This is my response to a couple of questions posed by Steve Kirsch. Paraphrased they amount to ‘How to wake people up to the dangers of the injection and where have I had success?’ See Kirsch’s post:
My non-answer kind of answer, sort of. It was too long to fit in the comment field.
Hello Steve. “How to wake people up?” A great and very old question. Every ‘age’ believes it to be the enlightened one, and ours, although based in a belief in science, is no different. My partner and I have been mulling over this question for a while now, a few years before the covid thing got going. We were looking at it as it applies to optimal health through diet, the practice of conscious breath and calming the mind through yogic mind-body-breath practices. Waking up our friends and family to these practices have mostly fallen on deaf ears, as such efforts have since humans began storing grain and keeping time.
Within which house of truth is our heads happily stuck?
And so I come now to address, not answer, your question of the day.
I see it as a two part solution: pragmatically, which is likely your immediate focus. And it is also a psychosomatic-spiritual experience. The two are not really separate and merge rather seamlessly together, although scientismists likely don’t see that.
The people who you want to wake up are, in your opinion, asleep. Your goal is to be the alarm clock of reason and reasonableness to wake them up to your truth. You argue that your truth is empirically true because of your data collection, common trends, and all the rest. And this aligns with my perception of what is truly happening in the world at this time, too. That is pragmatic and evidence-based and can be argued to and perceived by the rational brain.
It will not work with people who aren’t using that part of the brain. The covid sleepers have stopped thinking because they are now reacting from the amygdala, the reptilian sympathetic fight or flight part of the brain. Their pre-sleep state was induced by years of schooling and mutli-media propaganda and foreshadowing. When the mind-body system concludes that a situation is terrifying and that fight or flight is required, all the energy leaves the parasympathetic system and with that thinking stops. Thinking is not required when fleeing for life. The sleepers cannot think and you are now using logic to reason with someone who no longer has reason. And, as you know by experience, that hasn’t worked because it doesn’t work, nor can it work.
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Furthermore, your approach is, from what I can see, confrontational. “Look! Look! I have the truth. See, see see!” This only moves people, especially sleepers, away from you because they will not feel safe at a time when they are afraid. You are, after all, trying to change their mind by the force of logic and argument. Think to your own reactions when people try to force their way or beliefs onto you: your instinctive and perhaps conscious reaction is to push back. Like you did when some nut cases originally told you that the injections are likely dangerous. As you have done when some nut cases argue against the existence of aerial viruses. (One comment was great about that, by the way: are you really red pilled? And someone I met likes you and added, paraphrased, Kirsch is too young to the conspiracist side of the world to know what is really true. I’ve been researching this for 20+ years and Steve is still a newbie dipping his toes at the edge of the ‘conspiracy’ truth.)
Even when we aren’t stuck in the sympathetic system of reaction when others push us we instinctively push back. With people stuck in fear, anyone pushing them to change will deepen the fear because instinctively, and correctly, they know that you are not supporting them as they are, with the truth that they know.
Argument does not work.
And you have asked this red-pill question because all the statistical evidence points to the following truth: you cannot ague with the sleepers.
‘So why does my Substack have some success?’ you might ask. ‘I have all the same rational evidence-based arguments there that I use face-to-face.’ Simply because the people who came to your Substack came by choice to your Substack. They have at least a smidgeon of curiosity and with that comes the possibility of change. To be curious is to be open to change. The sleepers are really not curious. Who here hasn’t asked their friends and family members ‘Don’t you want to know what I learned, found out, discovered, etc.?’ And what is the answer? ‘No.’
That leads to an important reframe. The question isn’t ‘How do I (or we) wake people up?’ It is ‘How do I restore people’s curiosity?’
Now the depth of the problem becomes more obvious: the entire corporatist society’s main purpose, especially the entire school system, is to kill curiosity in order to create malleable, steady, reliable workers who will properly do as they are told. (Sir Kenneth Robinson talks about this with clear, funny eloquence. He points out that classroom learning was set up in batches in alignment with the batch manufacturing processes of industry that came to demand slaves with the ability to read.) So, your goal is to deprogram the educated and restore to them pre-school curiosity.
Who here has not experienced how often the most educated are the most deaf, the most asleep? One of the reasons the most educated are often the most entrenched is for the simple reason that they have been programmed much longer and more powerfully than those who didn’t finish grade school or who went to trade schools. And in part they are more invested in the ‘system’ because of the money and time and energy they have put into it. ‘I am here, and so it is good,’ defines the simplest and most ubiquitous form of being asleep in our society. Since you like to see examples of this as a kind of evidence, I suggest you look to the Orson Well’s War of the Worlds Mercury Theatre Broadcast. The people who flooded the roads to leave the burning city (without any smoke to be seen) were mostly the educated who believed what was being told by a fake newscast. They believed what they heard and didn’t trust their physical senses enough to see the opposite, true, story: no smoke, no fire, no destruction. And you may find the arguments used by Edward Bernays and others of his kind on the justification and proper use of propaganda by the social elite useful research on this too. The Nazi’s open great ‘experiment’ in eugenics, that was openly supported by almost all of the western nations, is also a great example. (Canada’s eugenics program of forced sterilisation of the underserving didn’t end until the 1980s.)
Negative Bias Creates the Pain the Ass Thinks it Will Feel Before the Pain Arrives
Another pragmatic problem are some basic and scientifically measured aspects of human nature. One part of that nature is the tendency to remember more clearly and frequently the bad stuff than the good stuff. This ‘fact’ is well measured scientifically. I think it’s about 9/10 bad to 1/10 good ratio. On top of that modern science now has confirmed that more than 50% of our memories are incorrect in some way, to add a bit more spice to this problem. This helps explain, maybe, the survivability of pessimists who, despite being wrong about 99% of the time, call themselves realists. Too funny! And so in waking up the sleepers you will need to overcome their belief that covid is the worst enemy since processed sugar. Of course you have with detail and proof argued that the injections are worse. Ah well, go back to the part where argument won’t work. A catch-22, if ever there was one.
And the next part of human nature hindering being awakened is that the ego does not want change and does not want to change and does not want you to change. In fact, with the corporatist scientism ideologies strengthening the ego, most people would rather die than change. Where is the evidence of this? Look at the issue of diet and death. A poor diet will shorten your life and most would rather continue to eat junk food than change their diet. The clearest example to me of this was a doctor neighbour who specialised in virology. He developed a slow cancer in the neck and throat. Two surgeries were unsuccessful and a third aborted because the cancer had metastasised too much. So he was faced with a rather unpleasant slow death as his ability to speak then eat died. I explained to him that it is well know that cancer cells do not get energy from ketones. Cancers feed off of sugars and that creating ketosis in the body has been known to cure people of cancer. What is required is to stop eating sugars and carbohydrates in a controlled way for a while. (I told a stranger about this one time. It turned out she was a doctor who worked in a cancer screening lab. She said ‘Wow, that is interesting. We feed patients a highly concentrated glucose before the screening because the cancer cells get more active with the sugar making them easier to see.’) My neighbour’s reply was ‘I’m happy with my diet.’ Now, changing his diet may not have cured him, although there is strong evidence it would. The really interesting thing was that he wasn’t even curious enough, or desirous enough of life to change: he, or his ego, choose death over a simple change. The injected sleepers believe they have chosen life, and getting them to change that will likely be impossible unless they get hit really, really hard by death around them. And even then, most refuse to see the connection between family deaths and the injection, blaming the deaths on just about anything imaginable except the injection.
Solution? Get a Burning Tape Recorder!
What is the solution, pragmatically, then, if argument and confrontation will not work? Simple: do not argue, do not confront and do not convince. That makes me smile a bit because I can imagine that you would see that as leaving nothing else to do. Not true. Instead you are faced with the challenge of allowing or somehow inspiring or encouraging the sleeper to become curious enough to ask for information.
Mission Impossible? Always Possible
Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to give the sleepers the emotional space to feel safe enough to move far enough out of the sympathetic system when in your presence to spark and/or support their curiosity.
How to do that? Take up personal psychosomatic-spiritual practices to still the mind, calm the body and the nervous system. In other words, move towards the equanimity of a true yogi or monk or saint. Again, I find myself laughing at what your reaction to this might be. And yet, be the change is true. If I want to create a peaceful world the part of the world where I can actually do that is me. My ability to create peace by protesting violence won’t work and, historically, hasn’t worked. My ability to change someone’s mind by yelling the truth at them doesn’t work and won’t work even with clever words, sophisticated statistics and clear charts. If I want the people around me to stop being afraid, then it is important that I stop being afraid and allow them the freedom to breathe without feeding their fear. Perhaps you can encourage people to take up courses on proper breathing, with calm music, healthy food, and the complete feeling of peace and no-fear to get some movement out of the sympathetic nervous system. No guarantee that that will work, of course, because people mostly would rather die than change and true curiosity is something to fear because it is the thin wedge into the possibility of change.
And with that you face another pragmatic problem that has been faced by yogis, gurus, monks, saints and other spiritual leaders for all time: how to get people, who don’t want to change, curious enough about something, such as the power of truth, diet, peace, love, joy, spirit and breath to initiate change within themselves and then continue the practices and efforts required to create sustained change? I think that Jordan Peterson’s book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos is a great step towards this as well as a great step to understanding the difficulty of doing it. There are other books of course. However, giving everyone a copy of these books won’t change anyone who isn’t curious about change.
And it struck me that your question is based on the idea of ‘pilling’ people and so is a clear subtle statement that your heart is still a part of the problem: you are looking for an allopathic ‘instant’ fix to a problem that is at its core about existential disembodied dissociation and disconnection. WHO and WEF and CDC and FDA have been successful because all aspects of our social structure are designed to create disembodied, dissociated and disconnected zombie-like creatures. My suggestions are really directing us to connect to ourselves so that we can connect with one another and create long term connection, the antithesis of the masked lock-down process that has been implemented. The process of connection is not something that is amenable to quick fix red pills, despite what the technocrats like Harari say about our programability.
A clear and evident lesson of the last 100 years of ‘western’ Rockefeller directed so-called ‘science’ based medicine is that short cuts and quick fixes do not work except for triage. Did you know that ‘quack’ medicine comes from the use of mercury, aka ‘quick silver’ as a medicine? Western medicine is fantastic at triage, and equally fantastic at setting up the conditions in the body with pills, or mercury, or radium, or injections so that triage is often required. Kory’s protocol to clear the body of spike proteins, is the contemporary example.
The same challenges also apply to the social fixes, which has become clearly evident as the truth of the woke so-called liberal actions and plans have now become evident and are in most cases clearly illogical, seemingly insane, anti-social, anti-human and tyrannical.
We Are A Bully Culture and So Limpid Bully is Flaccid. Data Sticks Impotent
We are a bully culture that at all levels believes in the supremacy of the brain and conscious thinking. And for the topmost bullies to be successful their minions do their bully work, which at the very latest begins with school. The clever leaders recognise that fear disconnects people from their brains and each other. And that that opens up their unconscious to disembodied saviours. Create a panic, instil fear if not terror, and then provide a solution that eases the unconscious and voila: you have a new tyranny. Easy peasy, made easier in a bully culture that deliberately dissociates and disembodies its citizenry. This is not new. And shows again, as does the evidence of history, that consciousness is the child, if not the puppet, of the unconscious. Jung’s description is good: consciousness is a tiny wine cork floating on the ocean of the unconscious.
In order to ‘red pill’ people successfully, at least from time-to-time, stop thinking of pilling people. That comes from a bully perspective of forcing change. Be the change: become free of fear and the need to be right. Grow your curiosity and allow it to feed the curiosity of others. Be gentle. The sleepers are truly afraid and frightening them with the truth will not wake them up, and may do the opposite.
Finally recognise that this situation is a natural outcome of the social structure built over the last few millennia. Fixing the problem requires a different structure to be built. An underground reset, so to speak. The ‘great reset’ isn’t actually a reset. It is the cementing-in of an anti-human tyranny by people who want to be tyrants.
Where have I had success?
I have had a smidgeon of success awakening a couple of people, and perhaps planting the seeds to expanded curiosity in several more, by asking ‘leading’ questions, beginning with: ‘Do you know how this experimental injection (or vaccine) works?’ Almost always the answer is ‘No’ from the sleepers. ‘Would you like to know? It isn’t like ordinary vaccines.’
If the answer is ‘No,’ this person will not be open to even the possibility of change and the conversation ends. If the answer is ‘Yes,’ I begin by confirming whether or not they know how ordinary vaccines work. Then I explain about the mRNA injection, that it is an unstable molecule that when created naturally with a virus has an extremely short life and very quickly falls apart. The manmade version has to be stabilised in order for it to be transported and injected. It is being stabilised with nano-lipid fat particles. So, when this gets injected the mRNA molecule has an unnaturally long life in the body, during which it is continuously stimulating the body to create a highly toxic spike protein. No one knows what the long term effects of that are. And when it does fall apart, the nano-lipid fat particles, which are very stable, stay in the body and float around there for an unknown length of time. It seems that they may move into and collect in the organs with unknown consequences. And there is one other interesting thing. With a normal vaccine a dead form of the virus is injected into the body. When the body reacts to it by creating the mRNA molecules and from that the spike proteins, the spike proteins attach to the dead virus which is then attacked by the killer cells. So, the natural short lived mRNA molecule creates a spike protein that acts like a guidance system for the killer cells. With the long lived manmade mRNA injection the spike proteins do not have a virus to attach themselves to. So where do they go and/or what do they attach themselves to? It appears that they are attaching themselves to the vascular system, which makes the vascular walls rough. That roughness appears to be creating, at least in some people, serious blood clots. Again, the long term consequences of this are not really well known. I then suggest that if they are curious, they can do their own research and that the information is readily available so long as they do not get the information from the mainstream news or government spokespeople. I also suggest that they avoid using the Google search engine. And lastly I offer to send them some of my research to begin the search, if they want.
Note that this has had just a little bit of success in part because I approach this absolutely without the need to red-pill them or convince them I know the truth. I keep myself equanimous and at peace, like I am talking about a walk in the park on a beautiful spring morning and am asking them to walk with me. I am providing information without an agenda or expectation of change in them.
To inspire change and create change, be the change, live the change by remaining curious and open to the very real possibility that what you think you know about everything is wrong. It is impossible to talk to someone who knows, absolutely, the truth. George Bernard Shaw wrote, “Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.” Are you open to the possibility that, curious to learn if, your knowledge is false? About viruses, for example. Instead of beating them over the head, be curious, genuinely curious about why they believe something so against what is obviously true to you?
Yoshiko’s Succinct Answer to Your Question
When I asked my partner how she would answer your pill question she immediately, intuitively, went to this point. Paraphrased: ’Sit down with yourself and have a conversation with the ‘new’ Steve and the ‘old’ Steve who jumped in line to be injected and in complete ignorance advocated its universal deployment because he knew what was true. Have you really changed, or are you now simply an advocate of the latest truth, ignorant that you still aren’t curious about the real truth?’ (Whatever that is, of course! Lol. Perhaps I will suggest reading books that inquire into the ‘real’ truth, such as The Bhagavad Gita, The Yoga Sutras by Patañjali, The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu or Wandering on the Way by Chuang Tsu. A great contemporary book is The Inner Tradition of Yoga: A Guide to Yoga Philosophy for the Contemporary Practitioner, by Michael Stone, Revised Edition, 2017.)
Why Didn’t I Need a Pill of Either Colour?
Since about 2014, for various reasons, I had stopped watching TV, listening to radios, reading ‘news’ papers or magazines, attending social media news sites, etc. And with this conscious and deliberate practice I remained blissfully ignorant of the covid lies and avoided the standard methods of brainwashing deployed by the woke corporatist and internet media and their owned government spokespeople. I knew about covid of course. Hah! Another flu, so another ineffective flu shot seemed pointless. I have a great diet, a great yoga practice and incredible health. Even a bad flu didn’t frighten me.
And, perhaps more importantly, I could see and hear in the people around me that the media and government were deliberately creating a panic. That was a huge red flag. What have we been endlessly taught? In case of a real fire, remain calmdon’t panic. In case of a real earthquake, remain calm, don’t panic. In case of a real plane crash, remain calm, don’t panic. So this wasn’t a real emergency, it was a manipulation because the panic was deliberately being created by people who think that they are in control of it. To what purpose? The obvious answer was to sell injections, gut the public coffers by transferring the public wealth from the government to the pharmaceuticals. As it turns out, that is only partially true. So why would I take it?
Why did I Remove Myself from Blissful Ignorance?
In the fall of 2021 my federal government mandated the injection with the threat of losing my employment from a federally regulated company. I was in a quandary. I certainly wasn’t ready to retire, even at the age of 60, because I have pretty large financial obligations left over from divorce. Take it or not? My sister, who is super researcher, by chance commented at that time that the injection was not really a vaccine. It is doing something with your genes, she said. With that cryptic comment, and some lucky synchronicities that included your interview with the Leah and Michelle Svensson, sisters who call themselves the Resistance Chicks. I learned about VAERS and the European version of VAERS and lots of other stuff.
I realised this injection, not a vaccine, was super dangerous and had unknown long term effects. I requested an exemption on the basis of a logical and well presented factual risk-benefits analysis. It was, of course, rejected. On February 1st, my 61st birthday, I was suspended without pay. The following week I enacted my plan to leave the tyranny that Canada had become because the scapegoating of the uninjected was leading to a bleak future, as it has had throughout history. I went looking for an inexpensive place to live that wasn’t controlled by a WEF Young Leaders graduate.
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Finally, Steve, I thank you for all your hard work and diligence with the data and polls. It is extremely important and helpful, even though it won’t help the sleepers. As mentioned, the honesty and heart I saw in your interview with the two women in 2021 inspired me so much. You were a key part of my initial look into the injection and from that the WEF’s great reset behind it and the their technocratic-based efforts to create a food-less, energy-less, people-less future. Fascinating times. We are truly living the ancient text The Bhagavad Gita. Amazing.
All the best to all of us, with peace and gratitude.
Just an all-too-brief comment about the excellent essay you wrote here. You remind myself of me. Mentioning the names of Kenneth Robinson and Edward Bernays immediately told me I've discovered a like-minded soul in you.
And although I like what Steve Kirsch has to say, and follow him, I agree with you. His approach to red-pilling others with logic is under the false assumption that we are rational beings. I tend to agree with Robert Heinlein (or was it Arthur C. Clarke?) who once said that 'we are merely rationalizing beings' ... and mostly post-hoc at that. Likewise, I don't think Steve's open challenges to the powers-that-be will be effectinve. I tend to agree that a small but persistent and salient part of any population are predisposed to be high in 'dark-triad' behavior traits ... the pathological narcissists, machiavellian opportunists, and morphologically defined psychopaths among us. A great Susan Sontag quote — “10 percent of any population is cruel, no matter what, and 10 percent is merciful, no matter what, and the remaining 80 percent can be moved in either direction.”
That being said about Steve Kirsch, I see the two of us as converging, but coming from two different domains. Everything you said about red-pilling and spirituality has an analogue in the psychology of foreign language Teaching (as opposed to 'acquisition' which emphasizes more learner autonomy).
40 years in Japan now, and I have had to discover all kind of tricks of the pedagogic trade to tease, rather than prod, students who are forced to study English into wanting to study English. Won't go into details here, but tapping into 'immediacy' (intrinsic motivation by connecting English to what the students would normally be interested in outside of the classroom) and 'involvement' (empowering the students to take egalitarian-leadership roles in small task-based groups if not educational communities beyond the classroom).
Alas, my colleagues and administration at my university was not so pleased with my educational ideals of empowering the marginalized and holding authority accountable, so at the age of 59, I resigned in protest (R.I.P.) from a tenured position that would have comfortably fueled my indulgences in sports fishing and music ... and am now barely scraping by as a lowly Assistant Language Teacher for elementary and Jr. High school students in West Tokyo. Also, a refugee, and if not for reasons of a plandemic, for a similar mind-set against 'institutionally sanctioned authoritarianism' — in quotes because it appears to be a tautology. 😂
We have lots in common ... and another delightful person you might want to check out is Tereza Coraggio. I will likewise bring your name to her attention.
Thank you Steve, for your thoughtful and thought inspiring reply. I have been amazed on this refugee journey at how often my partner and I have met fellow and sister refugees. And now another one from a different direction, language. Language, always interesting to me, has become increasingly interesting in this time of such overt creative language abuse.
At a very young age I fell in love with the Taoist's dance with meaningful meaninglessness of language. They have provided me with joy and brain expansion, perhaps even more than the study of physics. Chomsky puts it well: Physics is easy, language is hard. Or something like that.
I absolutely agree with your assessment of the authoritarianism nature of education. I speak of this quite often and have realised it is the foundation of the power grab we are seeing. It has always been there, just now a bit more blatant and BIG. We are a bully culture. I suspect that it comes down to the development of the agricultural state and the storage of food. Once it is stored, you have the keepers of the grain who then decide who deserves to eat or not. And with them, they will feed the armies first to keep the underserving out. Interesting. I've not done the 'real' research to confirm this with data.
Today's power grab is predicated on what I will call 'the deserving principle': To use "I deserve xxx " or "You deserve yyy" creates automatically the undeserving. Pure physics there. And as soon as a society has created an undeserving they will be marginalised and often brutalised and killed. This was happening very clearly in Canada under Trudeau and the language he used and continues to use against the uninjected. That has rolled back in recent weeks, although it is now being applied to farmers as creators of climate change. Amazing.
I have chosen, and teach to whoever will listen, the importance of expunging 'deserving' from our language at all times. Do not give the deserving principle any life and in this small way chip away at a foundational stone, perhaps even the cornerstones, of the success of authoritarianism: deservedness and undeservedness. Especially in our time of economic hegemony, perhaps the word's greatest religion.
I spent much of my life fascinated by Japan although, for what I now see were silly reasons, did not make it there. Japan came to me with my partner, a fascinating human who joined me on this spiritual journey which has expanded to include a battle for sanctity, sanity, and life.
I'll check out Tereza Coraggio.
All the best, with peace, gratitude and love. Namaste.
“And it struck me that your question is based on the idea of ‘pilling’ people and so is a clear subtle statement that your heart is still a part of the problem: you are looking for an allopathic ‘instant’ fix to a problem that is at its core about existential disembodied dissociation and disconnection.“
Excellent point! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
You are welcome. And so glad that you picked up on that. I think it is an important tell that Steve, and therefore many other people, believe, hope and/or think that the system that broke the system can fix the system. Somehow our challenge is to find solutions outside of the system that created this mess. Lol! If only a pill and 'instant' programme downloads would fix us, because *that is what the WEF wants to do to us*! Pill us and hack us. Well, those who they haven't successfully encouraged to die. Interesting times.
All great points Guy. My personal strategy has included one thing not mentioned yet as far as I can tell: intuition.
State educational systems do their best to diminish, if not eliminate, a student's intuitive capacity. Understandably so, as it is not exactly scientifically quantifiable, nor is it recommended as a component of the cultivation of future obedient slaves.
I'm finding that rescuing my intuitive skills from society's junk heap has served me well. I look forward to refining my intuition-dumpster-diving technique; there's certainly no shortage of opportunities.
Yes! You are absolutely correct. In my own personal path I've been working on that since I did theta therapy in 2016. The therapist used muscle testing to help that process along.
It was, in actuality, intuitive muscle testing that stopped me from taking the 'vaccine'. Because I hadn't watched, read, or listened to any news, msm or alternative, since 2016, I didn't know anything about it except straight common sense: flu vaccines don't work, it is new so likely no good and certainly untested, and this was a deliberate panic and so a manipulation and not to be trusted as a 'pandemic'.
When it became the choice of job or vax, that was a tough choice. My thought was 'how bad could it be?' My body/intuition said, 'Very bad.' So I was removed from my job because of the power of the body's 'intuitive' awareness and my willingness to trust it. Fascinating process into becoming a spiritual refugee. (That is what got this stack started, and you may find my journey interesting.)
Thank you for including intuition. I'll write about that, too, some time.
I am grateful that my incessantly curious spirit (a quality my father valued and complimented me on when I was growing up) saved me from getting the jab. That, and I grew up with an orientation (due to my mother) toward holistic, natural and alternative approaches to health and medical care. I was originally planning to get the 'vax' but started doing research online to get more information about it. The first negative information I saw was the Dark Horse Podcast where evolutionary biologists Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying had Steve Kirsch and Dr. Robert Malone as guests and they discussed the mechanism of the shot as well as deaths and adverse events following 'vaccination' that some had experienced. I have continued to research and collect references and information and have posted such to fb and twitter inviting anyone who may likewise be curious to discuss and follow up. I have been amazed, however, at how willing so many are to unquestioningly swallow the propaganda hook , line and sinker. Also, at 66 years old, I don't care what people think of me anymore, so I'm willing to be looked askance at - ha ha. It does sadden me how much I'm seeing people I care about chronicle all kinds of random health issues and unusual deaths that I'm convinced ensue from the shots - but most of them don't want to entertain this possibility. I am convinced some have been, as Steve terms it, red-pilled, but are unwilling to acknowledge it publicly because of the general acceptance of the dominant plandemic narrative. Agh!
Hello, Laurie. Great comment. For some reason this didn't come to my attention. The Asch experiments elaborate on the problem of peer pressure pushing people into knowingly lying. Amazing. And it goes to the high importance Buddha, Christ, Patañjali and many many others have placed on truthfulness and that that might be the most difficult challenge moving towards compassion. The lies our world tells us is not for anything but creating malevolence and violence.
It is amazing. I was talking with a serious Buddhist practitioner, who states emphatically, that he doesn't want to talk about this 'elephant'. Why? Because it will be an argument about truths! LoL! OMG, the world does have a beautiful sense of humour!
This is a very good explanation of social interactions with those suffering with an induced mass fear and hysteria. Confrontation forces a defensive reaction, yet, they fear even more being ignored. Any aloof descent is seen as a threat to their belief, but tends to make them curious and question their fears. If I have understood you correctly, opening doors to civil dialogue should come before data and evidence. Being divided into camps of them against us is what the controllers want contrary to the fact that we are all in this together.
Reading further into the comments tells me a lot goes over my head, but I think I follow somewhat.
Hello Carl. This is a great summary. In fact it is a summary of the basics of Christianity and Buddhism. Be kind, be loving. All else follows. I wrote so many words to re-iterate to us stuck with the need for complicated words and sentences: be kind and compassionate and trust follows and with that intimacy and co-creation of peace and joy in the world.
Hi Guy,
Just an all-too-brief comment about the excellent essay you wrote here. You remind myself of me. Mentioning the names of Kenneth Robinson and Edward Bernays immediately told me I've discovered a like-minded soul in you.
And although I like what Steve Kirsch has to say, and follow him, I agree with you. His approach to red-pilling others with logic is under the false assumption that we are rational beings. I tend to agree with Robert Heinlein (or was it Arthur C. Clarke?) who once said that 'we are merely rationalizing beings' ... and mostly post-hoc at that. Likewise, I don't think Steve's open challenges to the powers-that-be will be effectinve. I tend to agree that a small but persistent and salient part of any population are predisposed to be high in 'dark-triad' behavior traits ... the pathological narcissists, machiavellian opportunists, and morphologically defined psychopaths among us. A great Susan Sontag quote — “10 percent of any population is cruel, no matter what, and 10 percent is merciful, no matter what, and the remaining 80 percent can be moved in either direction.”
That being said about Steve Kirsch, I see the two of us as converging, but coming from two different domains. Everything you said about red-pilling and spirituality has an analogue in the psychology of foreign language Teaching (as opposed to 'acquisition' which emphasizes more learner autonomy).
40 years in Japan now, and I have had to discover all kind of tricks of the pedagogic trade to tease, rather than prod, students who are forced to study English into wanting to study English. Won't go into details here, but tapping into 'immediacy' (intrinsic motivation by connecting English to what the students would normally be interested in outside of the classroom) and 'involvement' (empowering the students to take egalitarian-leadership roles in small task-based groups if not educational communities beyond the classroom).
Alas, my colleagues and administration at my university was not so pleased with my educational ideals of empowering the marginalized and holding authority accountable, so at the age of 59, I resigned in protest (R.I.P.) from a tenured position that would have comfortably fueled my indulgences in sports fishing and music ... and am now barely scraping by as a lowly Assistant Language Teacher for elementary and Jr. High school students in West Tokyo. Also, a refugee, and if not for reasons of a plandemic, for a similar mind-set against 'institutionally sanctioned authoritarianism' — in quotes because it appears to be a tautology. 😂
We have lots in common ... and another delightful person you might want to check out is Tereza Coraggio. I will likewise bring your name to her attention.
Cheers from Japan Guy.
This essay deserves more eyes upon it.
— steve
Thank you Steve, for your thoughtful and thought inspiring reply. I have been amazed on this refugee journey at how often my partner and I have met fellow and sister refugees. And now another one from a different direction, language. Language, always interesting to me, has become increasingly interesting in this time of such overt creative language abuse.
At a very young age I fell in love with the Taoist's dance with meaningful meaninglessness of language. They have provided me with joy and brain expansion, perhaps even more than the study of physics. Chomsky puts it well: Physics is easy, language is hard. Or something like that.
I absolutely agree with your assessment of the authoritarianism nature of education. I speak of this quite often and have realised it is the foundation of the power grab we are seeing. It has always been there, just now a bit more blatant and BIG. We are a bully culture. I suspect that it comes down to the development of the agricultural state and the storage of food. Once it is stored, you have the keepers of the grain who then decide who deserves to eat or not. And with them, they will feed the armies first to keep the underserving out. Interesting. I've not done the 'real' research to confirm this with data.
Today's power grab is predicated on what I will call 'the deserving principle': To use "I deserve xxx " or "You deserve yyy" creates automatically the undeserving. Pure physics there. And as soon as a society has created an undeserving they will be marginalised and often brutalised and killed. This was happening very clearly in Canada under Trudeau and the language he used and continues to use against the uninjected. That has rolled back in recent weeks, although it is now being applied to farmers as creators of climate change. Amazing.
I have chosen, and teach to whoever will listen, the importance of expunging 'deserving' from our language at all times. Do not give the deserving principle any life and in this small way chip away at a foundational stone, perhaps even the cornerstones, of the success of authoritarianism: deservedness and undeservedness. Especially in our time of economic hegemony, perhaps the word's greatest religion.
I spent much of my life fascinated by Japan although, for what I now see were silly reasons, did not make it there. Japan came to me with my partner, a fascinating human who joined me on this spiritual journey which has expanded to include a battle for sanctity, sanity, and life.
I'll check out Tereza Coraggio.
All the best, with peace, gratitude and love. Namaste.
“And it struck me that your question is based on the idea of ‘pilling’ people and so is a clear subtle statement that your heart is still a part of the problem: you are looking for an allopathic ‘instant’ fix to a problem that is at its core about existential disembodied dissociation and disconnection.“
Excellent point! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
You are welcome. And so glad that you picked up on that. I think it is an important tell that Steve, and therefore many other people, believe, hope and/or think that the system that broke the system can fix the system. Somehow our challenge is to find solutions outside of the system that created this mess. Lol! If only a pill and 'instant' programme downloads would fix us, because *that is what the WEF wants to do to us*! Pill us and hack us. Well, those who they haven't successfully encouraged to die. Interesting times.
All great points Guy. My personal strategy has included one thing not mentioned yet as far as I can tell: intuition.
State educational systems do their best to diminish, if not eliminate, a student's intuitive capacity. Understandably so, as it is not exactly scientifically quantifiable, nor is it recommended as a component of the cultivation of future obedient slaves.
I'm finding that rescuing my intuitive skills from society's junk heap has served me well. I look forward to refining my intuition-dumpster-diving technique; there's certainly no shortage of opportunities.
Hello, Su. Nice to meet you.
Yes! You are absolutely correct. In my own personal path I've been working on that since I did theta therapy in 2016. The therapist used muscle testing to help that process along.
It was, in actuality, intuitive muscle testing that stopped me from taking the 'vaccine'. Because I hadn't watched, read, or listened to any news, msm or alternative, since 2016, I didn't know anything about it except straight common sense: flu vaccines don't work, it is new so likely no good and certainly untested, and this was a deliberate panic and so a manipulation and not to be trusted as a 'pandemic'.
When it became the choice of job or vax, that was a tough choice. My thought was 'how bad could it be?' My body/intuition said, 'Very bad.' So I was removed from my job because of the power of the body's 'intuitive' awareness and my willingness to trust it. Fascinating process into becoming a spiritual refugee. (That is what got this stack started, and you may find my journey interesting.)
Thank you for including intuition. I'll write about that, too, some time.
All the best, with peace, love and gratitude.
I am grateful that my incessantly curious spirit (a quality my father valued and complimented me on when I was growing up) saved me from getting the jab. That, and I grew up with an orientation (due to my mother) toward holistic, natural and alternative approaches to health and medical care. I was originally planning to get the 'vax' but started doing research online to get more information about it. The first negative information I saw was the Dark Horse Podcast where evolutionary biologists Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying had Steve Kirsch and Dr. Robert Malone as guests and they discussed the mechanism of the shot as well as deaths and adverse events following 'vaccination' that some had experienced. I have continued to research and collect references and information and have posted such to fb and twitter inviting anyone who may likewise be curious to discuss and follow up. I have been amazed, however, at how willing so many are to unquestioningly swallow the propaganda hook , line and sinker. Also, at 66 years old, I don't care what people think of me anymore, so I'm willing to be looked askance at - ha ha. It does sadden me how much I'm seeing people I care about chronicle all kinds of random health issues and unusual deaths that I'm convinced ensue from the shots - but most of them don't want to entertain this possibility. I am convinced some have been, as Steve terms it, red-pilled, but are unwilling to acknowledge it publicly because of the general acceptance of the dominant plandemic narrative. Agh!
Hello, Laurie. Great comment. For some reason this didn't come to my attention. The Asch experiments elaborate on the problem of peer pressure pushing people into knowingly lying. Amazing. And it goes to the high importance Buddha, Christ, Patañjali and many many others have placed on truthfulness and that that might be the most difficult challenge moving towards compassion. The lies our world tells us is not for anything but creating malevolence and violence.
It is amazing. I was talking with a serious Buddhist practitioner, who states emphatically, that he doesn't want to talk about this 'elephant'. Why? Because it will be an argument about truths! LoL! OMG, the world does have a beautiful sense of humour!
This is a very good explanation of social interactions with those suffering with an induced mass fear and hysteria. Confrontation forces a defensive reaction, yet, they fear even more being ignored. Any aloof descent is seen as a threat to their belief, but tends to make them curious and question their fears. If I have understood you correctly, opening doors to civil dialogue should come before data and evidence. Being divided into camps of them against us is what the controllers want contrary to the fact that we are all in this together.
Reading further into the comments tells me a lot goes over my head, but I think I follow somewhat.
Hello Carl. This is a great summary. In fact it is a summary of the basics of Christianity and Buddhism. Be kind, be loving. All else follows. I wrote so many words to re-iterate to us stuck with the need for complicated words and sentences: be kind and compassionate and trust follows and with that intimacy and co-creation of peace and joy in the world.