. And his psychology is pretty horrific too. "
Doesn't surprise me a bit. I got into all these things mainly because I could never make sense of why the Vietnam war happened. Never could wrap my brain around it and still am not aware of any rational reason for the abomination. Now it's becoming clearer to me that it, and probably most, wars are committed at the pleasure of sadists and other unimaginable sickos. Every other "explanation" hardly rises to the level of rationalization, (funny word, that).
My sister and her husband have been exploring this for a LOT longer then me. Control. It's about controlling the population by the traumatised few. Did you read my essay in which I finally connected the dots between the founding of the Catholic church and malevolent narcissistic personality disorder? Control by the traumatised, which is the conclusion my sister and bil made. How to make that control most effective: use the tools of a good sociopathic narcissist to create enough trauma that people are unable to know what is true. The brain and thinking — yes rationalisation is a wonderfully horrific word! — are very unstable when ungrounded by real world experience. The biggest power the narcissist has to create in their targets the inability to know anymore what the reality of physical existence actually is. Once that's there in the mind, might just as well visualise a bull's nose ring attached to the latest faddish 'good' idea - religion, reason, ufos, etc.
Control. By people who are small in a big universe thinking if they just had control they would feel safe in a bad world.
"It's about controlling the population by the traumatised few."
I agree. I used to think that it was control by the bored stiff half wits. Bored because they had so much cash they could do what they wanted and soon the thrills were gone. It also seemed clear to me that screwballs like Bill Gates were operating from well deserved feelings of inadequacy which I've noticed is common in rich kids. They've had way more than they need handed to them whether they performed or not so never learned how to. Punks like that would be living under a bridge if they were not born into the cabal. I neither envy nor feel sorry for them either.
But I think your take on it is much more valid than my theories and it really helps understand the sadistic brutality acted out by the warrmonger crowd. It isn't really about oil or squashing threats; it's about having been traumatised.
I have not read your essay on the Church, but thanks for alerting me to it.
I could go on , but suffice it to say, there is nothing that you've said that I could add to and I am thrilled to have found your site and discovered your views.
I am thrilled to see how my ideas are stimulating you and expanding your understanding. As all of expand our understanding we move away from fear and trauma falls away and stops being both the motivator and the obeisant.
I've been busy reading some of your substacks and I am stunned. It confirms my impression of myself which is that I know nothing.
As for Freud, I always saw him as FoS, a complete bullsh___ing fraud, but really had no idea; not a clue. And Kinsey I never even got into at all; only heard about him but again had no clue what a freak he was. I had a girlfriend who was the daughter of a psychoanalyst and that was certainly not only a very eye-popping experience, but it confirmed a lot of what I suspected...! But again, I remained pretty clueless, and now I have you to thank for adding to my understanding of the world. I really ought to leave it at that, but I'm just too durn curious, so I have to dig in deeper. Thanks for the leads!
I got lucky and had as benign a childhood as could be expected and roamed the woods and creeks freely with the rest of the neighborhood rascals. Never picked up a book til I was in my '50s, but once I started, found many rabbit holes to explore and I'v devoured a lot but still know nothing.
Another thing that really fascinates me is how, from apparently very different backgrounds, we've come to such similar conclusions about so many things.
Sorry this comment is so disjointed. Tons of fascinating stuff going on...And if I don't respond as much as I would like it's because I'm busy getting the "goods" on Freud, et al.!
Great comment Geoff and I am so filled with joy that my writing has attracted your curiosity enough to do your own dig into how much we don't know.
As to how we came to be here in a similar understanding of the 'real' world? For me that was my spiritual journey, to find my way back to a bodily centric awareness of what is true. I had lots of different experiences — synchronicities! — that brought me back from a completely disembodiment from trauma to this place in mexico where I do a daily practice augmented by the help that shows up when I need it, to remove all trauma that has been keeping from being totally free in mind, body and hence the expression of spirit. (Actually, I've come to my own realisation that what Gautama meant when he said 'Trust your self' was actually trust your body. It is the expression of your soul. Likely JC was pointing to that too and even then for Gautama and JC the body-soul split was too big. William Blake explores that **brilliantly** in his essay/poem/essay thing called "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell." If you haven't dipped into that do so. Written in the mid 18th century. I'm using it the 8wk body as sacred expression of soul course I'm teaching right now. The client is finding that text amazing within the context ofthe course which is finds to be physically, emotionally and psychologically transformative.
What is your thoughts of why we came from disparate places and find ourselves together?
You may find my first essays here in Substack helpful to answer some of that because my spiritual travelogue is the lead up to why I, in complete ignorance of the injection, refused it in the face of great financial consequences.
Now back to my next essay - I look to redefine woke and suggest that that framing of a behaviour has been another red herring psyop. We'll see if I can pull that together before midnight.
I read your "Epistles" twice since they were so fascinating. I've heard of phenomena such as you describe, but never experienced anything like that, and as far as spiritual things are concerned, they've always been a mystery ( a source of wonder) to me.
The only pains I've ever really had are my feet bother me now since I fell through some scaffolding and broke both my heels a few years back.
As for what Gautama meant, whatever it was, was probably lost in the translation and I'm confident that your take on it is either exact or very close. My take on why we apparently think so much alike is that it's likely due to decades of experience.
I feel good for you that you refused the jab. I did as well but was retired before it became an issue. My wife refused and lost her job, but got another anyway. I refused partly because I've long seen through the fraud of "flu" injections (how could anyone possibly predict which virus would be the problem) and this "new" (mRNA) baloney was just too much to swallow.
Hola, amigo. A double read. I am honoured. You may then enjoy the epistles to my dead father. A few more of them as his absence and instability were likely a bigger presence by their lack of him in me than the energy I got from my mother which was completely overwhelming. So easier to see and reflect on.
I would love to think that experience by itself was what kept us injection free and yet.. I look around and many (most!) supposedly experienced people got spiked. Perhaps it is more a quality of attending to the experience as a living expression of Life than the experience itself.
Similarly to you, I infer, I put flu vaccines are up there on the stupid scale with masking against viruses. I knew immediately it was scam. When Yoshiko asked why I didn't want the injection I cited that flu vaccines don't work and that new technology is more likely to fail than work. And I added that this isn't a real panic, it is a scam of some sort. Mostly likely to make the pharmaceuticals rich at the expense of the government's (public's) money. I said that how many times have we been told that in an emergency exercise that this is a test and that in the case of a real fire, earthquake, plane crash, ship sinking don't panic. This looks like a manufactured panic, I said, and so someone is controlling it. I had NO idea the scope of the organised genocide that it is! Wow! That was a surprise. I apologise in one of my essays for being asleep enough to allow the evil to expand effortlessly into our homes and communities.
Lost in translation, for sure. The people who took over Gautama's teachings went against what he said and created a structure significantly antithetical to his adamant refusal to entertain reincarnation and God as important except as distractions from reducing the suffering in ourselves and then, by that, others. Many people walked away from pre-nascent Buddhism soon after his death when they saw the new 'leaders' do much like what was done by the gaslighting Christian church fathers: create a hierarchical structure and references back to karma and, in some cases, God or gods.
Salud, buenas noches! Back to the Montainesque style essay.
I confessed it wasn't my creation and yet it has stayed with me as one of the greatest plays on words I've read. So funny and I am overjoyed you caught that play/pun thing. I love to play with English, as you have, I'm sure, noticed.
No. I read through and popped into McKinsey. Do you know what 'black cities' are? They mention that that is one of their goals. I imagine they mean no lights? Hmmmmm,
I plugged this, +McKinsey+"black city" into Yandex and only got one hit. I did another and all that came up were references to cities populated by black folk.
What was the context, Guy?
PS: I made it to lección ocho. By far the best way of teaching a tongue that I've evr encountered.
Oops! Maybe I was tired or some other excuse. Not black city, black communities.
It is referring to their goal of 'advancing' equity or something. For example, from their web page:
“As the effects of climate change become more evident each year, we all have the opportunity to play a critical role in ensuring an inclusive response to climate change, both through equitable adaptation to climate hazards and to a just climate transition, by addressing the disproportionate impact on Black communities.”
Understand the impact of climate change on Black communities in the US in a new interactive by McKinsey’s Institute for Black Economic Mobility
What a brave post, Guy. You are intent on facing your childhood trauma. When you first stated your certainty that you'd been molested, I felt some reserve. And then when you told the details of the times you DID remember, that reserve dissipated. I'm sure you're right.
I remember Kinsey as a revered name in psychology. I had no idea of his real nature and lack of ethics. It's all making more sense now. Maybe this is Conspiracy Theorist Level 17. Thank you for enlightening me.
Hola, Tereza. Yes, I am intent on clearing the trauma out of my body. I also initially felt some reserve about the possibility of this kind of abuse. As I've been expanding the trust of my body's awareness of true, that our bodies are the sacred expression of the soul, that it is the soul and is living in this moment and that moment can only hold the truth. It is the mind that holds and juggles what is false and suckers the body.
So yes to Conspiracy Theorist Level 17. It would be interesting to see how backed and supported his work the dissemination of this kind of ideology that infiltrated the universities and the minds of people like my parents and their parents liberal 'ideology'. My BinL had a similar experience through his family with its connection to Jimmy Saville. It might be an interesting search to see who was the backers of supporting this kind of 'stuff'. And of course there was the revealing that THE CHILD PSYCHOLOGIST of the 20th century, Bruno Bettelheim, was also a misopaed. Hmmmm.
Thank you for reading and the comment. Good night. (I've been particularly busy and have been avoiding your posts because I would find them engaging and then I wouldn't be able to complete what I'm doing! I hope to be able to jump in soon.)
Damn, Guy!
Haha, that's the best reason ever to be avoiding someone! Glad that your body is on the mend and your mind engaged.
"I remember Kinsey as a revered name in psychology."
I as well.
"I had no idea..." Neither had I. In fact I must've written that a few thousand times to Guy.
What also floors me is the idea that the fraud pervert, Freud actually retracted his goofy "Oedipus" theory but he got concelled for it and now I know why psychotherapy has been half buried (deservedly so) for some time now.
I'm slowing awakening to the conclusion that it's the most disgusting clowns that get promoted and pushed into our faces constantly.
I had no idea.
Yes. Bruno Bettleheim was literally the god of Freudian child psychology and was a misopaed. And his psychology is pretty horrific too. The book on Freud's dissembling about the sexual abuse and death of children in the Paris morgue is worth reading. Yup: all lies.
Another aspect of how the world works...
"Instead, I am trying to point out that bad scientists - and probably there are more bad scientists at Harvard and elsewhere - know that they have a Damocles sword over their heads. They can be canceled over their academic misdeeds due to any political controversy.
I hope that this scandal, as bad as it is, will reduce the amount of plagiarism and bad science - but I am also concerned that no one cares about science being done properly until a political battle involves one of such compromised scientistific figures, such as Dr. Gay.
What do you think?
Tough question for me to answer. Actually I'm oddly ambivalent about 'plagiarism' and have come to think that mostly it has become (always was?) a threatening tool to keep people in line at the expense of freedom of thought. And a means of legalising idea theft.
The need to clamp down on idea theft is coming from a very peculiar sense of arrogant entitlement that the 'special' few will reap the benefits of their ideas. It actually is part and parcel of the hegemony of privilege. IMO. As an example of that is the theft by universities of graduate students' ideas. How is that not a form of sanctioned idea theft to the benefit of the hegemon? And so there we have that lovely smell of hypocrisy and mendacity coming together to suggest that the idea and/or 'rules' around plagiarism are yet another red herring — I seem to like the smell metaphors today. Or a false flag in academics to virtue signal 'purity'. Which would be totally unnecessary if they were in fact behaving with integrity.
What's your opinion, Geoff?
(And how is the Spanish coming along? Mine is going great and although I wasn't fluent by Jan 1, I am now having pretty sophisticated conversations even with a limited set of verbs and vocabulary. It is fantastic.)
Guy, I know you're super busy so I wanna let you know that I really apprciate your taking the time to add to my info and learning. I agree that most things are not what they're presented as being and in fact, have been used as tools to keep people in line.
"The hegemony of privilege" is a brilliant way to put it and there's no doubt here that the "privileged" intend to keep it that way.
"As an example of that is the theft by universities of graduate students' ideas. " Interesting that you mention that. A young friend of mine put a lot of effort into a study at Mayo and when it came time for him to publish a paper was locked out of the lab, access to the data denied, and threatened with deportation (since his visa was near expiration). Fortunately he'd made a lot of connections in the community and we all raised (bleep) and when some of the officers of the dump got wind of it, they of course didn't want the negativ publicity, so he finally got the data in the nick of time and he's working on his paper now.
My Spanish is at a halt for now, but my wife and I made it through 6 lessons and found it the best language course we've ever taken. It's already helped since I was able to communicate in Spanish with a couple of random "folks on the street" (Mex restaraunt, Mex grocery store andat a meat shop), due to my new found boldness. It's fun as well. In fact, I've been translatiing the phrases into Tagalog and Greek too. I owe you for all that!
"Bruno Bettleheim was literally the god of Freudian child psychology and was a misopaed. And his psychology is pretty horrific too. "
Doesn't surprise me a bit. I got into all these things mainly because I could never make sense of why the Vietnam war happened. Never could wrap my brain around it and still am not aware of any rational reason for the abomination. Now it's becoming clearer to me that it, and probably most, wars are committed at the pleasure of sadists and other unimaginable sickos. Every other "explanation" hardly rises to the level of rationalization, (funny word, that).
My sister and her husband have been exploring this for a LOT longer then me. Control. It's about controlling the population by the traumatised few. Did you read my essay in which I finally connected the dots between the founding of the Catholic church and malevolent narcissistic personality disorder? Control by the traumatised, which is the conclusion my sister and bil made. How to make that control most effective: use the tools of a good sociopathic narcissist to create enough trauma that people are unable to know what is true. The brain and thinking — yes rationalisation is a wonderfully horrific word! — are very unstable when ungrounded by real world experience. The biggest power the narcissist has to create in their targets the inability to know anymore what the reality of physical existence actually is. Once that's there in the mind, might just as well visualise a bull's nose ring attached to the latest faddish 'good' idea - religion, reason, ufos, etc.
Control. By people who are small in a big universe thinking if they just had control they would feel safe in a bad world.
"It's about controlling the population by the traumatised few."
I agree. I used to think that it was control by the bored stiff half wits. Bored because they had so much cash they could do what they wanted and soon the thrills were gone. It also seemed clear to me that screwballs like Bill Gates were operating from well deserved feelings of inadequacy which I've noticed is common in rich kids. They've had way more than they need handed to them whether they performed or not so never learned how to. Punks like that would be living under a bridge if they were not born into the cabal. I neither envy nor feel sorry for them either.
But I think your take on it is much more valid than my theories and it really helps understand the sadistic brutality acted out by the warrmonger crowd. It isn't really about oil or squashing threats; it's about having been traumatised.
I have not read your essay on the Church, but thanks for alerting me to it.
I could go on , but suffice it to say, there is nothing that you've said that I could add to and I am thrilled to have found your site and discovered your views.
Take care, my friend, and stay in touch!
Hola, amigo and super passionate reader.
I am thrilled to see how my ideas are stimulating you and expanding your understanding. As all of expand our understanding we move away from fear and trauma falls away and stops being both the motivator and the obeisant.
I've been busy reading some of your substacks and I am stunned. It confirms my impression of myself which is that I know nothing.
As for Freud, I always saw him as FoS, a complete bullsh___ing fraud, but really had no idea; not a clue. And Kinsey I never even got into at all; only heard about him but again had no clue what a freak he was. I had a girlfriend who was the daughter of a psychoanalyst and that was certainly not only a very eye-popping experience, but it confirmed a lot of what I suspected...! But again, I remained pretty clueless, and now I have you to thank for adding to my understanding of the world. I really ought to leave it at that, but I'm just too durn curious, so I have to dig in deeper. Thanks for the leads!
I got lucky and had as benign a childhood as could be expected and roamed the woods and creeks freely with the rest of the neighborhood rascals. Never picked up a book til I was in my '50s, but once I started, found many rabbit holes to explore and I'v devoured a lot but still know nothing.
Another thing that really fascinates me is how, from apparently very different backgrounds, we've come to such similar conclusions about so many things.
Sorry this comment is so disjointed. Tons of fascinating stuff going on...And if I don't respond as much as I would like it's because I'm busy getting the "goods" on Freud, et al.!
Take care.
Great comment Geoff and I am so filled with joy that my writing has attracted your curiosity enough to do your own dig into how much we don't know.
As to how we came to be here in a similar understanding of the 'real' world? For me that was my spiritual journey, to find my way back to a bodily centric awareness of what is true. I had lots of different experiences — synchronicities! — that brought me back from a completely disembodiment from trauma to this place in mexico where I do a daily practice augmented by the help that shows up when I need it, to remove all trauma that has been keeping from being totally free in mind, body and hence the expression of spirit. (Actually, I've come to my own realisation that what Gautama meant when he said 'Trust your self' was actually trust your body. It is the expression of your soul. Likely JC was pointing to that too and even then for Gautama and JC the body-soul split was too big. William Blake explores that **brilliantly** in his essay/poem/essay thing called "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell." If you haven't dipped into that do so. Written in the mid 18th century. I'm using it the 8wk body as sacred expression of soul course I'm teaching right now. The client is finding that text amazing within the context ofthe course which is finds to be physically, emotionally and psychologically transformative.
What is your thoughts of why we came from disparate places and find ourselves together?
You may find my first essays here in Substack helpful to answer some of that because my spiritual travelogue is the lead up to why I, in complete ignorance of the injection, refused it in the face of great financial consequences.
Now back to my next essay - I look to redefine woke and suggest that that framing of a behaviour has been another red herring psyop. We'll see if I can pull that together before midnight.
I read your "Epistles" twice since they were so fascinating. I've heard of phenomena such as you describe, but never experienced anything like that, and as far as spiritual things are concerned, they've always been a mystery ( a source of wonder) to me.
The only pains I've ever really had are my feet bother me now since I fell through some scaffolding and broke both my heels a few years back.
As for what Gautama meant, whatever it was, was probably lost in the translation and I'm confident that your take on it is either exact or very close. My take on why we apparently think so much alike is that it's likely due to decades of experience.
I feel good for you that you refused the jab. I did as well but was retired before it became an issue. My wife refused and lost her job, but got another anyway. I refused partly because I've long seen through the fraud of "flu" injections (how could anyone possibly predict which virus would be the problem) and this "new" (mRNA) baloney was just too much to swallow.
Can;t read to peruse your site!
Salud, mi amigo!
Hola, amigo. A double read. I am honoured. You may then enjoy the epistles to my dead father. A few more of them as his absence and instability were likely a bigger presence by their lack of him in me than the energy I got from my mother which was completely overwhelming. So easier to see and reflect on.
I would love to think that experience by itself was what kept us injection free and yet.. I look around and many (most!) supposedly experienced people got spiked. Perhaps it is more a quality of attending to the experience as a living expression of Life than the experience itself.
Similarly to you, I infer, I put flu vaccines are up there on the stupid scale with masking against viruses. I knew immediately it was scam. When Yoshiko asked why I didn't want the injection I cited that flu vaccines don't work and that new technology is more likely to fail than work. And I added that this isn't a real panic, it is a scam of some sort. Mostly likely to make the pharmaceuticals rich at the expense of the government's (public's) money. I said that how many times have we been told that in an emergency exercise that this is a test and that in the case of a real fire, earthquake, plane crash, ship sinking don't panic. This looks like a manufactured panic, I said, and so someone is controlling it. I had NO idea the scope of the organised genocide that it is! Wow! That was a surprise. I apologise in one of my essays for being asleep enough to allow the evil to expand effortlessly into our homes and communities.
Lost in translation, for sure. The people who took over Gautama's teachings went against what he said and created a structure significantly antithetical to his adamant refusal to entertain reincarnation and God as important except as distractions from reducing the suffering in ourselves and then, by that, others. Many people walked away from pre-nascent Buddhism soon after his death when they saw the new 'leaders' do much like what was done by the gaslighting Christian church fathers: create a hierarchical structure and references back to karma and, in some cases, God or gods.
Salud, buenas noches! Back to the Montainesque style essay.
Heaven help me! Eddie's P_ _ _ _?!
You have to be kidding me. Didn't you mean KING Eddie's ... "
Wa hahahahawwwww! ¡Tu, perro!
I confessed it wasn't my creation and yet it has stayed with me as one of the greatest plays on words I've read. So funny and I am overjoyed you caught that play/pun thing. I love to play with English, as you have, I'm sure, noticed.
So does TC. SHe has a great one over at today's SS.
Guy, Have you seen this? It mentions a "McKinsey."
No. I read through and popped into McKinsey. Do you know what 'black cities' are? They mention that that is one of their goals. I imagine they mean no lights? Hmmmmm,
I plugged this, +McKinsey+"black city" into Yandex and only got one hit. I did another and all that came up were references to cities populated by black folk.
What was the context, Guy?
PS: I made it to lección ocho. By far the best way of teaching a tongue that I've evr encountered.
Oops! Maybe I was tired or some other excuse. Not black city, black communities.
It is referring to their goal of 'advancing' equity or something. For example, from their web page:
“As the effects of climate change become more evident each year, we all have the opportunity to play a critical role in ensuring an inclusive response to climate change, both through equitable adaptation to climate hazards and to a just climate transition, by addressing the disproportionate impact on Black communities.”
Understand the impact of climate change on Black communities in the US in a new interactive by McKinsey’s Institute for Black Economic Mobility
I found that under their web page search result:
Sorry for the misattribution.
Ca fait pas un problème du tout.
No es un problema en absoluto!
Merci beaucoup!
Muchas gracias.
I have never heard of such. DId I miss it on the link I sent?