Moon Shadow and Lighting Inconsistencies with official Apollo photos; Oaxaca Moon Mural with Yoshiko. Music: Mandy Moore – Moonshadow.
This essay is not to argue about the truth or not of the faked moon-landing. Once the truth of the fakery is seen no proof is needed because it is too obvious, even embarrassingly obvious, to deny the fakery or to admit you were once amongst the mainstreamers who ignored or castigated those god-damned evil lunatic conspiracy idiots. I was one, and so am guilty of not seeing the naked penis blowing in the wind. And, at the same time, without being willing to be curious of the non-veracity of the lunar landing, there is no proof or evidence that will be sufficient for it to be seen. Welcome to our reversed naked emperor world! (Pssst. Pass the 3D glasses and the GMO popcorn and fake butter, please.)
Any and all contrary statements, factual, speculative or other, are to be vilified, denied and damned in the same manner we saw done in the planned and executed play of the convid when anyone who questioned the scale, the medicines and the policies that were being jack-booted into our faces and into our bodies.
I laugh, now, with the now obvious realisation that Apollo is an appalling manifestation of naked emperor denialism, although coming from the opposite direction, sort of. Instead of an absence of evidence — no clothes — the moon landing tailors and their courtiers gave to those watching the parade unbelievable evidence as if it was truth. And like with the absence of the emperor’s clothes, the moon landing imagery needed to be fawned over with the exaggerated oohs and ahhs that hinted at fakery because fakery needs to be energised with more lies in order for it to override our innate truth sensors, sensors that include very importantly this body. And, as wise people have frequently taught, seeing truth anywhere is difficult at the best of times. And to see the naked truth of an unclothed emperor turns out to require the child-like unindoctrinated innocence of someone not having been bullied into acquiescence and acceptance of a naked penis-enviable lie. Or that pernicious myth of giant testicular proportions as being the singular proper, thus socially even morally acceptable, behaviour regardless of what is or is not true. I am the science™, after all!
What about a big lie that doesn’t actually require the imagination to manifest the evidence? The big lie that gives to the eye something else to see, the magician’s sleight of hand, the trompe-l’oeil that distracts us from what would otherwise be easily seen? Might that be an easier lie to disseminate into the society, than to be asked to ooh and ahh over something that isn’t actually there?
I confess to having lived my life until now as neither a denier nor advocate of lunacy conspiracy. I was, rather, one of the many who simply didn’t question its reality or not. Much like not needing to question the reality of the sun: it simple is there! Except, of course, that the ‘there-ness’ of the Apollo was an implanted mind-memory of false-truth and not experiential reality. It is indoctrination. That failure of attention to that socially implanted lie I now see is very likely the least honourable attitude or space of mind to hold. It lacks integrity because a lie is that which disconnects us from experiential truth. This lazy, unquestioning approach is to be inattentive to truth and in that silence the darkness and narcissistic schisms of such created socially acceptable even moral untruths grow until we are enslaved, narcissistically, to the liars’ truths. This was the core, after all, of Freud’s so-called seduction theory which was called by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson an assault on truth. See The Assault on Truth: Freud's Suppression of the Seduction Theory.
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The Lessons of Icarus be Damned! I Will God-Damned Well Do What I Want! And You Will Believe It!
The moon-landing is, perhaps, a modern version of the Icarus myth that, with the tools of MK-ULTRA and Operation Mockingbird, has been implanted deeply into our psyches, perhaps even into our collective unconscious. It is for many a truly sacred cow of man’s mastery over life as god-like creators. Were we not created in god’s image, after all? And thus we are by god’s own gifting of us, to us, free from the hubris of worshipping false idols when worshipping our accomplishments is to worship the gift that god gave us? How low can we go, though, when god drops out of that picture and simple or malicious egoist hubris replaces respect?
This essay began with my discovery of the truth of the faked moon-landing — until recent weeks I’d not even thought of looking at it, even in my time of recent awakening since the convid slapped me southways from Canada into México.
When the moon landing impinged on my life in grade school it was simply an odd curiosity and break from classroom learning indoctrination into what was, I now glean, an even deeper indoctrination — swallow the big, bigger biggest lie. Although, now that I reflect on those days of the black and white TV-altar, I have a clear and sharp remembrance of puzzlement, not even wonder, at how some of the pictures could have been made. It seemed to me, perhaps incorrectly at the time, that the angles didn’t make sense. Something was off about those pictures, something off that I felt more than thought. How could they have been made in the way I was seeing them if that was in fact the moon as I understood it at the time? I didn’t say anything then or going forward after that while the imagery went dark and the feeling faded into my unconscious — until last month.
Had I Accepted Or Not, Until Now, That Lie?
At least to some extent I had because, by inference, I went along with it. Which is why I felt surprise at the obvious fakery when I did actually look at it. Although much of that surprise is at how vociferously the fakery has been defended as true by supposedly very intelligent people. People who are often held up as ‘true’ government skeptics. Hmmmmm. And yet, I didn’t dispute it; I didn’t reject it. And with that quiescence the evil of lies is given the nourishment and space of darkness that allows it to continue to grow.
And I didn’t question the craziness language around it! Why shout the truth as if it needed to be defended? Now I blush, a little, that I have often referred to the loudest preachers of God as those most doubtful of God’s existence. It seems to me that their screaming is intended to shout down and out the small voice inside them that does not actually believe and that with seemingly infinite power asserts an absolute truth, which is that none of us have to believe what we are told we have to believe. And that small voice is perhaps the most powerful when it is expressing personal and/or intuitive experience that also goes against the have to beliefs being propagated by the master narrators — beliefs such as God and the Moon-Landing. (I explore the inherent lie which is the foundation of ‘have to’ as bully culture soma in
Unseen, We Live Bully Stockholm Syndrome And Other Oddities of Being Alive in a Miss-Spelled See of Words.)
Yes I’d heard the conspiracy rumours, of course. Especially since becoming a refugee in the time of the convid with its oceanic earthquakes and tsunamis of gaslighting and big, bigger biggest lies being exposed. The agents of the convid theatre smashed open pandora’s box and from it was discovery after discovery that there is nothing exiting Pandora’s box that has not been a lie by so-called trusted authorities — to date every important cultural trope I had thought of as true has either proven absolutely false or has shown itself to be open to valid, cogent skepticism.
With Seeing Moon Fakery, Something New In Understanding Schismogenesis To Me Came
More importantly, to me, was that the degree of fakery of that moon-landing-lie sparked something new in me. I came to have a deeper understanding of how meaning and truth are used as agents of psychic schismogenesis. That, perhaps, this big lie was created to perpetuate and propagate our enculturated narcissistic bully Stockholm Syndrome society in order to continue or expand the benefits the necromancers, the truth-narrative makers, receive from the lie. The real-world experience of the person the narcissist targets is bullied in various, mostly emotional/psychological, ways to believe the narcissist’s lie and to reject the truth of their own tactile sensual and intuitive experiences. The narcissist bullies out of the target the target’s trust in his/her own experience of self and of life. And, if done well, the target falls into puppet-like false-truth talking points that bolster the narcissist’s truthiness-tale. With time the bullied even may fully rely on, with complete co-dependency, the ‘trusted’ authority as the single arbitrator of what is true and not true, and what can even be allowed to be thought. ‘The moon landing is true, and only lunatics question it’ is the language of the bully culture demanding narcissistic obeisance.
With this split from the truth of the experience of existence, the false narrative that had been prepared to fill the rift is successfully implanted when all goes ‘perfectly’. In the case of the moon landing I argue that this time a false myth was created that puts man outside of, or beyond, god. That distinguishes it from the grounding nature of the Icarus myth where the high-flying god-man crashes into the reality of human limitation. And with the embodied truth-false schism the meaning of meaning becomes more important than the truth of experience because it is in an authorised meaning wherein we are told to find in the lie what is singularly true — and that that false-truth rests in imagination and mind masked as ethics and morality. It is not to be found, nor even can it be found, in that which is living man as a physically expressed energetic and energised being.
However, the body doesn’t lie. It knows when it is being lied to and being asked to hold into itself a lie even especially the big lie. Any psychological disregard for the truth of real world or intuitive experience which is embraced as true, when experience and truth do not coincide, become the foundation stones of psychological damage including severe neuroses. The British psychologist R.D. Laing elaborated on that in his interesting look at living the double-bind lie as a psychological root of schizophrenia in The Politics of Experience.
As I thought about this, I wondered: ‘How is that authoritarian demand for compliance to manufactured truth any different from communist/fascist social/government structures that likewise demand obeisance to false truths?’ And with big lies held as true, I now understand more profoundly why things like the unthinking ideologies of woke-left and/or woke-right propagate so easily: our culture is already living them in our modern man-made myths. God is dead! God bless the moon-landing because truth is our tool so bend the knee and kiss the mooning emperor’s hairy ass because there you will find meaning in the arbitrarily assigned moral and ethical truths being squeezed out. (Masks mandatory and nose-plugs optional, although recommended.)
YouTube Got Boring; My Body Went Soft on Directing me to Continue my WIP on Truth and Meaning and on Finishing My Epistle 6.2 to My Dead Father
My curiosity continues to direct me to extend my recently begun ‘research’ into the non-yogic world through social media. News and social media was something I’d almost completely ignored for the last ten years between being committed to work and my yoga practice. This five month social—media-initiation has taken its toll on my writing output and, to my mindful surprise, my bodyful direction is that it is fine with that for now.
On that particular anti-lunar-landing day in December I was a little restless with what to listen to or watch on YouTube and my bodyful was ambivalent about having me sit and write on truth and meaning. And it put off from me finishing my father epistle too.
Anyway, this or that YouTube suggested item didn’t feel right. And YouTube’s algorithm has become, by now, almost completely predictably pedantic and boring. And now I understand what ‘echo chamber’ means: a gluttony of confirmation of my errors of thought and perception. Mostly, although not 100% of the feeds were to stuff me with echo-chambers with an increasingly obvious bias to promote ‘safe’ echos with certain people and subjects. So I paused my search and, with that inattention, up into my mind popped Candace Owens. Wow! Big trouble in little China for sure. She is rarely in my feed, despite my having frequently watched and liked her videos, so she is certainly someone who is being shadow-banned by Google.
So I manually found my way to her channel through my subscriptions because even a careful search using her name didn’t take me to her channel. On her channel-list something that hadn’t been fed to me caught my eye. Uh-oh! Double uh-oh!! Not more conspiracy debunking?! Puh-lease! Yup, puff went another magic dragon.
”You Must Be Crazy” as Bully Narrative Control Narrative to Pretend that Defamation Isn’t Censorship: Wacko Cando the Anti-Semite of the Year is Full Gone Lunatic
Would Owens come to be an appropriate or inappropriate eccentric action that day for an embodied me? Was she to be just a crazy wastrel of time, a mindful distraction filled with lunacy, a conspiracy wack-jobber? Not knowing whence came the intuition — mind or body or something else — I asked, without muscle-testing that day, for an answer to, ‘Would simply embracing cat-curiosity and its demand for a trust-fall into watching Owens elicit an answer of yea or nay, to be or not to be an appropriate eccentric action?’
The lunatic epithet is just one of a now relatively long list of popular practices that the narrative controllers and their agents use to shut down perspicacious and mouthy people — when they simply don’t kill them. These methods include shunning, censorship, and the various other forms of a brutal social manifestation of a feminine form of tyranny through words and social outcasting that is comprised of well co-ordinated character assassination campaigns — especially through the legacy media, likely mostly directed by Operation Mockingbird. These social opprobriums frequently include one or a combination of the following: inappropriate sex especially accusations of rape, misopaedia (the abuse and sexual assault on children — as was done with Michael Jackson), antisemitism (as was done with Jackson), spying, being conspiracy and/or anti-vaxx proponents and the raft of x-phobics and more.
It is interesting that these are all behaviours associated with toxic femininity§ rather than toxic masculinity§. See ‘Toxic Femininity: The 4 Dark Truths Nobody Told You’ and/or Jasun Horsley’s look in his book Big Mother: The Technological Body of Evil. Examples of the lunatics now include Owens herself, whom popular social critic Konstantin Kisin, for example, once praised and now calls a right wing crazy. Really, Kisin? You fell for mockingbird tactics and stooped to using that shallow ad hominem attack because you don’t like her opinion on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s actions to eliminate the terrorist group Hamas and the slaughter of Palestinian children concomitantly with that? For that her opinion is both lunatic and dangerous? Yet haven’t you now done exactly what the narrative controllers do, against which you have been an intelligent and pointed critic, which is to decide what is true and to castigate as crazy those whom you consider to be dangerous and/or fraudulent liars?
§Note: I understand well that the necromancer master narrators of the game also include toxic masculinity in their repertoire of tools: examples of those include the assassinations of people like JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcom X; and actions like 9/11, 3/11, the Titanic, Pearl Harbour, The Lusitania, Operation Gladio terrorism, mass shooting, weather manipulation, directed fires, imprisonments, the suicided and, of course, the forever reliability of their manufactured wars.
The undeservedness epithets and social shunning in their various forms get turned on and against their targets quickly and with near pan media global conformity. Instantly the main stream media have an astoundingly precise unity of voice and language. Michael Jackson was a victim, and Kanye West too. Bye-bye Epstein and Bankman. Owens examines Jackson’s social demise with detail in What Really Happened To Michael Jackson? | Candace Ep 55’. And she is boldly predicting the same process has begun to be launched against Justin Bieber as he moves to separate himself from being controlled by the Hollywood media master gods. See Breaking News: Justin Bieber Is Exposing Hollywood. | Candace Ep 127 ~14:30.
Left Lunacy Goes DEI, Right?
Owens herself is an interesting example in a more inclusive way of the social switcharoos from evil witch to good witch to evil witch — depending on whether or not the woke glasses worn are left or right. In her beginnings her stand against Black Lives Matter (BLM) and associated left-woke ideology that it is critical to promote racist activism (aka CRT) were important reasons for her to be castigated by the woke-left as the evil witch. And at the same time she was being praised as a great mouthpiece of sense and sensibility with her reasoned, sharp and intelligent observations by the conservative, or woke, right. Ie, the good witch. And beyond that, she received accolades for her courage to step up to out progressive hypocrisies and lies even when doing that was politically incorrect and brought to her censure, threats and character assassination from the so-called wokies and their university indoctrinated mouthpieces and authorities.
2024 changed that when Owens turned her attention towards some of the sacred cows of the woke-right. So now she is being similarly character assassinated by what has been, with some reluctance and only recently, called the ‘woke-right’ — with woke-right being defined somewhat by James Lindsay and Konstantin Kisin for example. It is fascinating to me that Kisin hasn’t spotted his own hypocrisy about that yet. In
I wrote about there being in the left-right social methods and practices of castigation and ideological promulgation no tangible difference between woke-right and woke-left — both are founded in a top down, obeisance to authority and an authority structure that demands conformity of thought and speech. Their paths are different yet the goal is the same: the demand to cow-tow to the proper authority and for the removal of freedom to be individual in thought, speech and action. Each look to render the malcontented critics of the socially approved and sanctioned social order as completely undeserving of social respect.
So, before 2024 Owens was the great good witch and praised for effectively exposing the emptiness of the woke-left as unthinking even brain-dead activists promoting marxist ideology and the associated social unrest in complete ignorance of what they were doing. Then at a turning point in 2024 she became a lunatic of conspiracy theories, especially Jewish ones, by the woke-right and needed to be shut down with epithets of crazy and insane. That she also became a vocal Christian added fire to the opprobrium. Now, having become even more dangerous, she was awarded the winner of 2024 antisemite of the year!
On the Quality of Intention and Consequences to Truth Seeking
As far as I can tell the high quality of her intention has remained steadfast pre-and post 2024. Her passion is to know what is true and what is not. And that passion has strengthened each time the truth of so-called conspiracies and lies of the narrator masters are exposed. It seems to me that she is finding that bringing light to the lies, the big lies especially, has increasingly been energising — that is my perception of her changes and from my inference from how my own energetic feeling has changed as more and more of the master narrators’ lies have been released from my body. Releasing the lies moves us towards integration with life. The Apollo lie-dump was particularly noticeable in me for some reason. It evinced a huge and energised aha!
Owens keeps digging until her intuition and curiosity are satisfied. Pure intention. And doesn’t stop even with right-wing taboo subjects such as criticising how Israel’s leadership has responded to the 2024 Hamas attack and other questions involving different historical Jewish events and/or narratives. With time the result of what she digs into has been to see the bigger and uglier truths behind many of our sacred cows, not just so-called deluded hyperactive progressive woke-left anti-life delusions.
And as a dynamic human courageously extending herself into the unknown she hasn’t always hit the mark! She falls into wild speculation at times and so isn’t ‘perfect’ while ‘normally’ confessing to her speculations when that is what she is doing. For example, she speculated with a malicious approach to the state of Jordan Peterson’s mind and health that got Mikhaila Peterson’s attention and response here ‘Reaction to Candace Owens, X Censorship, Psych Meds, and General Stupidity’. Peterson’s rebuttal of Owens’ hit piece is actually a fascinating examination of health, the immune system, and how easy it is for all of us to not see true. This so-called negative interaction has brought a lot of valuable knowledge and awareness into the world — in a way, expanding the pharma-hidden truths about psyche meds as well as a broader understanding of how challenging and extensive can be the consequences of anaphylactic shock. So, while Owens’ is on the surface truly a mean-girl-like negative poke at Jordan Peterson, the response it generated was, to me anyway, a great thing by extending my knowledge about these things in ways not otherwise easily discovered.
And I wonder if perhaps I’ve included this seemingly unrelated aside because I have, like Owens, recently been speculating about a change I’ve noticed in Jordan Peterson: he has lost his sense of humour. I will write about that soon, I hope. What might that mean and why that change occurred. So my own wild speculations abound! And I would love to ask Owens why the meanness in her questioning of Jordan Peterson’s state of health.
The online conservative community has become increasingly bold and unapologetic in the era of Donald Trump, and while they happily coalesced to ensure he serves a second presidential term, that newfound assertiveness can mean that right-wing leaders and pundits don't always get along. Mikhaila Peterson, daughter of the venerable Dr Jordan Peterson, has found herself in a spat with MAGA darling Candace Owens, over the topic of immigrant visas to the US. Music: Meredith Monk, Bang on a Can — The Games: Spaceship.
Owens’s answer was, to me, only a partial answer. Jordan Peterson, while suffering from benzo withdrawals and a severe chemical reaction to something ‘hidden’ in a cider in a meal, had been posting erratically and/or irrationally and he became an X-Twitter trend that Owens covered with her own speculation. Owens doesn’t really address why she didn’t call Peterson up and find out what/if something was wrong, as a journalist might do before doing a 26 minute speculative attack. Mikhaila pointed out that Owens’s husband has Jordan Peterson’s contact information and so why not call. Is this maybe, I now speculate, a bit of the toxic femininity shadow side of Owens coming out. P.S.: Earlier today I did, as I said I would, join Owens’s Locals page and asked her for a conversation. Crossed fingers.
Return to the essay as originally posted.
Moon Dance! Yes More False Truth-Encrustations Are Chipped Away — Big Chunks of ‘Moon’ Rock Shatter Under an Abundance of Truth-Truing Synchronicities
Time did tell me that it was very appropriate for me to have listened to and to have watched Owens because this lunatic conspiracy diver engaged me with new social truths that debunked lies — maybe the biggest lie of all. Although there might be a bigger lie or lies involving the deep machinations of the world wars I and II, given how many people who question the glossy politically corrected aspects of them have been actively and aggressively destroyed as described above instead of being engaged with, with critical curiosity and intelligent dialogue and/or debate. (For example, David Irving.)
And my deep diving sister laughed gently at me because, as noted above, the evidence of the moon landing as poorly manufactured theatre is so obvious as to be shocking once seen. And it is because of that degree and the number of technical failures and even NASA’s unconsciously expressed admissions to it not having happened, that it is considered conspiracy theory debunk-101.. And, in a small synchronicity, Kisin’s 2024 year end wrap-up included guest Andrew Doyle’s comment that, with the rapid confirmation of the truth of so many conspiracy theories being revealed by one time lunatics as true, it is now a concern that every conspiracy theory is true regardless how crazy! He specifically cited the moon landing, amongst a couple of others, as one such unquestionable truth: “… all of the things you were told as being far right conspiracy theories came true. My worry with that is that you then end up with a lot of people I know that have gone completely mad and now believe every single conspiracy. They think Paul McCartney's dead that he was killed and … they genuinely think the moonlandings were fake …” See ‘Triggernometry End of Year Review 2024 with Andrew Doyle and Leo Kearse’ ~57:21 slightly edited. (Did you notice what might have been a Freudian slip: his affirmation that all conspiracies are true, then his later equivocation mollifying that by saying some conspiracies are mad.)
It is significant to me that within a few hours subsequent to viewing Bart Sibrel’s clear cut proof of moon-landing fakery that the ‘story’ became synchronistic in several ways beyond Triggernometry. As it happened Tiggernometry’s conspiracy alarm bells came a few days after some other synchronicities as a lovely and tasty organic marzipan dessert without white sugar within the Christmas week. Now I return to the pre-christmas desert synchronicities.
Truth, Meaning and Why Lies Make Matter Immaterial
My discovery of the faked moon landing became quickly an important doorway through which I came to explore a completely different, complementary and expansive approach to aspects of my current essay-in-process on the relationship between ‘truth’ and ‘meaning’. It turns out that Owens’s conversation with Sibrel clarified much and expanded my perception on ‘truth’ as a powerful tool of continuing schismogenesis within our bully culture when ‘truth’ is demanded as the target/butt of a manufactured meaning. By ‘manufactured meaning’ I mean the forced imposition onto/into the psyche of a powerfully created yet artificial myth, in the case of the Apollo, of man as the great, even nearly godlike, or godlike, moonwalker. And that that was done with methods of mind manipulation honed by MK-ULTRA and implemented by Operation Mockingbird through the media.
The question of what it means to the psyche to be nearly ‘god-like’ is an old question — the death of Icarus for example. And I now find my fingers typing me into that very questionwhere angels fear to tread, especially in the footsteps of elites like Nietzsche!
The myth-making techniques are those of the pathological narcissist, which include convincing the target that discernible experiential truths are false, immaterial, and that only the narcissist’s false narrative is true and meaningful. Any questioning of the narrative is brutally suppressed to the point that the target sees as true what is being projected by the narcissist. Brutality is required, often emotionally, physically and psychologically, because the narcissistic’s narrative will not survive any doubt in the targets’ consciousness. (Why targets succumb to lies and gaslighting is another huge topic I’ll not cover here. I addressed it in part in my series
On 'Mass Formation’, Woke and Corporatist News: Saviour from What?)
And thus the target, to survive, enters Stockholm Syndrome and splits away from the truth of experiential reality to that which is being narrated by the successful liar or, in the case of a society, the mockingbird liars and their narration-controlling henchmen. The expanding literature on the effects on the targets of narcissistic manipulation through lies, gaslighting and reality-denial is that it is highly traumatic and schismogenetic. An example of that brutality is well described by Saturday Night Live star Darrell Hammond in his documented life-long struggle with mental psychoses and recovery from narcissistic abuse by his mother in ‘Cracked Up’.
What might be the effects of narcissistic gaslighting and reality twisting on an entire society? This question comes to the heart of this essay because the moon landing is truly an epitome of the narcissistic techniques of building into a society a lie that has become so compulsively defended as true that questioners of that truth are marginalised as mad, lunatic, crazy conspiracy theorists. That method of denial itself is the gaslighting language of illogic and the denial of reason when simply citing the facts of reality would, in theory, be enough to close out as false the conspiracy. That hasn’t been done and in fact the opposite was and is being done.
Is that kind of narcissistic implant of a false narrative, especially a god-like one such as the Apollo myth, a part of the Manchurian CandidateMK-ULTRA mind-manipulations that enabled millions or billions of people to be triggered when the right stress-words were invoked in the right way by the mockingbird so that people as Manchurians simply walked with their anxiety and hope for relief by being injected with an unknown vial of chemicals and ingredients because a narcissistic science™-god told them to do it?
Tintin Walked on the Moon: the Appetiser Moon Landing Synchronicities as The Start of a Synchronicity Fest?
Synchronicities: el afiche, yoga posters, Tintin Walking on the Moon. Music: Meredith Monk, Bang on a Can All-Stars — The Games: Spaceship.
As I do every morning I looked into my Spanish word-of-the-day from Juan of The word of the day was el afiche, meaning ‘poster’. That was a little odd because the day before I had put onto my work table my yoga posters from 2023 for a 4 day silence course — included in the graphic above. I had put them there to energise my moving back to creating my next set of courses for 2025 after I found them by ‘accident’ while looking for a notebook with blank paper. What came to make their display interesting, perhaps even astounding, is that the graphic included with the Spanish word of the day el fiche was oddly different than usual in that it showed a pair of images leaning against a wall obliquely ‘away’ from the viewing plane. The one on the left had some writing that was too small for me to easily read. So I bent forward putting my nose near the screen and zoomed in to the image: I blinked my eyes in surprise that it was 1) a posterised cover to the French comic series ‘Tintin’ with him and his companions dressed in space suits and walking on the moon and 2) the title is On a Marché Sure La Lune that Google translated from the French as ‘We Walked On The Moon.’
Thus it was that as soon as I finished being debunked from Apollo narrative compliance to conspiracy awakened, poster-child like the synchronicities began with that French poster email post of an old classic French Comic book character, Tintin, walking on the moon within a few hours of my finding my old yoga-course posters.
The synchronicities continued in my email that morning, so playfully that what came to mind was the phrase given to me by new friends: the wink of the universe, a wordless language helping to out me from lies into truth. From another truth seeking friend I received a provocative email that synchronised with what I had been doing just an hour earlier:
Addendum: Before posting this I continued to edit the audio I made of it the previous night. Early in the morning of the 9th, 6:51 am my time, before I sat here to edit the audio before posting both the essay and audio the Juan Spanish word of the day delivered was ‘el guiño’, meaning ‘wink’.
I became inspired by the energy I felt with this connection to integrity of Life. And with that came a profound ‘aha’ experience of the falling from my body of the energy-drain of holding a social lie within it as a truth. The new truth of Apollo being a sham dropped out from me any conscious or unconscious weights of meaning as truth or truth as meaning. And the lightness that that created, or in actuality set free, was profound joy.
These ‘winks’ from the Universe also woke in me the strong desire to ask Owens if she would join me for a conversational podcast. Yes, highly unlikely and I’ve not actually done such a podcast for broadcast before. And I decided to ask her via her Locals page — after I got this posted in Substack. (I thought that that would be on Dec 28th at the latest!) And with that another feeling came up strongly, resonating with the same feeling I had begun to experience earlier in 2024, a few weeks after my pacemaker surgery: to boldly reach out into the world in a way I hadn’t done before. At that time I checked in with the PS-RAP (Psyche-Somatic Resonance Awareness Process). The process confirmed that my time as living and searching mostly in isolation and introspection and study have ended. It is time to begin to move my energy, with brahmacharya, into appropriate eccentric action. I am to begin to more fully engage the world. To be engaged with life with full intention. And so when I did go to find Owens’s Locals page I was surprised to get another wink: she had the affirmation prayer “I am Free. It’s time to build” Candace Owens, 2022. That felt so strong to me that I captured the image of it and was inspired to write my own mantra for 2024/25. Update Note:when I went to join her Locals page, I did not see that mantra again. It had been replaced with Christmas merch for sale and I was unable to find the mantra until after I became a paid subscriber.
Candace Owens Bart Sibrel; My first time welcome to Owens’s Locals Page: ‘I am free. It’s time to build’ which is my sankalpa (Intention) for 2025 born in 2024. Music: Ravi Shankar, Philip Glass — Prashanti.
And here is my own mantra/prayer to change my life:
Yes! 2024 was my beginning to build and now late in the year it's time for me to extend, to reach out to community after a long period, more than ten years, of intensive self reflection and shadow work with yoga as journey-guide into truth.
I am here, now, to extend my Self to those who rebuff truth and seek darkness as analgesic; and I am to reach out to those who are being rebuffed for being the truth seekers, the light bearers, the shaman's, buddhas and embodiments of Christ who dare to bring to us the golden truths of existence that are undermining the lies being used to trick us into living life as a hell when it is in fact joy.
Displacing Mythological Truth With The Lie: One Giant Step Towards Man Displacing God As A Knife to Kill the Heart
I felt more strongly that my life-energy, my body, was asking me, guiding me, to turn my eyes more outward than they had been doing for dozens of years as a dedicated introspective truth-of-self searcher. The impulse to engage with eccentric and bold activity felt like it had opened up, or freed up, something inside me that had been penned-in and constricted, reduced or diminished. With the falling away of that big lie, something significantly constricting had fallen away. And at the same time something else had fallen into place, into an alignment with the feeling of integrity. It was as if seeing that lie on that day last month, that one big lie that society had told me was a turning point truth in human history or indeed something akin to a proper modern day myth of the symbol of human scientific god-greatness, had freed me to be bold and to true my heart to be integrated with my heart’s desire to be aligned with the energy of life — whatever that is.
And I realised a profound ‘truth’, that the purpose of such big and carefully manufactured lies was that their acceptance as truth in mind and memory was to break us away from our hearts where truth joyfully beats. Our bodies are truth. Lies to ourselves — either our petty lies or the big socially constructed lies — are a disruptive dis-harmonising energy of such profound proportions that the lie creates in memory, dream and meaning the power to disembody mind-consciousness. To separate and ultimately split us away from the joy of the body as simply what is truth and to push us to live within the fluctuations of anxiety that comprise 100% of living in memory-dreams and/or in dream-hopes instead of the now whence our hearts beat.
2nd post post synchronicity insert. Today, January 11th in the night, I finished listening to Peter and Jessica Duke make an interesting observation on a possible, reasonable sounding argument, for the driving energy by the oligarchs, as the Dukes call the necromancer-narration-masters, to kill god: to render the USA’s declaration of independence null and void because it grounds itself with the argument/claim that all men are equal under the law of God or/ of Natural law. The argument the Duke’s suggest is that that statement is unique in the history of governance — I don’t know if that is absolutely true or not yet it seems true in the last 2500 years or so of history. And from that statement of self-evident truth the first and second amendments are a serious impediment to one-world governance under un-elected oligarchic control. Good argument or not? Maybe. Without question it is an interesting one. And a lovely small additional synchronicity with my look at the reason for the moon landing hoax: a knife cut to god as a source of living an integrated and powerful life with freedom to speak and take action against tyranny.
End of second synchronicity insert. Back to original post.
I’m not saying anything others haven’t said before. It feels to me new and ancient at the same time.
Truth is joy! And when truth is reduced to meaning, or meaningfulness, the joy is largely absent. And this opens up the possibility of why the narration masters propagate so aggressively the big lies as gaslighting narcissistic truths: the body knows the lie, and living liefuly, or living with the lie, mutes or even destroys the connection to the joy that the truth of the body as living life actually is.
Truth is joy!
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all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy. 🙏❤️🧘♂️🙌☯️🙌🧘♂️❤️🙏
In July of 2024 I had unexpected pacemaker surgery that cleaned out my savings.
I requested donations to help me through the pinch. I anticipate that my immediate threat of insolvency will be cleared before the end of the year.
If you have come to this essay before January 1, 2025, and you are in position to help and would like to, you can check out the details of that in the link in the post. Once my yoga based trauma recovery centre is given the green light with confirmation of my residency, I anticipate the need for immediate financial help will disappear. As the situation changes I will update my requirements. At this time, I’m about 1/3 of what I anticipate is required. So if you are curious and would like to help me, please consider my request for donations and give an amount, if you are called to do so, that gives you joy. I appreciate and am grateful for you giving me your consideration.
I received the following comment as a dm. i asked the comment maker if it was okay to share and if so could i share it publicly or anonymously. i was given the dm okay to share and to keep it anonymous.
Hello Guy, how are you? I liked the essay you just published.
What is interesting for us to understand is that lies are fed down 'both sides' from the big lie . Both in terminology and so called conspiracies ha ha. Often the same people start the conversations from the top and encourage the lie and the counter lie. So called 'truth' and 'conspiracy' language are then controlled by the same agents.
If you look into what happened in Stockholm to start the term Stockholm Syndrome you may see that is also a term used 'against' - in a weird mirror universe kind of way. Being the age we are we have lived our whole lives in a complex web of lies so that now we have very little chance of uncovering truth (without) which is exactly as it was intended.
Engaging in the world (people, society, making money, so called normality) becomes a new challenge every time we step outside of our own space doesn't it!
You are brave to try again and I wish you luck , although maybe you need only clarity. I am sure if you continue to listen to your own truth from within you will navigate a new path and I will watch your progress with interest.
I am not ready for this yet, I feel. I continue to brush the cobwebs from my face in shock and horror every time I take another look. The web of lies I believed 🤦 I am thankful to see and I would not change it even if I could but it still causes pain which is my reminder in itself. A bit like being kept awake with a little electric shock therapy ha ha.
No one could accuse me of being a believer of false government stories generally … and I’m certainly willing to disbelieve even more narratives than I currently disbelieve. However, it is very obvious that the “moon landings hoax” narrative is a psyop.
Prominent moon hoaxers including Bill Kaysing, Dave McGowan, Massimo Mazzucco and Bart Sibrel have not uttered a single word in their books / films that refute the reality of the moon landings.
If astronauts really hadn’t landed on the moon why would they not say A SINGLE WORD that refutes their reality? How would that even be possible? We know that agents mix truth with lies but for an event that was faked why would they ONLY put forward false claims.
In the headlining image, mention is made of: shadows not being parallel; no stars showing and a lunar spotlight. All these seeming anomalies have been explained endlessly.
“American Moon was very very selective in choosing the pictures which show apparent falloff and completely ignoring the huge number which show the exact opposite. I think the apparent falloff could be explained by slopes in the moon's surface, but there is no way to explain the pictures that don't show falloff, unless they were taken on the moon.”
They started pushing out anti-moon landing propaganda BEFORE they even happened - in the 1968 30-min BBC drama, The News-Benders. That’s how much those in power want to target the disbelievers in order to control their minds too. They just luuurve to control the minds of the disbelievers as much as those of the believers … if not moreso.
I received the following comment as a dm. i asked the comment maker if it was okay to share and if so could i share it publicly or anonymously. i was given the dm okay to share and to keep it anonymous.
Hello Guy, how are you? I liked the essay you just published.
What is interesting for us to understand is that lies are fed down 'both sides' from the big lie . Both in terminology and so called conspiracies ha ha. Often the same people start the conversations from the top and encourage the lie and the counter lie. So called 'truth' and 'conspiracy' language are then controlled by the same agents.
If you look into what happened in Stockholm to start the term Stockholm Syndrome you may see that is also a term used 'against' - in a weird mirror universe kind of way. Being the age we are we have lived our whole lives in a complex web of lies so that now we have very little chance of uncovering truth (without) which is exactly as it was intended.
Engaging in the world (people, society, making money, so called normality) becomes a new challenge every time we step outside of our own space doesn't it!
You are brave to try again and I wish you luck , although maybe you need only clarity. I am sure if you continue to listen to your own truth from within you will navigate a new path and I will watch your progress with interest.
I am not ready for this yet, I feel. I continue to brush the cobwebs from my face in shock and horror every time I take another look. The web of lies I believed 🤦 I am thankful to see and I would not change it even if I could but it still causes pain which is my reminder in itself. A bit like being kept awake with a little electric shock therapy ha ha.
Much love to you. Courage xx ❤️
No one could accuse me of being a believer of false government stories generally … and I’m certainly willing to disbelieve even more narratives than I currently disbelieve. However, it is very obvious that the “moon landings hoax” narrative is a psyop.
Prominent moon hoaxers including Bill Kaysing, Dave McGowan, Massimo Mazzucco and Bart Sibrel have not uttered a single word in their books / films that refute the reality of the moon landings.
If astronauts really hadn’t landed on the moon why would they not say A SINGLE WORD that refutes their reality? How would that even be possible? We know that agents mix truth with lies but for an event that was faked why would they ONLY put forward false claims.
In the headlining image, mention is made of: shadows not being parallel; no stars showing and a lunar spotlight. All these seeming anomalies have been explained endlessly.
Why no stars -
Why shadows don’t appear parallel -
Seeming spotlight -
“American Moon was very very selective in choosing the pictures which show apparent falloff and completely ignoring the huge number which show the exact opposite. I think the apparent falloff could be explained by slopes in the moon's surface, but there is no way to explain the pictures that don't show falloff, unless they were taken on the moon.”
My page with links to other pages exposing the psyop that is the “moon landings hoax”.
What really takes the cake?
They started pushing out anti-moon landing propaganda BEFORE they even happened - in the 1968 30-min BBC drama, The News-Benders. That’s how much those in power want to target the disbelievers in order to control their minds too. They just luuurve to control the minds of the disbelievers as much as those of the believers … if not moreso.