
I was shocked to read this...selfishly glad that it wasn't your time to be called onward.

Love to you.

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Sep 8Β·edited Sep 8Author


i receive your love with my even more open heart! y, igualemente, as is said in spanish. my love and respect back to you!

and it has shocked me and others too. my sister also explicitly expressed that she was happy it wasn't my time too!

as i explored this, in this writing and the earlier one, it seems going into near death or close to it is likely the event with enough energy/strength to counter the infancy-trauma of that near death event by my mother. historically i've questioned the early psychological ideas around 'libido' as a psychologically closed energy system posited, especially by freud the 'newtonian' scientist. and now? and after reading 'the inner world of trauma: archetypal defences of the personal spirit' by donald kalsched, i'm not so sure. although jung might have been closer to a deeper understanding of 'libido' when he pointed out that the cure for a neurosis (expression of trauma) requires a 'neurosis' ('traumatic' event) of greater strength. hence the deep bottoms of addicts before the reality of the destructive nature of their addiction is faced. and frequently, that is only the door to the deeper shadow trauma that hasn't yet been faced.

it hints at how difficult it is for anyone to wake up! we are a global community of people, especially the gringos, who have been very systematically and in effective ways traumatised basically since birth β€” and certainly subsequent to entering the public school domain. uur governmental food and health guidances, 'vaccines', medicines, propaganda, and their supported mostly anti-religious, pseudo 'spiritual' rhetoric through the popular -isms and the promoted literatures and entertainments, are designed to create schismogenisis and 'body' dysphoria. once we are truly separated from the body and live in the mind, we are pretty easy to manipulate. see the lefties lost in a no-land mindscape of crazy ideas.

so, as i realised many years ago, albeit at a more philosophical or perhaps psychological level, when people are given the choice of life or death, i used to kind of condescendingly say 'the vast majority will choose [physical] death.' i've inserted the 'physical' because that is in fact the more gentle death because change of the belief that is required to make a 'real' change is vastly more difficult. it is to face psychological annihilation.

my experience is, imo, an example of the degree to which that psychological death-of-truth can be challenging.

again, sarah, πŸ™β€οΈπŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈβ€οΈπŸ™. much love.

and we don't know, really, when death will knock, and magically the reaper thwarted with cyborgian tech! life really does have a wicked sense of humour!

all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.

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You are a force of joy and light, Guy.

I am so happy that our paths have crossed...and continue to do so.

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igualemente! yo tambiΓ©n! (me too!)

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Guy, you write so beautifully and this has brought me so much joy. We really do share our interbeing with all and so we are really just giving and receiving from ourselves ❀️. I am so glad you are still with us but I am sorry to hear that the hospital has cleared you out. I hope you get a lot of energy flowing your way. I will help out a little as soon as I can. You are someone I would love to meet, one of a handful of Substackers that has helped me keep my sanity and made life more beautiful during this time of rapid change.

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hola shield maiden.

i am doing my snoopy dance that my words have brought to you joy and perhaps even a form of a sanity life preserver in this time of extraordinary tumult and flux, ie, chaos. everywhere we look, the wise people have said much the same things: keep calm, question what is true because seeing truth is hard, trust yourself, and we are a part of the process of life. i really think that gautama put that last bit maybe the best of anyone. william blake might have come close and perhaps walt whitman too, in their ways. however i think that both of them weren't able to ground it properly, despite how both of them extolled the body as central. hmmmm. something to explore, maybe.

thank you for your energy wishes and intention. in pretty short order i will properly set up my 8 week on-line course and that might be an easy way for us to meet, if that might interest you.

"... and made life more beautiful during this time of rapid change." πŸ™β€οΈπŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈβ€οΈπŸ™

this is truly a beautiful statement in this time of extraordinary apocalypse. if you find yourself itching to visit south, oaxaca is a beautiful place with some kind of 'spiritual' energy. i would love to meet you as well.

all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.

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Sep 3Liked by Guy Duperreault

I'm so sorry you're going through this, Guy. Your fellow ex-pat halfway around the world, Steve Martin, seems in a similar place. What I wrote in response to his comments was that I hoped he would someday be looking back saying, "Thank goodness that happened because, if not for that, this never would." Wishing that for you too.

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Sep 4Β·edited Sep 4Author

hola, tereza.

i assure you that feeling sorry for me, while done with great intention and that i've received with an open heart, is absolutely not necessary. this is part of my yogic process of clearing the samskaras β€” the really really deep ones. as i wrote in the essay, this has been a truly beautiful spiritual awareness and clearing process. and, at the same time, it also confirms why most people when faced with this challenge back away from it. the yogi-buddhist scholar michael stone has a great way of putting it, paraphrased: after 6 or so years of dedicated true yoga practice, meaning one that includes the yamas and the niyamas, which are the principles of integration by action in the world beyond postures and sitting, the 'true' yogic practice will ask us to renunciate a lot via aparigraha and more broadly, ishvara-pranidhana the embracing of interdependence and the life-energy of the universe. That letting go may include the huge constructed identities we have such as home, marriage, job, country and even yoga itself. And often the ego-mind complex steps in to save us with a mara/devil's bargain because it is afraid and knows how to manipulate the fear of the depths being asked by aparigraha / ishvara-pranidhana. so mara/devil distracts us into a 'super important' and delectably deeper side practice or study or new learning which is the spiritual by-pass. once that is taken the 'yogi' becomes a humourless and often moral experts of some niche or arcane yogic aspect. fascinating stuff, much of which i saw in action within the yoga community i was a part of in canada with their moralistic-humourless response to the convid. it was amazing and truly enlightening!

so, for me, there is already the feeling of this is the right thing. as i noted in my essay/supplication, i use an intuitive body process to guide my decisions. those decisions brought me here now and i embrace those decisions because of my experience with them being correct. since the job or jab decision was given to me in 2021, those intuitive choices have become increasingly challenging. and as i embrace them, sometimes with some difficulty as i've written, i've come to feel increasing alive and light and joyful. amazing.

and super amazing to me in the last month has been to come to be able to see and know in my body that 'money', which as you know i've spent a considerable time denigrating in my past, has become something else i've withdrawn from 'blaming and complaining' about. money is simply another of our human creative expressions, a kind of energetic toy that once we depotentiate, will have no power over us. i now understand in my core that money is our most sacred taboo, ie energised scapegoat and idol. unless we are talking in big, vague, disembodied generalities, it is more intimate than sex. (i think our dreams might still be more intimate to our connection with the life force energy of the universe.)

so, i thank you for your well wishes. i receive them with an open heart at this time, while knowing that i've embraced the situation and its ostensible discomfort. and yes, every once in a while, my mind-ego complex steps up and begins to freak out. and then i return to the calmness of my body's awareness and connection to the now. and if total insolvency is to be the expression of this moment, it is to clear some other detritus hiding in my shadows. this body is truly the only thing 100% connected to this now. when we study/follow/feel the breath in meditation, i now realise that those practices of the breath are the gateway into the body. and that it is a kind of distraction or false path to get locked into breath as spirit β€” aspiration is spirit. hmmmm.

i seem to be rambling a bit. perhaps still parts of me that weigh me down wanting to be cleared away! [headshake.] it does seem this process is truly a fractal-like one! amazing stuff. i appreciate our friendship and your strong engagement with me. you have significantly helped me more than most people in many deep perhaps even profound ways by helping me to see more clearly into my own shadows and those of some of the darker shadowy elements of this thing we call life at this perceived time.

all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.

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