Becoming A Refugee in the Time of Covid
Becoming A Refugee in the Time of Covid Podcast
My Moralist Friend And Me — The Letter — Audio

My Moralist Friend And Me — The Letter — Audio

My Long and Not Really Funny, Maybe/Hopefully Lightish, Reply to My Friend’s Good Intentioned Moral Plea to Me to Come Back Home to Canada

For those of you who prefer SoundCloud:

Here are the links in the essay:

Essay that preceded the letter:

For the curious, here is the link to the two pdf attachments that I attached to the letter.

To read the letter along with the audio:


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YouTube Talk

🙏 If this essay gave you some pleasure, and/or an ‘aha’ , extend our human intimacy and become a paid subscriber. 🙏

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🙏 All the best with what is changing. Everything changes. Peace, respect, love and exuberant joy. 🙏

If you are curious about my surgery and would like to help me out, for details and links, please see:

I appreciate and am grateful for you taking the time to be with me for a few minutes.

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Becoming A Refugee in the Time of Covid
Becoming A Refugee in the Time of Covid Podcast
The events of my life after my partner and I refused to be injected and became covid refugees in the time of the great reset. The 'reset' became the kick that opened us to the Spirit of the Universe and to 'trust-fall' into appropriate eccentric action.
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Appears in episode
Guy Duperreault